The age when Korea was dramatically enriched
Tomohisa Ishimizu
"Can see at a glance how Korea changed
in Japan-Korea annexation"
Subtitle-Setting-Subtitle (1)-Automatic Translation-Language
"It is necessary for both sides of Japan and Korea
to re-evaluate the annexation period correctly
in order to fundamentally normalize the relationship
between Japan and Korea."
What was particularly impressive in the comments and discussions given
in the articles published in Agora and Blogos was the difficulty
in assessing the situation at that time with the values ​​at that time.
When It tried to delve deeper into the situation and values ​​at that time
in order to deepen the discussion,
It was faced with the problem that the materials were not available.
At that time,
It was able to meet a book that was evaluating the Japan-Korea annexation
in detail based on the values ​​at that time.

That is the book,

"The New Korea by Allen Ireland,

is a time when Korea has become dramatically richer."


Author Allen Ireland (1871-1951) was born in England.

He is a special member of the Royal Geographical Society

and an expert on colonial management .

Before writing this book,

the British rule of Burma-Malaya-Commonwealth

of Straits-Sawarak-North Borneo-Hong Kong,

the control of the Philippines by the United States,

the control of Java by the Netherlands, the control of Indochina

by France, etc. It have published 3 books.

He taught at Cornell University, the University of Chicago,

and the Lowell Institute.



Experts in colonial studies

spent most of the 1922 ruled by Governor Saito on the Korean peninsula

to investigate the situation of annexation between Japan and Korea,

" A rare scene where a civilized nation ruled another civilized nation "


Look directly at

This book is

an attempt to introduce in some detail the purpose, method,

and results of Korean rule by Japan .


After reading this book,

It realized that there are too many things It want to convey as articles,

and It often thought about it.



It would like to evoke the curiosity of the reader in the form of quoting

and commenting on places that particularly impressed me.


critics, bloggers and others as much as possible get interested in this book

by this article, get a detailed understanding of the situation

and values ​​at the time by obtaining and perusaling,

and evaluate the Japan-Korea merger correctly It decided

to use it as an introductory article

to receive it as one of the necessary materials.

This book can be read in both original English and Japanese translations,

so it is highly recommended for Korean readers who can read English.




The writings on Korea already exist like a mountain,

many of which are very interesting and important.


most of them fall under one of the following two.

That is, depictions of countries and people,

and controversies such as attacks or admirations

on Japan's Korean rule based on materials selected for any purpose.



These reports contain a great deal of valuable commentary and a great deal

of statistical data,

but as a result of careful reading of the reports for the past 10 years,

the kind of work I've imagined is only from those materials

It came to think that It could not write. (Pages 11-13)



In the area of ​​international policy,

Japan's annexation of Korea is a good place to dispute at the bifurcation

of political beliefs, ie imperialist or nationalist.

Readers depend on which school they belong to

" Japan has the right to control Korea, "

Or " Koreans have the right to be an independent nation "

And will tell myself.


The word "right" is generally used in this context,

but it has made the real problem very ambiguous in the controversy

of both imperialists and nationalists.


This is because, in a particular situation,

which of the tenets is " right " (meaning that "right" also means right)

can only be determined by referring

to the circumstances surrounding the situation . (Page 33)


"To argue for imperialism or nationalism,"

It is a surprise as well as a harvest that there was an opinion contrary

to imperialism from that time.

When we think of the present age,

" The premise that it is natural for developed countries

to colonize underdeveloped countries during the era of imperialism "

It tend to think at.

This sentence suggests that it was not necessarily the case .



The Japanese rule of Korea and the structure

of the opposition nationalists' opposition are good examples of this point.

The Japanese are proud of their achievements in this regard.




The above is an irrevocable fact , which will be substantiated

by the materials described in later chapters.

However, Korean nationalists make malicious meaning to these facts .

According to them,

the purpose of the road construction is to speed up the movement

of Japanese troops, and the education system is only a clever trap designed

to destroy Korean ethnicity.




The situation thus created

is well known to those engaged in colonial government research .

In other words,

"It is a mistake for the local government to set up construction of roads

and schools, because the motive is impure."

"It is also wrong that the administration does nothing.

This is because it is an obvious responsibility

for imperial rulers to give such benefits to the member states J

(and so will be blamed anyway). (Page 39-41)


Because Japanese politicians understood the situation well,

It did not expect that whatever economic policy was in Korea,

It would not escape criticism from Koreans and foreign experts.

Japanese settle down on the Korean peninsula where they invest capital,

encourage commerce, industry and agriculture,

give huge tangible assets to Korea, and contribute much to Koreans' health,

happiness and prosperity. Even so,

critics must blame North Korea for its development

for the benefit of the Japanese . (Pages 445-447)


Whatever good government the colonial government does,

no matter how rich or happy the natives are,

it is what the colonial government does for its own benefit

and that any good conduct is subject to denial It

a view that goes through the very modern Korean government .

Should we be sad that we today have not made

as much cultural progress as they did 100 years ago?



It am not convinced that economic development,

whether it benefits or not, is a measure of social progress.



with regard to Korea, during the period shown in the above table ,

Japanese rule in Korea was established to improve Korea's profits,

rather than the benefits that governments

other than Japan brought to any country in the world.

It can be said that the contribution made is greater . (Pages 531-533)



Koreans should look straight to this fact,

and Japan should not shout out this fact.

Because Japan was hoping that the Korean government wanted

“United States,” what was finally done was

“Annexation,” and there is no denying that there may be a national

“deception” by Japan. It is from.


We Japanese think that the Korean government

should develop Korea and bring happiness and hope

to many Koreans in the conclusion theory.


Last but not least,

it is not the form of the government (the democratic country or the colony)

that the author Mr. Allen was focusing on,

but rather the administration that is the content

of that It think that it was about the effect .



from the perspective of those educated in Korea,

there may be something that is not acceptable

for the "facts" or "evaluations" that Mr. Allen has described in detail.



I hope that you make an effort to accept it calmly as a fact.

Also, for many Japanese,

It would like to keep in mind that it is necessary to keep in mind

that there was a negative opinion against Korea-Japan annexation

(or imperialistism) in and out of Korea at that time as well. think.



" Korean annex highly valued by British scholars "

"Weekly Shinshio" January 23, 2014 issue
Japan Renaissance 591


The most powerful Japanese allies against

China and South Korea's history against Japan are historical facts.

It have always insisted on this, but now,

“THE NEW KOREA-a time when Korea (koria)

became dramatically richer (time)” (Sakura Flower Publishing)

is acquired and strengthened its thought ing.


This large book on page 695 is a book published

by Englishman Allen Ireland in 1926 (Showa year),

translated by the Sakura Flower Publishing Company into Japanese,

and questioned the world in the form

of a Japanese-English parallel translation. Thing.


At the time,

he was one of the leaders in colonial policy research

and published three books on colonial policy in addition to this book.

Why did you study Japan's Korean rule?

He writes,

"It shows the rare scene that one civilized nation

ruled another civilized nation."


"It is true that when Japan annexed the Republic of Korea in 1910,

the realities of life on the Korean peninsula were extremely disastrous."



it is not because of the inferiority of the people of the Korean Peninsula,

"The foolishness and corruption that has

almost characterized the Korean dynasty over the past 500 years",

In the meanwhile, it has spread steadily


He analyzes it because it is

" a system that is covered

with the brutal acts and corruption of the dynasty ".


He tries to take an objective point of view to study Korean rule.

The first goal is to clarify through facts

what the Japanese government aimed at and what kind

of method was adopted in Korean rule,

regardless of either imperialism or nationalism. It is said that.


As a result, the title of the book became " new Korea ",

and it is also written that the title itself is the key

to read the contents of this book.


There are many points that It feel in this book.

One of them is the high praise for the rule of the Korean governorate.

We Japanese people tend to look back on Korean annexation

with bitter feelings.



in recognition of the black spots in Japanese rule,

researchers in third countries have a completely different view

from the view of “dark rule of violence and exploitation”

planted by Japanese in postwar education. do.