Islands that became tombs, forgotten islands,
islands that remember Lai đại hàn

2019-02-11 [Hankyore 21] [a story that Gogyounthi could not achieve in 1968]
Vietcongベトコン ライダイハン   Lai Đại Hàn 慰霊碑Cenotaph
"I was scared and I could not dare see the Korean army.

They held the gun in their hands, and the clothes were mottled.
They told a story I could not catch "

BC (Vietcong), BC state "is clear.

I called them "Onron (Onglon · Uncle) Onron" and asked.

I prayed for rubbing my hands, please do not shoot me. "

"Onron (onglon · uncle) onron"

Dawn Duncey GoNoi Island Map.
Cenotaph (left) and the mausoleum in front of the Lehun family. In Cenotaph,
it is said that the US military killed 32 people in front of Han Grandma's house
and 5 people in secret shelter.
Residents are mercenaries Korean troops helped the US military
Residents said that US forces members were few.
It is the daughter of Lehun, Retetin, the oldest sister of Retituton.

She is the survivor of Tayhan's GoNoi island massacre testimony
for the first time in front of Koreans.

About 8 o'clock the morning of the day, Reti bin, a ten-year-old girl,
heard the sound of a soldier riding a car.
I was in my garden with my mother Letiun Oto (39) at home
and my youngest sister (3)

I entered the underground pit.
I just called it "Emby" (the seventh)
which did not have the official name of younger sister.
 My mother of 3 months pregnancy was in a state where her belly
was slightly swollen.
 The Korean army beckoned to get out from the front of the shelter.
My mother and brother were shot as soon as they came out.
Youngest sister Emby was full of blood,
Youngest sister Emby went up to the body
of a mother who died instantly before
Youngest sister Emby was out of breath, trying to suck up breast milk.
Only Rethivin Being dragged about 50 meters on the spot
where there is a memorial monument now
and forcedly mixed with the gathered residents.

I had to pray if I tried to live.
"Onron (onglon · uncle) onron"

"The Korean army shot a gun.
And threw a grenade.
Fainted When I woke up I was laying under other people.
I Bloody blood
I thirsty with blood sore throat.
I spun round the periphery and looked for water.
I crawled towards a village where no one was there.
Meeting the neighbor's older brother I know,
With the help of his mother of the house I hid again in the shelter shelter.
If I set fire for the meal, đại hàn can find it for smoke
Becouse I thought that I was eating little by little.
At that time I had little consciousness. "
The survivors of the massacres I met testified without exception and wept.
Retivin was the same.
Retivin eyes were red while Retivin was talking.

When Retivin got cold, Retivin brought her coat and wore it.
Recently Retivin dreaming of that day.
The moment of that day remembers the most lively in Retivin lifetime.
Even after 50 years,
its memory that is continuously played like a broken record,
that trauma may not end until it dies.
Letivin was lucky as it was.
After surviving at the scene of the incident,
blood transfusion received at Thienvan Hospital
Letivin was to escape death.
After being released in 1975,
Letivin got an opportunity to see a doctor in Saigon's biggest tour hospital.
It was thanks to having a rich father.
A western people doctor inspected the face and said that all nerves were expired
and recovery was impossible.
The right eye is blindness, the left side cheeks are marks of bullets grazed,
all the flying left back teeth,
Debris of grenades remaining in the buttocks, thighs and left wrist.

Retivin showed his own corner where scars were carved.
"My father came to the house three days after the incident.
At that time My father went to the scene and saw the dead body.
We buried a carcass in the soil without a pipe or a gauza(mat),
We saw a tree and displayed it.
My family eventually left the island and emigrated to the territory
of southern Vietnam in Tieranza, but in 1972 I came back. "
Retivin 's house is in Dawn (Boom)' s
Dansei Dolokuhyon Daitong Safu Ponchon.
Oriental medicine Lehun came to see the patient also in this area,
but said that the son-in went to see him at a later date.
Retivin's husband, bones increase Ad is a symptomatic disorder.
My father joined us and settled here after marriage.

Outsourcing of war
During June 1969, during the operation of SUNNYON 12-1,
Korean military Republic of Korea Marine Corps crossing the river
<Republic of Korea Marine Corps - family tree of the most robust army
in the world>
1968 May - August 'Alan Brook' strategy deployed on GoNoi Island
US soldiers are searching for areas suspected
of enemy latency by putting a train in front.
Professor Gerald Weight, A state of staying at Go Noi island
as the US Marine Corps first division civil affairs in 1970.
Strategic village with Vietnamese children.
I found out the fact that there is a memorial monument
on GoNoi island by chance.
 It was an American professor from a participating soldier.
The name is Gerald Weight (72).
He is an anthropologist who retired in 2010 from a ball institution
at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana, USA a
nd is currently a part-time researcher at the University 's Peace
and Conflict Research Center.

He went to "International Web Portal Journal" (IJWP) issued in August 2014
"Outsourcing of War: What You Get instead of Mercenaries"
(Outsourcing a war: Whatyou get for your mercenary dollar).

In this paper,
he gives examples of experiences he experienced on serious adverse effects
of war outsourcing. It's about GoNoi island.
Professor Weight was dispatched to GoNoi Island as the US Marine First
Division civil officer from the end of December 1969 to January 1971.

He was also responsible for GoNoi strategic village construction project.
Since 2000, a total of 16 visits to Vietnam, including research purpose,
The main concern was how the village of GoNoi island changed
and the residents overcome the shadows of war.
He will know the presence of a memorial monument near
the Lehun family in 2004.
Since 2000, there was a small stone monument
and a shrine that the prefectural memorial gird was built first.
However, there was no inscription.

He was just looking for a place where one of his soldiers was killed
by a booby trap.
People said that in a place with a memorial monument,
the Korean army gathered civilians and killed them.
When He visited back with his students in 2008,
it was recorded as a remembrance of the memorial monument,
a massacre of the US military.
Residents identified the Korean army with the US military.
Professor Wait interviewed Lehun, Retivein women, who I met, in 2004.
This area was before boomer (Dawn) Duncey Historical
and Cultural Archaeological Site was certified.
In the paper, in order to make solar calendar and Lunar calendar
on the day of the incident coincide,
it is interesting to see a part of discussion with the Lehn family and frustration.
However, the accident year is the year of the cock year of 1970
(the actual year of the cock year is 1969)
I told Professor Weight by e - mail that 1970 really matched,
arguing that it was 1969 based on reasonable grounds.
After confirming it to Korea, I confirmed Rethivin several times.
Is it in 1968, in 1969, in 1970?
Cenotaph wrote up to the
Sexagenary_cycle(New Year) and it was 1968.
Rethibin said again that it was 1968.
When asking, "Why there are no prisoners of war to you how troops?",
This answer came back.
"Have you not given money to kill Vietcong?
The easiest way to measure mercenary warfare was to count dead bodies.
If only the corpse was found it was deemed that the battle was done well,
Who controlled the Korean army in terms of dministration of justice? "
It is an analysis that such mercenary ethics prepared the basis
of a cruel act together with obscurity command system.
(Can we simply define the Korean army
who exercised the command over command independently
in Vietnam as a mercenary?
"It is important whether payment for consideration whether mercenary
or alliance is important" Said. )
He asks questions about inhumanity
and responsibility of the war outsourced in the thesis.
Taking a private military company (PMC) that worked in the Iraq battlefield
in the United States as an example, raising doubts as
to whether this method can end war and contribute to effective peacekeeping.
To the center, there is a case of GoNoi island involving the Korean army.
What weight and meaning does this incident have
in all cruelty acts done during the Vietnam War?

Professor Weit wrote in the paper "If you consider the many victims
of the Vietnam War,
the GoNoi island massacre is a drop of bucket and pond water".
A drop of water in the pond!
I do not know if similar cases involving the Korean army were more
on GoNoi island.
 Survivor If the testimony of Rethivin is correct,
Republic of Korea Marine Corps (Blue Dragon troops)
put their feet on GoNoi Island in February 1968.
In 1969, Sunnyeon 12, 13 operations were carried out.
I also went to the island in 1970 when it was devastated like a sandbox
by bombing
(We infer from the content of a paper in which Professor Weight talks
to the Korean army).
However, <Powell Korean Army War History>
of the Defense Ministry Battle Death Compilation Commission
that recorded the Korean military activities by date is bad and easy.
Looking hoary with patina is just a story and a brilliant achievement.
In what way did the Vietnamese people see the operation of Sunnyeong
in 1969 on GoNoi Island that seems to have been a great success in terms
of battle and loss (rather than the US military)?
If I went there many times in 1968, how did it come out again?
Even if it is not a close massacre, an artillery unit consumed the most bombs

How much is the human who died in the shelling on this island without doubt?
A lot of story of Vietnam war that <Powell Korean army battle death>
did not tell
From April 1999  Vietnam war  gradually showed up through <Hankyore 21>.

When 20 years have passed, GoNoi islands will now appear.
I stayed at the island for the whole day and met my family.

It is still in the pond water level.

GoNoi Island (Vietnamese Quang Nam) = sentence · photo Ko · gyontee
<February 12, 1968>

Cooperation cooperation Humvee Peace Foundation,
Sponsored account KB Kookmin Bank 878901-00-009326,
Inquiries 02-2295-2016
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