SK Construction, Turkey 3.2 trillion bridge construction period
18 months shorter Concentration of interest

Lee Sung-jin reporter profile | 2019-01-22
3.6 km Suspension Bridge, 85 km Connection Road "Canakkale"
Project Reduced by One Year or More
Lao's dam collapse accident Deja Vu ...
"Man-made calamity due to impossible shortening of construction period"

The construction term of "Tanukko's Canakkale suspension bridge"
project under construction by a domestic construction company
is scheduled to be shortened.
Construction can earn more money as soon as completion is completed,
but there is concern that the tiredness of the construction site
will increase as planned to be shortened more
than one year from the original plan.

In particular, SK construction, which is one of the constructions,
has not solved the suspicion that
the "Laotian collapse" that occurred earlier
is due to shortening the construction period.
According to industry,
Jordrum Yıldırım Akbulut · Chairman
of the Turkish Grand National Assembly recently announced that
"1915 Canakkale Bridge" founded
in the Caisson foundation construction ceremony
"The completion time was planned in 2023 to commemorate
the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Turkey,
We can strive to complete it by March 2022, "he said.
This project is 3.2 trillion won (approx. 2,851.83 million US dollars),
which is a project to construct and operate a 3.6 km
suspension bridge in Tunica Canakale area and 85 km connection road.
A consortium composed of domestic construction company SK Construction,, Turkish maker Remark and Yap Merkeye, won the project
by breaking the Japan Remote Island Additional Consortium
with a bid in January 2016.
Each owns 25% of the shares.
The project is a public-private cooperation project of
"BOT (Construction, Operation, Transfer)" method that gives constructors
the right to operate roads and bridges for a certain period of time
and can obtain the return on investment even after completion.
SK Construction started construction in March 2017,
and secured at least profit and undertake management
for 16 years and 2 months.
The faster the completion time is, the more advantageous it is.
However, as the construction period is moving forward excessively
than planned, concerns about side effects accompanying it will come up.
Originally completed was September 2023,
but it was shortened in March 2022 and it was shortened by 18 months.
An official of A large construction company,
"At the time of bidding It is not a good situation
that the construction period planned by substantial calculation itself is changed.
In the case of road construction, basically, I was concerned that "no accident"
is important as it is a situation where the worker's fatigue is high
and the construction term is shortened by more than one year.
Especially in the case of SK construction, unless the outcome of the cause
of the Lao PDR situation has yet to come out,
pressure for the shortening of the construction period will continue.
Prior to last year, in July of the same year, record fires heavily in the area
of ​​Laos, accidents involving one part of five auxiliary dams were lost,
fresh water was overwhelmed,
hundreds of casualties occurred
More than 6000 victims of the disaster occurred.
Suspicion called "man-made calamity" was subsequently raised due
to shortened construction period of construction SK construction.
(The rain was little, forgery, Shoddy construction work done
with some a lot of corner-cutting is lost and Impression operation.
Democratic lawmakers belonging to the National Assembly Planning
and Finance Committee,
Democratic Party members comprehensively analyzed
the materials submitted by the Planning and Finance Department,
the Korea Export-Import Bank, the Western South Korea Power Generation,
etc. and the Central Conference Council document of SK Construction in 2012.
As a result, SK He argued that construction tried
to pursue excessive profits due to design changes.
According to the material,
SK Construction and Construction Company PNPC maintains
the construction contract amount of the final contract in November 2013,
but the main condition agreement
"Early completion incentive bonus" reserved at the time of conclusion of HOA,
the contents of which agreed before this agreement is concluded,
will pay 20 million dollars if early fresh water before
August 1, 2017 was done Condition was added.
Dam construction started in November 2013, 7 months behind
the original schedule,
but freshwater started in April 2017 as originally planned.
In addition, SK Construction, which was originally 6 months
in freshwater period,
completed freshwater on July 25, 2017 for
the first time in 4 months to receive early freshwater incentives.
This was also shortened to two months from the plan.
Rep. Kim Kyung-hyeop said,
"It is difficult to avoid pointing out that freshwater was started early,
although it was a late construction due to obsessed
with receiving freshwater bonus of 20 million dollars."

Currently, the Government of Laos is investigating the cause
of the accident and the results will be announced soon.
An official of B large construction company,
While saying,
"It seems that it is not likely to be a common way to hire personnel
to hurry the bridge construction air a year or more", he says,
"In case of SK construction it will be a burden due to advanced accidents"

However, in the case of this project,
it is the explanation of the manufacturer that the aspect is different
from the case of Laos, proceeding with construction
in mind early construction starting from the bidding stage.
Also, the concerns of the supplier at the time
of contract were not at the time of completion,
but at the time of collection.
SK Construction · The consortium side
"The implementation agreement between the Turkish government
and the supplier has been concluded for 66 months in construction period,
but since EPC contract was concluded for 45 months since
it was judged to be constant being internally much faster.
"It seems that it is not a virtual" shortening of construction period "in fact.

In fact, looking at the quarterly report,
the contractual completion time limit
for this project is recognized on December 31, 2021.
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