South Korean party representative
"Moon Jae government's private inspection,it can be subject to impeachment"




@Che_SYoung2018Korea governmentYear-endScoop

CheSYoung2018KoreaGovernmentEnd YearScoop2Came



Liao Won (Liberal Democratic Party) of the free Korean Party will inaugurate the National Assembly Steering Committee on January 31

"The government of Moon Jae insisted that False advertising
(Youtou Kuniku meaning putting the head of the sheep on the shop front sign,
actually selling the dog's meat) regime."
Luo, as the first questioner of the Steering Committee on this day,
opposed Kim Tae Woo's Blue House (Cheong Wa Dae, Cheong Wa Dae)
special observer team member's situatio
Luo said,
"I think today's management committee is the last opportunity,
tell the truth and take responsibility."
Today, remarks at the beginning of Secretary of the Blue House,
Lim Jong-seok Secretary and Jo Gook's head of civil affairs, work reports,
and remarks by the Democratic Party member all end up covering
what has been done so far,
Secondly it seems only to intend to make Mr. Kim Tae Woo a criminal.
Mr. Kim Taew is a strict public benefit filing official, "he said.
The other day, Mr. Shin Jae-min,
secretary of the planning and finance department,
raised the suspicion that "Blue House changed KT & G president"
raised the suspicion that another public interest information
provider Shin Jae Min appeared.
Second and third public interest information providers
will be followed one after another.
Does this government really head towards those who develop democracy?
This government inspected indiscriminately.
Inspected civilians, seized cell phone officers' mobile phones,
looked for people's faults with forensics,
and tolerated suspicion of illegal acters.
Deny the fact that I created a black list.
The hypocrisy of this government is on the bright side.
I would like to say that Youtou Kuniku's administration is against the hypocrisy
and deviation that really put forth justice
and morality in the early days of the administration. "
Mr. Luo also touched Moon Jae-in's Inaugural remarks.
President Moon Jae-in stated that he said
"I will make a nation-like country that will boldly break away
from erroneous practices of the old era, that wrong things are wrong,
I will not cover false and disadvantageous public opinion.
"Is it supposed to be that way?
Why do not you prosecute ,with defamation while saying,
that it is all a lie to Mr. Kim Tae Woo.
Is not it that the facts are revealed or afraid? "
In response to this, Lim Jong-seok, head of the secretary's office,
opposed it as "excessive remarks".
Next is the main battle between Luo Hosonai representative
and his office manager.
▲ Luo
Why do not you accuse Blue House of libel? In case
Is not it that the facts are revealed or afraid?
___ yuan =
I will add it whenever necessary.

▲ Luo
Why have not you done so far? In case
Wu Young-nin's former ambassador is also the same.
The public knows the reason
why Blue House can not be charged with defamation.

▲ Luo
Have the President showed regrettable against this incident?
___ yuan =
I do not see the President as a matter of expressing regrettable ....
▲ Luo
You should have remembered the civilian inspection of the prime minister once.
The president responded to the civilian inspection
of the prime minister's office during the standing advisory
of the Democratic Party
Such a case is subject to impeachment.
It is like the impeachment of the president is overlooked.

___ yuan =
Please do not say that it is civilian inspection ....
May I also tell you a little?
Director general manager revealed his position with opportunity to speak.
The director general is "Luo committee is civilian inspection, black list,
I think that you forced to overdo it like this.
If you let me know what the committee thinks like that,
We will explain it here,
Is not it the place
where real substance truth was made to confirm something? "
The director general said, "Kim Tae Woo incident is far more serious,
A construction company that is in an adhesion relationship
with himself is under investigation by giving and receiving bribes
At that point I went to the Special Investigation Division
of the Public Prosecutors Office and requested related materials.
I attempted to intervene in this case as if it were like a BluBlue House case,
We received a notice about it from the Special Investigation Division
of the Public Prosecutor's Office. "
Everyone's voice.

I want Moon chan to do his best.
A good feeling has become a relationship between Japan and South Korea.
Let's realize Diplomatic relations severed within Moon-chan.
Recommendation 489 opposite 3.

Let's work before you quit
If you declare a break off relations with Japan, hope can come.
Make a merger with the North and apply for a protectorate to China.
Then, China will protect you.
Recommendation 433 opposite 2.
It is a season when you need a candle, I want Moon to do its best.
Recommendation 379 Opposition 7.

Do not bully Moon so much.
Because he am doing very good work toward break off relations.
Recommendation 131 opposite 1.

At last it seems that the disapproval rate has exceeded the support rate ....
At last, not only did people start noticing that public opinion is just a mouth,
It seems that I started giving up when it was a delayed delay.
However, since the support rate is still too high enough,
From now on, I would like to keep trying for each other's future ...
Recommendation 131 opposite 3.
It is a good president, why is not it popular in Korea,
Now if you can work with your current stance
There is no doubt that popularity will rise in Japan afterwards,
Please do your best next year,
And next year is a break off relations of wish
Recommendation 126 opposite 0.

There is still a term of office left,
and I will be in trouble
if I have to work hard until break off relations with Japan!
Recommendation 115 opposite 1.

Looking at the labor union's iron pipe violence
I understand that this administration does the same thing.
It will be a regime to approve the violence revolution.
So I think that the progressive innovation regime is incompatible
with democracy, but what about it?
There will be a demonstration that the candle
and the Taipei flag will soon stand up.
If North Korea gets involved here, the spark will fall.
Recommendation 85 opposite 1.
Everyone in the candle factory.
Since it will be fully operational soon,
Please improve the production line.
Recommendation 79 opposite 1.

> Luo said,
"Is this government really headed towards those who develop democracy?"

He raised the voice of condemnation
I guess it is not translated.
It is reborn as a communist country by uniting with the north.
Afterwards the leader will make it "paradise on the ground".
Also, for Japan,
it is a precious president who gave me a distance away from now.
Please do it by all means until the term of office expires.
Recommendation 73 opposite 2.
BTS members famous for atomic bomb T-shirts 
are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!
Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same
Suddenly overflowing with compliments of English praise. Creepy


A song called BTS "run". Members are suffering in waters in the water.
MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
BTS wearing a comfort Woman wear
Dokdo is also doing anti-Japanese act of singing our territory

The capital flight started
World stock price / Korea KOSPI
Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


Yuzuru Sato
Korea attacks Japan by combining hands with North Korea and China
Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

the activities of Japanese companies around the world
Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.


English articles futukiiti hoyoujiyo



