Living for my Sons | Kristopher Kortryk

Kristopher Kortryk

My personal blog about life as a single parent, and my quest to get there one day from America.

Hello from America! America

A friend made this tea sticker for me. A lol



I drove from Virginia to Pennsylvania again to see my eldest son. It is about 4 hours of driving. I took this photo during the trip at sunset. love



Our good friend Michelle made us a hot-pot dinner. It was amazing. She is a great host. OK

She is also an amazing friend. heart




I really enjoyed spending time with my son. Lovey dovey



I drove home early in the morning. There was still fog in the mountains. It was very beautiful. car



It's still very cold and snowy in the mountains. The snow was just starting for fall when I left for Virginia. car



Whenl I got home, this is how I found my youngest son. Laughing crying



He competes against 50 others for the top prize. He competes against 50 others for the top prize. ToughToughToughTough




The game store where we go has lots of fun things. DiceChokey




It only looks innocent. Thousands of life points are being taken! Surprised Mark



There is a hole in the ceiling of the game store. The sign over it reads, "Ninja Exit Only" GellageraA lol



When I got home at last, my cat Juliet was there to greet me. I love her very much. heart



I'm shy and really do not love again. I'm shy and really do not see so many asian women I work. For now, living for my sons is my life's mission, and their love gives my life meaning.


Work has been very busy, I hope to post more in the future. Thank you for reading. Please


Stay safe and have a wonderful day in Japan Japan


Kristopher Glasan