Snowstorm | Kristopher Kortryk

Kristopher Kortryk

My personal blog about life as a single parent, and my quest to get there one day from America.

Hello from America! America

I drove from Virginia to Pennsylvania again where my son is working.
He is looking great! Glasan



He is also very tired from long days of hard work.
He slept much of the way home. Whistle

He is on a 3 day vacation from his job at Monster Cat creations,
where he has been doing an amazing job making furr suit parts! lovelovelove




There is a major snowstorm going on in the eastern United States.
I had to drive through it, which was a little scary at times. Kyo rookyoTo give awayTough
I took a bunch of photo's along the way because of how beautiful it was.



Some of the mountain areas are beautiful when covered in snow! Crystal of snowCrystal of snowCrystal of snowCrystal of snow








I am always impressed with how big the snow plows are here. Surprised Mark

The snow plows are like monster trucks with scoups as tall as a person! !!



They are so big that they have two plows each!


I did take a few pictures of some interesting billboards along the way. OK

I've been spending long hours on my job last week.
We needed 30 UNIX machines built in one week.
Most days I worked almost 12 hours, but we got the job done. To give awayTo give awayTo give away
He was very happy with us. 
We got a 3 day weekend and thanks. Awesome


I have to include a pic of our kitty Juliet - she is the love of my life right now. Throb


I was so busy last week that I had to cut my own hair. Surprised A lol Tough 



Oh well, at least it is short again. Eye


Thank you for reading! Please


I hope you have a wonderful day in Japan and America! Japan America

