



 米国でも、コンピュータプログラムは、特許法の保護対象になります(Freeman-Walter-Abele基準、MPEP 2106 )。


Article 59 – Subject matters not protected as inventions

The following subject matters shall not be protected as inventions:

1. Scientific discoveries (科学的発見) or theories (科学的理論), mathematical methods (数学的方法);

2. Schemes, plans, rules and methods for performing mental acts (精神活動), training domestic animals (飼育動物の訓練), playing games (ゲーム), doing business (事業); computer programs (コンピュータプログラム);

3. Presentations of information (情報の提示);

4. Solutions of aesthetical characteristics only (審美的特徴のみの解決);

5. Plant varieties, animal breeds (植物品種、動物品種);

6. Process of plant or animal production which a principally of biological nature other than microbiological ones;

7. Human and animal disease prevention, diagnostic and treatment methods (ヒト又は動物のための疾病予防、診断及び治療).









Article 58 – General conditions for inventions eligible for protection

1. An invention shall be protected by mode of grant of invention patent (発明特許の付与) when it satisfies the following conditions:

a/ Being novel (新規であること);

b/ Involving an inventive step (進歩性を含むこと);

c/ Being susceptible of industrial application (産業上の利用可能性があること).

2. Unless it is a common knowledge (公知でない限り), an invention shall be protected by mode of grant of utility solution patent (実用新案特許の付与) when it satisfies the following conditions:

a/ Being novel;

b/ Being susceptible of industrial application.







Article 7 – limitations on intellectual property rights

1. Intellectual property right holders (知的財産権所有者) may only exercise their rights within the scope and term of protection provided for in this Law.

2. The exercise of intellectual property rights (知的財産権の行使) must neither prejudice the State’s interests, public interests, legitimate rights and interests of other organizations and individuals, nor violate other relevant provisions of Law.

3. In the circumstances where the achievement of defense (国家の防衛), security (安全保障), people’s livelihood objectives and other interests of the State and society specified in this Law needs to be guaranteed, the State may prohibit or restrict the exercise of intellectual property rights by the holders or compel the licensing by the holders of one or several of their rights to other organizations or individuals under appropriate terms. The limitation on rights to inventions classified as state secretes complies with regulations of the Government.




Article 6 – Bases for the emergence and establishment of intellectual property rights

3. Right to a plant variety (植物品種の権利) shall be established on the basis of a decision of the competent state agency on the grant of plant variety protection title according to the registration procedures specified in this Law.







Article 6 – Bases for the emergence and establishment of intellectual property rights

3. Industrial property rights (産業財産権) are established as follows:

a/ Industrial property rights to an invention (発明), industrial design (工業デザイン), layout-design (回路配置), mark (商標) or geographical indication (地理的表示) shall be established on the basis of a decision of the competent state agency on the grant of a protection title according to the registration procedures stipulated in this Law or the recognition of international registration under treaties to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a contracting party; for a well-known mark, industrial property rights shall be established on the basis of use process, not subject to any registration procedures.

b/ Industrial property rights to a trade name (商号に対する産業財産権) shall be established on the basis of lawful use thereof;

c/ Industrial property rights to a trade secret (営業秘密に対する産業財産権) shall be established on the basis of lawful acquirement and confidentiality thereof;

d/ Rights to repression of unfair competition (不正競争の防止についての権利) shall be established on the basis of competition in business.






Article 6 – Bases for the emergence and establishment of intellectual property rights

1. Copyright (著作権) shall arise at the moment when a work is created and fixed in a certain material form, irrespective of its content, quality, presentation, means of fixation, language and whether or not it has been published or registered.

2. Related rights (隣接権) shall arise at the moment when a performance, phonogram, video recording, broadcast or encrypted program-carrying satellite signal is fixed or displayed without any prejudice to copyright.



Article 4 – Interpretation of terms
In this Law, the following terms shall be construed as follows:

6. Intellectual property right holder (知的財産権所有者) means an owner of intellectual property rights or an organization or individual that is assigned intellectual property rights by the owner.

7. Work (著作物) means a creation of the mind in the literary, artistic or scientific domain, whatever may be the mode or form of its expression.

8. Derivative work (二次的著作物) means a work which is translated from one language into another, adapted, modified, transformed, compiled, annotated or selected.

9. Published work (公表著作物), phonogram (録音) or video recording (録画) means a work, phonogram or video recording which has been made available in a reasonable quantity of copies to the public with the permission of the copyright holder or related right holder.

10. Reproduction (複製) means the making of one or many copies of a work or a phonogram or video recording by whatever mode or in whatever form, including the backup of the work in electronic form.

11. Broadcasting (放送) means the transmission of the sound or image or both of a work, a performance, a phonogram, a video recording or a broadcast to the public by wire or wireless means, including satellite transmission, in such a way that members of the public may access that work from a place and at a time they themselves select.

12. Invention (発明) means a technical solution in the form of a product or a process which is intended to solve a problem by application of laws of nature.

13. Industrial design (工業デザイン) means a specific appearance of a product embodied by three-dimensional configurations, lines, colors, or a combination of these elements.

14. Semiconductor integrated circuit (半導体集積回路) means a product, in its final form or an intermediate form, in which the elements, at least one of which is an active element, and some or all of the interconnections, are integrally formed in or on a piece of semiconductor material and which is intended to perform an electronic function. Integrated circuit is synonymous to IC, chip and microelectronic circuit.

15. Layout-design of semiconductor integrated circuit (半導体集積回路の回路配置) (below referred to as layout-design) means a three-dimensional disposition of circuit elements and their interconnections in a semiconductor integrated circuit.

16. Mark (商標) means any sign used to distinguish goods or services of different organizations or individuals.

17. Collective mark (団体商標) means a mark used to distinguish goods or services of members from those of non-members of an organization which is the owner of such mark.

18. Certification mark (証明商標) means a mark which is authorized by its owner to be used by another organization or individual on the latter’s goods or services, for the purpose of certifying the origin, raw materials, materials, mode of manufacture of goods or manner of provision of services, quality, accuracy, safety or other characteristics of goods or services bearing the mark.

19. Integrated mark (連合商標) means identical or similar marks registered by the same entity and intended for use on products or services which are of the same type or similar types or interrelated.

20. Well-known mark (周知商標) means a mark widely known by consumers throughout the Vietnamese territory.

21. Trade name (商号) means a designation of an organization or individual in business activities, capable of distinguishing the business entity bearing it from another entity in the same business domain and area.
A business area (
事業の地域) mentioned in this Clause means a geographical area where a business entity has its partners, customers or earns its reputation.

22. Geographical indication (地理的表示) means a sign which identifies a product as originating from a specific region, locality, territory or country.

23. Trade secret (営業秘密) means information obtained from financial or intellectual investment activities, which has not yet been disclosed and can be used in business.

24. Plant variety (植物品種) means a plant grouping within a single botanical taxonomy of the lowest known rank, which is morphologically uniform and suitable for being propagated unchanged, and can be defined by the expression of phenotypes resulting from a genotype or a combination of given genotypes, and distinguished from any other plant grouping by the expression of at least one inheritable phenotype.

25. Protection title (保護証明) means a document granted by the competent state agency to an organization or individual in order to establish industrial property rights to an invention, industrial design, layout-design, trademark or geographical indication; or rights to a plant variety.

26. Reproductive material (増殖素材) means a plant or part thereof capable of growing into a new plant for use in reproduction or cultivation.

27. Harvested material (収穫素材) means a plant or a part thereof obtained from the cultivation of a reproductive material.


 ベトナム知的財産法33項や45項によると、植物品種の権利は、増殖素材(reproductive material)や収穫素材(harvested material)を含むと規定されています。

Article 3 – Subject mattes of intellectual property rights
3. Subject matters of rights to plant varieties (
植物品種の権利の対象) include reproductive and harvested materials.

Article 4 – Interpretation of terms
In this Law, the following terms shall be construed as follows:
5. Rights to plant varieties (
植物品種の権利) mean rights of organizations and individuals to new plant varieties they have selected, created or discovered and developed, or own.



Article 3 - Subject matters of intellectual property rights
2. Subject matters of industrial property rights (
産業財産権の対象) include inventions, industrial designs, layout-designs of semiconductor integrated circuits, trade secrets, marks, trade names and geographical indications.

Article 4 - Interpretation of terms
In this Law, the following terms shall be construed as follows:
4. Industrial property rights (
産業財産権) mean rights of organizations and individuals to invention, industrial designs, layout-designs of semiconductor integrated circuits, trade secrets, marks, trade names and geographical indications and trade secrets they have created or own, and the right to repression of unfair competition.



Article 3 - Subject matters of intellectual property rights

1. Subject matters of copyright (著作権の対象) include literary, artistic and scientific works; subject matters of copyright-related rights (著作隣接権の対象) include performances, phonograms, video recordings, broadcasts and encrypted program-carrying satellite signals.

Article 4 - Interpretation of terms

In this Law, the following terms shall be construed as follows:
2. Copyright (
means rights of organizations and individuals to works they have created or own.
3. Copyright-related rights (
著作隣接権) (below referred to as related rights) mean rights of organizations and individuals to performances, phonograms, video recordings, broadcasts and encrypted program-carrying satellite signals.