(画像提供:Harmonies from Heaven: Tracing the Origins of the Gregorian Chant)



十字架 今までの私が投稿してきた記事を読んで下さっている方々であればご存知と思いますが、もし読んで下さっている方がいらっしゃれば有難うございます。




※ 第2バチカン公会議以降にカトリック教会でラテン語によるローマ典礼のトリエント・ミサが廃止され、1969年以降は世界中どの国でも各々の母国語によるミサ形式に切り替えられました。しかし、日本のカトリック中央協議会は単独で(日本だけのこと)ミサ中の聖体拝領の前にホザンナで跪く動作を省略し、その跪き台を取っ払ってしまった教会も多いです。その後も日本語でのミサ式次第も新しくなり、ミサ中に歌う讃美歌も新しくなりました。そのようなカトリック中央協議会の一方的な決定に不満を抱いている信者も多いようです。個人的にも初代教会からの歴史的伝統を誇りにしてきたカトリック教会としてのアイデンティティを失った感じがして悲しいと思うと同時に、今こそ原点に戻ってラテン語によるローマ典礼のトリエント・ミサを復活させるいいチャンスが訪れたとも考えています。



(画像提供:Audio of Archbishop Sample's Talk



上差し  そして、ネット上で調べている際に、ラテン語によるトリエント・ミサを推し進めているアメリカ人のカトリック司祭である、アレクサンダー・サンプル大司教さま(Archbishop of Portland - Alexander King Sample)が語るYOUTUBE動画を見つけたのでした。このハンサムな神父さまがアレクサンダー・サンプル大司教さま(Archbishop of Portland - Alexander King Sample)です。


(画像提供:WIKI - Alexander King Sample)



下差し こちらが、アレクサンダー・サンプル大司教さま(Archbishop of Portland - Alexander King Sample)がオレゴン州ポートランド市内にあるカトリック教会でラテン語によるトリエント・ミサを司式される様子です。


(画像提供:Pontifical Mass with Archbishop Sample of Portland, Oregon)





下差し アレクサンダー・サンプル大司教さま(Archbishop of Portland - Alexander King Sample)は、現在62歳で父方がスコットランド系で母方がポーランド系のカトリック教徒で、カトリック司祭として王たるキリスト至高司祭会に所属されているようです。


※ 因みに、東京都内にあるカトリック神田教会で行われるトリエント・ミサを司式して下さる司祭も王たるキリスト至高司祭会に所属されています。




下差し 2013年1月29日(火)、退任するジョン・ヴラズニー大司教の後任として、ローマ教皇ベネディクト16世からポートランド大司教区の大司教に任命されました。




下差し アメリカ人なのにと言っては偏見があるかも知れませんが、アレクサンダー・サンプル大司教さま(Archbishop of Portland - Alexander King Sample)のようなヨーロッパの貴族かと思わせるような気品とハンサムで端正な顔立ち、頭の回転の良さと愛嬌や親しみやすさを兼ね備えたアメリカ人のカトリック信者は珍しいと思いました。




下差し こちらが、アレクサンダー・サンプル大司教さま(Archbishop of Portland - Alexander King Sample)が立ち上げたグレゴリオ聖歌の合唱団です。






下差し このYOUTUBE動画『Archbishop Sample on Youth and Tradition(サンプル大司教が語るカトリック的伝統と若い信者について)』の中でアレクサンダー・サンプル大司教さま(Archbishop of Portland - Alexander King Sample)が語って下さていることについて手短にご説明すると、


① 若いカトリック信者がラテン語を学ぶことで信仰が深まる。

② 若いカトリック信者がラテン語を学ぶことでカトリック信者としてのアイデンティティが確立される。

③ ラテン語を学ぶことで自らの母国語に対する理解が深まる。

④ グレゴリオ聖歌を聴き学ぶことで脳が活性化される。







下差し 一応、YOUTUBE動画『Archbishop Sample on Youth and Tradition(サンプル大司教が語るカトリック的伝統と若い信者について)』の中でアレクサンダー・サンプル大司教さま(Archbishop of Portland - Alexander King Sample)が語って下さった台詞を全てテープ起こしして6枚のレポート用紙に手書きしました。今から約30年前に北ドイツにあるビーレフェルト大学の修士課程に入学する際のドイツ語試験にもディクテーションと呼ばれるテープ起こしの作業に近いテスト科目がありましたので、このような作業は比較的に得意です。YOUTUBE動画には英語の字幕が出るので助かりますね。


そのアレクサンダー・サンプル大司教さま(Archbishop of Portland - Alexander King Sample)が語って下さった台詞を全てベタ打ちして和訳しましたので、ご紹介したいと思います。





(質問者)The synod on yourh is coming up, it seeks inter alia to move to find more proper language and expressions to speak to young people. And often the liturgy is a point of compromise or accommodation of the, we say alleged demands of the youth teen Rossum teen rock Masses are an example, we didin't ask for it. The yourh yearn for that which they have been so deprived the beautiful the transcendent the truth. You have met many young peole on pilgrimage is the traditional liturgy an outdated means of communication with the youth should tradition have a voice at the synod. 


(大司教)Absolutely, I think that we make a big mistake if we simply lump all of our youth into one category and presume that they all like what we have been feeding them for the last several decades. And you know, I think that it would properly be true to say that the majority of youth world preper at this point, a more lively it you will a form of celebration especially with regards to the music used in the Sacred Liturgy, but why is that so? It's because this is what we have fed them for the last several decades with the presumption as you say that this is what they want, this is what they find relevant and we have not taught them in the tradition, we have not exposed them to our common heritage, our Catholic tradition, you know that the Mass and in history of the Sacred Liturgy through the centuries, you know, was developed in a very powerful and beautiful way that let ot adoration and contemplation as well as communion in the Sacred Liturgy. And you know, I think after the reform of the Second Vatican Council. It seemed like, you know, all any holds on the liturgy were removed developments happen that the council fathers are surely never intended and I think that some of the forms of music that has admitted into the Sacred Liturgy is a good example of that, you know, there are examples where music that is used in the Sacred Liturgy it, it continues to be used that really violate, the very principles that the church has delineted for what constitutes sacred music in the liturgy and in the documents prior to the council that council documents themselves and every official document on secred music since the council official documents has pointed in a certain direction that seems to have been largely ignored to I think youth today perhaps respond to what they have become familiar with and we have fed them what we have sort of raised them on, but what I find is that when young people are exposed to something of a more traditional nature the extra-ordinary form being a good example of that or even a more traditional celebration of the ordinary form of the liturgy especially with regard to the sacred music. It opens up a whole new world for them that many young people just find so spiritually nourishing and I think we need to pay attention to that and I think we need to be respectaful of our tradition and how young peopel respond to that we had an occasion at World Youth Day in Krakov that, you know, the liturgies in the English-speaking Mercy Centre throughtout the whole week of a World Youth Day were of a much more contemplative, a much more I would say beautiful kind of character, and you know, it was much more in LA was in line with what the church is asking for even though it was some of it was contemporary composition, it was contemporary composition that reflect on our tradition and the liturgy were beautiful they were contemplative, they were, there was adration, there was a pray fulness that really brought that that community together in prayer and then the very last liturgy, we went back to, you know, what we are all become used to the very lively kind of loud instrumentation and music that it was jarring I know from my own pilgrims, they were jarred by the contrast and much preferred the more quite contemplative liturgies that they had had earlier during the week which I  think is very interesting and very telling so I think we cannot stereotype our young people and we can't put them in a pigeon hole and say they all want this and or all are like this I think we need to be much more braod-minded, much more open-minded toward tradition and watch how young people respond to when they are exposed to their Catholic heritage in the Sacred Liturgy I think they have a right to their own heritage as Catholics and I think the more we provide that for them and teach them about that I think, you know, great things are possible. 


(司会者)With respect to various concerns including faith today's youth struggle with sense of identity, this has driven many to look to their roots, their curiosity and formation of identity and time-honored tradition should be fosted. 


Should teaching of Latin and chant in Catholic schools be employed to introduce more Catholic youth to the truth to the rich treasure of the faith shouldn't the most beautiful and ornament and spaces be the chapels in our schools. 


(大司教)That's a very important point you make, I think it's about creating a Catholic culture for our young people exposing them to their own tradition roots them in a culture and an identity as Catholics that is timeless. It's not just of here and now. It's not just a, you know, what's sort of relevant today but it truly does root them in their own identity as Catholics in putting them in touch with the tradition that as, you know, as memebers of the body of Christ as part of communion of saints, you know, we are not just in communion with those we happen to be on the earth now when we are in communion with the whole communion of saints, you know, all of those who are in heaven, all of those poor souls in purgatory but our communion is not just across the world but it's across the ages we are in communion with the great saints that have gone before us throughout the ages of the church. We need to be inserted in that we need to understand how we are in this tremendous flow, this tremendous line of tradition and I think that the more we put young people in touch with that tradition through some of the thing that you mentioned through the Latine which is, you know, it is still the mother tongue of the church and if in it's not only is it good to put them in touch with Latin for the sake of the church in our faith. I think learning Latin is a great exercise preparing young people to learn other languages, you know, especially the Romance languages even English I learned more about English studying Latin than I ever did in any of my language arts classes because, you know, you train the mind to really understand the make up of language, but putting them in touch with that also gives them access, you know, I just regret sas a young person growing up I never not only did I not have to take Latin, it wasn't even available to me in high school where it was available to my father in a public school back in the 30s and 40s but it opens up a whole new world to be able to read some of these things in the original language, it put them in touch with the liturgy and be able to understand the liturgy even better when it is celebrated in Latin and especially in the traditional form, I think he is supposing them to chant Gregorian chant is not as a complete eye opener for them, it was for me I had never heard of Gregorian chant let alone heard it until I was a college student and I was taking a course in music appreciation at a secular university the history of Western music and where did we had to start with a chant, a  Gregorian chant and the first time I heard it I will never forget the first time I heard it, something welled up in me, in its hard to extent I don't mean to be overly sentimental about it but something happened inside of me to the point that I ran out and ordered a recording of Gregorian chant and as a young male university engineering student, you know, who has a very right brain I used to just put on my headphones and I would listen to that Gregorian chant I ever have a clue what they were saying, I knew zero Latin at that point but there was something in the chant and something in the music of it that opened up a whole new world for me I was talking acutally to a psychaitrist that was explaining to me that the chant opens up a side of the brain and a part of brain that opens us to the transcendent to meditation to  contemplation that normal kinds of musc if you will music with rhythm music with a beat doesn't do it. So there is actually a physiological event that happens in our brain when we are exposed to this. So exposing our young people both of thse things puts them in touch with their rich tradition that they are a part of and gives them I think that sense of Danica's I think you are right young people are searching for identity and meaning in their life who am I here? What is the porpse of my life? What is the ultimate destiny of my life? This is what the faith provides for our young people and to give them this deep identity I think gives them that's that security that they really are looking for to know who other are and to the eternal destiny to which they are called. 



















