【誰か】“ニセ選挙運動”動画を自力で英訳した【添削して】 | 我々少数派


 外山恒一の活動に資金協力を! 協力者向けに活動報告誌『人民の敵』を毎月発行しています。詳しくはコチラ


 ご指摘は、warewaredan@mail.goo.ne.jp まで。


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TOYAMA Koichi & Warewaredan (Kyushu Fascist Party)

in Fukuoka municipal election, 2015

The Anti-election Campaign (The Faked-election Campaign)

To the voter turnout at 0%!

選挙反対 民主主義打倒
No elections! Down with the democracy!!

Because of your votes, someone will be elected!

If nobody would vote, everyone would get zero votes, and would never be elected!

Please don't go to the poll definitely.

If you would be the only person who would go to the poll, you would make someone to an assemblyman.

Please don't do that. It's a public nuisance.

By the realization of the voter turnout at 0%, giving every candidates zero votes, let's eradicate the assembly and assemblymen from our city.

No more elections! Let's realize the voter turnout at 0%!!

TOYAMA, TOYAMA Koichi has come to you to ask for your join the boycott of vote.

Can you leave the politics up to the kind of person to run in election?

Anti-elections! We don't need no assemblymen.

Spread out the election and parliamentary system abolition movement all over the world from here Fukuoka as an advanced city in Asia.

Does anyone still intend to vote? All right. please vote for TOYAMA Koichi. About the same result as in voting for nobody can be expected from that.

福大生のみなさん、選挙権はもうお持ちですか? 捨ててください。
Hello, Fukuoka university students. Have you already get the rights to vote? Throw it away!

If you don't have the right, when you get back home today, maybe the tickets for the polling station have arrived to your parents, please tear up, hide, burn or bury them.

That is still not enough. Same tickets have arrived to your seniors, so you have to burn them, too. To your neighbors, burn them similarly. And to strangers, burn them. In any case, if the tickets would be in your sight, burn them all.

Hello, people around the City Hall. You have never come here to vote. Let's boycott the …

The candidate Mr. TOMINAGA, I wish you good luck, but don't work too hard. Mr. TOMINAGA as the candidate of the Restoration Party, do you know that the Meiji Restoration was not achieved by election?

I am much closer to the Meiji revolutionaries than the Restoration Party's people are, TOYAMA Koichi never depend on the election system.

TOYAMA Koichi came to show a good example of the avant-garde art to students of the College of Art, Kyushu University.

Near the zoo.

There is nobody.

Plaese don't go to vote, learn from those animals!

Look, our opponents are there.

These are the people committing a campaign for the promotion of voting. They adopt a motto 'a linking bridge' or…, anyway, I don't understand at all what they are saying. They are a candidate and his supporters. Such a candidate might win, so nobody should go to vote.

Hello, people around the City Hall. If you come here for voting, please don't do that. Turn back and go home!

With the voter turnout at o%, zero votes for every candidates, let's make all loses.

if you are to vote, turn back right now.

The candidate TANAKA Shinsuke ahead. Do you see his slogan 'chest out and be lively'? I don't understand what his political opinions are. No more elections! That slogan has no relation with politics. 'chest out and be lively'! Is he really a candidate? No more such a silly campaign. No more elections! It's nonsense to have such a man for an assemblyman.

Candidate Mr. TANAKA! Thanks for your speech on nothing.
Like the professional politician that you are!

I have worked as a member of the municipal assembly for 8 years....

There is a candidate Mr. TAKE TA-KE! His slogan is 'open take my heart to politics'! What is he saying?

TOYAMA Koichi has come to you to ask for your join the boycott of vote, while getting lost.

Here is HIEJIMA! The candidate of the Communist Party!

TOYAMA is an ex‐newLeft's activist, so he is thoroughly cold to the Communist Party.

I don't wish you good luck at all, Mr. HIEJIMA!

I pray for the candidate TSUTSUMIDA's luck in superficial manner!

Can you leave the politics up to the kind of thoughtless person to run in election?

Throw the tickets for the polling station away! You should throw away, tear up, commit to the fire, or chop them up! TOYAMA Koichi is here. We pray for the candidate OHSHIRO's luck lukewarmly.

The candidate against the nuclear power plant, IKE's supporter gave us encouragement.
'We are waiting for Mr. TOYAMA's candidacy!'

'We agree with democracy!'
A counter action maybe friendly from the members of the group against the nuclear power plant from right wing.

Thank you for your powerful support!

Those who have the right to vote must not exercise it. Those who don't have it must hide your father's and mother's tickets for the polling station when you get back home, and you can burn or boil them.

a junior high school TOYAMA graduated from

I graduated from this school. Hello, students. Here is the senior You are ashram… proud of, and he is calling on people not to go to the poll.

in front of the Chinese consulate

We want to learn from your country, abolish the democratic system!

I pray for the candidate NIEDA's luck. But can we leave the politics up to the kind of person to run in election?

I pray for the candidate ABE's luck. Is your Slogan 'judge the municipal government'? It mean that you say nothing. But I wish you good luck!

For example, this candidate ABE might become an assemblyman. Stop joking! That's very annoying. However that may be, I pray for the candidate ABE's luck.

Candidate OHSHIRO is on the right side,
Candidate INAKAZU is on the left side

I pray for the candidate OHSHIRO's luck reluctantly. I wish you good luck without all my heart, from my only a superficial mind literally. And candidate Mr. INAKAZU, I wish you good luck too, of course reluctantly.

If you really want to go to vote, please vote for TOYAMA Koichi. About the same result as in voting for nobody can be expected from that.

A police car just now passed by us. It is sure that we haven't done anything illegal. We are interfering with the election by lawful methods.

in front of a live house on 'the Street of Undutiful Children'

Here comes the non-musician punk‐rocker TOYAMA Koichi. I came to preach the spirit of punk by a method other than music. Thank you for your support with a wave of your hand.

ツツミダ候補のご健闘だけ……おや、何です? 「感動を市政に!」。何を云ってるのかさっぱり分かりませんが、ご健闘はお祈りいたします。
I pray for candidate TSUTSUMIDA's continued hard work, only for hard work… What? 'Send feelings to the municipal government'? His slogan doesn't make sense to me, but I pray for your hard work, only for hard work.

A little while ago, you met a candidate who said something ambiguous such as 'Send feelings to the municipal government'. Nothing good will come, because you have continued to such candidates.

Candidate Mr. IKE, I wish you good luck. I oppose nuclear power, too. But I also oppose elections. While keeping subtle mind to him like that 'be against nuclear power and be for elections', TOYAMA Koichi has come to you to ask for your join the boycott of vote

I, just in case, pray for the candidate INAKAZU's luck reluctantly.

They cannot be trusted at that point they stood for some election.

It seems to be difficult to enter this alley. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. TOYAMA Koichi has come to you to ask for your join the boycott of vote, while apologizing to surroundings.

Candidate TOMINAGA might become an assemblyman because of your thoughtless voting.

If you don't care what I say and will go to vote, it's O.K. I understand your will. Then, please vote for TOYAMA Koichi. Exactly the same result as in voting for nobody will be waiting.

The car running in front of mine is the Restoration Party's. People who had committed the Meiji Restoration, so‐called the spirits during the end of Edo period were considered as mere terrorists by the Tokugawa shogunate. But the party-men are trying to change the political system in a lawfully recognized manner by the present regime. What kind of restoration? I want they to understand that the Meiji Restoration was not achieved by election. Elections won't change anything.

Though some candidates speak of “restoration,” the Meiji Restoration was not achieved by election. 'If you with to change the system, you had better do a thing like that, or like that, and like that…but not by election' said my dangerous friend. I agree with him.

It has already passed eight o'clock.

The election law prohibits candidates from using sound trucks at night after 8 o'clock.

8時が過ぎているのになぜ選挙カーが? これは選挙カーではありません。選挙と無関係なファシスト党の車です。
Do you think it's illegal? Not so. It isn't a candidate's car. It's the Fascist Party's unrelated to any election!