米大統領選討論会での真の問題はトランプの民主主義への深刻な脅威! | 元世界銀行エコノミスト 中丸友一郎 「Warm Heart & Cool Head」ランダム日誌

元世界銀行エコノミスト 中丸友一郎 「Warm Heart & Cool Head」ランダム日誌



Daron Acemoglu




I am disappointed with mainstream US media, including the New York Times. The headlines are all about Biden’s debate performance. Yes, he’s old. Yes, it would’ve been great to have had a more inspiring younger candidate. Yes, he had a bad night, certainly compared to his State of the Union address. But that is not the main story. The main story is that Trump is a very serious threat to US democracy.


Trump was a threat to US institutions when he was elected in 2016, as I argued then:


We dodged that bullet because civil society mobilized against him, he was generally incompetent, and he did not have competent loyalists around him. It is different now. The threat is much bigger today:


The big story should be stopping Trump. Complacence is dangerous. One form that complacence takes is a blind trust in US institutions – the faulty argument that they are strong and will survive a second Trump term. Another comes from the mainstream media that keeps on focusing on.


This is not a normal election and Trump is not a normal candidate. This is the big story. Not Biden’s debate performance.











