cheers everyone! これからもよろしくね | マルチカルチャー 3代目 rikarica の tidbits   〜 empty nester のつぶやき〜

マルチカルチャー 3代目 rikarica の tidbits   〜 empty nester のつぶやき〜

empty nester (エンプティ・ネスター)とは、



This past weekend, we had our last post-certification lectures (強化学習) for the year.

Saturday was a lecture by an MD on the diagnosis of symptoms as seen by a medical  doctor. Homeopathy does not negate modern medicine. Homeopaths just simply do not believe in suppressing minor ailments with medicines when our body has the power to heal itself. However, we must draw the line somewhere. Sometimes we need to tell our clients that one needs to go to the hospital - and NOW!! To help us make prudent decisions, it is imperative that we are well versed with the pathology of diseases.

The following day, Dr. Yui lectured on the immune system and the homeopathic approach on allergies and auto-immune diseases.

But more than anything, I looked forward to spending the evening with my fellow classmates. About 12 of us got very close towards the end of our 4th year. Since we live all over the country, its only during these mandatory lectures that we come together. So, we jumped on the opportunity for a Bonenkai. These are people I would have never crossed paths if I didn’t go to RAH. Different age group, completely different backgrounds, and yet I have never felt more comfortable. The hours just zipped by. Before we knew it, we had to catch our last trains home. Someday, we will have a retreat and just drink and chat all night.

So, in the meantime, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!クリスマスツリー I love you allラブラブ