when in doubt start with Aconite | マルチカルチャー 3代目 rikarica の tidbits   〜 empty nester のつぶやき〜

マルチカルチャー 3代目 rikarica の tidbits   〜 empty nester のつぶやき〜

empty nester (エンプティ・ネスター)とは、



Aconite is the first question Professor Snape asks Harry in "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone." It is also the plant the Dementers freeze and crumble as they hover across the screen in the opening scene of "Prizoner of Azkaban."

Aconite (acon.) is a remedy made from Monkshood. Wolfsbane.
The main alkaloid – aconitin - contained in the plant is very poisonous and is extremely fast-acting. 3 milligrams are sufficient to kill a horse in as early as few minutes.

As such aconite as a remedy works well under the following situation: • rapid development (in minutes rather than hours) of cold and other ailments • symptoms occurring suddenly with elements of FEAR, ANXIETY and PANIC • ailments from shock • ailments from exposure to cold, dry wind • problems get worse after midnight

This is the first remedy I take when I get the "shivers." If taken at an early stage this is, in most cases sufficient to rid whatever cold I was coming down with.

Sometimes, when you have multiple symptoms and can't decide which remedy to start with, I start with Aconite. It appears that Aconite helps my body 'straighten out' my symptoms which then helps me make my next selection effectively.

When in doubt, start with Aconite.