ZUU Free Community Bootcamp 4! | ZUU@GoFit



On the first Sunday of every month, GoFit hosts the International "ZUU Free Community Bootcamp". グッド!

Running in over 15 countries,旗旗旗 旗旗this session is an ideal introduction to ZUU and is designed specially for families, so children are able to join also! 

Don't be fooled! It is still deceptively hard work,叫び but well worth it! 

Come test yourself to see where you are at now, and then in future bootcamps, you can retest yourself to see your improvement! 爆弾The ZUU brains trust care so much that they will graph all your individual data so you can see your improvement for yourself!炎

Don't forget! Night Zuu schedule is now on @Gofit Kasugai! Call, email or Line ` to reserve your place!