The Power of Love 愛の力:小坂忠のストーリー | that rinda's blog

that rinda's blog


神の愛に触れた ミュージシャン、CHU KOSAKA カラオケ






Hair reaching down to the shoulders, jeans full of holes...

A rock singer pacing back and forth in front of the entrance of a church somehow unable to go inside. 

Will I be welcome? he wondered. 

After all, I’m drowning in a life of alcohol and drugs. 

I’ve betrayed my wife and live according to my own lust and selfish desires. 

There is no reason in the world why God would love a person like me. 

I have no reason whatsoever to go inside this church. 




The rock singer I described was me, Chu Kosaka. This is who I was at the time. 

But what I encountered here at this church was a love far greater than anything I could have imagined. 

I learned that God's love was a love that would save me, 

even though I was drowning in the mire of my own selfishness, 

causing sorrow to others, 

and living a life that had nothing to do with God.







I started going to church because of an accident that happened to my only daughter, who was a year and ten months old at the time. She was In the kitchen and somehow tipped a pot of boiling soup over on top of her head. We rushed her to the hospital, and as they worked on her, it gradually became clear to us just how badly she had been burned. The doctors did everything they could, but they had no idea how much she could recover.


I was filled with anxiety for her future. At a time like this, the thing that encouraged me most was the prayer of my wife's grandmother, who was a Christian. She also invited me to go to church for the first time.




At the church, several of the Christians prayed earnestly for us. Amazingly, those prayers were answered and my daughter was miraculously healed in just one month. There were no scars left from the burns on her face. Her skin was perfectly clear. As I rejoiced over my daughter's healing, I became curious about the God who had answered our prayers. What kind of God was He and how did that relate to me?  The following words of Scripture helped me understand .




God loved the world so much that He gave up his only Son, Jesus. Anyone who believes in Jesus will not perish (die an eternal death) but instead will have eternal life in Him.    (Words from The Bible )





When I thought about the pain and anguish of watching my daughter suffer (after her accident) and I thought about God, who “loved the world so much that He gave up His only Son,”  I began to understand the immense strength of God’s love. 

 I realized that God's love was poured out even for me, who did not deserve to be loved, and I was deeply moved.

In response, I accepted this great love of God, and welcomed Jesus Christ into my heart.




After that my life began to change. Up until then I always felt dissatisfied no matter what I did. Now the joy of being loved by God began to well up in my heart like a fountain. 

















Armed forces, 

economic power, 

academic ability, 

physical strength.... 

There are many powerful forces around us.

But the greatest power of all is the power of love. ラブラブ

God's love provides 



and peace to anxious hearts.

It gives joy and 

the hope of eternal life to despairing hearts.

It gives us a new life. チューリップ






You, who are reading this now, are in no way unrelated to this love of God.

The "world" in "He loved the world" means you.

Please know that the "world" in "He loved the world" means you!


You who are reading this right now...

Don't ever think that God's love is not for you.

Please know that the "world" in "For God loved the world..." (Bible quote)

means YOU.

Please read this quote with YOUR name in it!!    ハート







Jesus Christ went to the cross for our sin, 

died and was buried.

He rose again on the third day.

This is the manifestation of God's love for you. 

This is how the love of God is being poured out on you now. 







No matter how rich the times become, people's happiness cannot be obtained through wealth.

Instead, many hide behind the abundance of wealth -  hurt, afraid of being alone and longing for real love.


If people only knew how deeply they were loved,


they would be sooooo encouraged 


and able to live a life filled with hope.  ラブラブ お願い


小坂忠  Kosaka Chu   









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