[拡散] チベット中央政府 (CTA)から グローバル連帯の日、12 月 10 日の声明文 | taroozaの不思議の謎解き 邯鄲(かんたん)の夢

taroozaの不思議の謎解き 邯鄲(かんたん)の夢


CTA Calls for Global Solidarity Day on 10 December

チベット中央政府 (CTA)から グローバル連帯の日、12 月 10 日の声明文

November 22, 2012 12:18 pm


Press release
15 November 2012
The Central Tibetan Administration will be observing Global Solidarity Day on the occasion of the Human Rights Day on 10th December given the continuing wave of self-immolations with 72 Tibetans having self-immolated so far. 59 self-immolations occurred in this year alone, 7 in 7 days in October and 5 in 1 day in November. This clearly reflects the gravity of Tibet’s current situation in Tibet. Please light a candle or lamp, observe a minute’s silence, and a say a prayer for all those who have died for the cause of Tibet, and locally organise vigils and rallies.

現在までに72人のチベット人によ る抗議の焼身自殺が続いていることを受けて、チベット中央政府は、12月10日の世界人権デー(Human Rights Day)をグローバル連帯の日(Global Solidarity Day)とすると致します。

今年だけで59人、10月 の7日間で7人、11月の1日で5人の抗議の焼身自殺が発生しました。

ロウソクやランプを灯し、数分の黙祷を行い、チベットのために亡くなったすべての人々に対して祈り、ビジル(夜の 祈り)や集会を各地で計画してください。

“Despite our repeated appeals not to take drastic actions, self-immolations continue in Tibet. Therefore, I appeal to the international community and governments to stand for justice by answering the universal aspirations of Tibetans in Tibet: the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Tibet and freedom for Tibetans,” said Sikyong Dr. Lobsang Sangay, the democratically-elected leader of the Tibetan people and the political successor to His Holiness the Dalai Lama of Tibet.
The strong and unprecedented statement of United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay and visit by U.S. Ambassador Gary Locke to Tibet clearly shows that the situation in Tibet is dire and needs to be urgently addressed. We urge the newly appointed Chinese leaders to accept and cooperate with the 12 outstanding requests for official visits to Tibet by U.N. and international bodies. The Chinese government should implement recommendations made by the U.N. agencies rather than resorting to blame game.
We call on the Tibetan Associations, Tibet Support Groups, Buddhist Centers, and all our friends around the world to form a coalition with as many human rights groups to organise and participate in the Global Solidarity Day. We also request them to dispatch delegations to visit different media organisations in order to create awareness about the ongoing tragedy in Tibet. Equally important is to reach out to as many members of Parliament, Congress and government officials.
On 5 December, we will release a 10-minute video on self-immolations and ask all Tibetans and friends to share it with elected government representatives, government officials, the media, and various social networks. We call on all Tibetans and their friends to post  www.tibet.net  on their social networking sites from today on to access daily updates and how best they can support Tibet.

12 月 5 日には、10 分のビデオ「 self-immolations 」をリリースし、すべてのチベット人とその友人たちは、選出された政府の代表者、政府関係者、メディア、およびさまざまな社会的ネットワークに対して、ビデオ共有するよう求めます。

私たちは、全てのチベット人と彼らの友人にポスティングして、 www.tibet.net をソーシャルネットワー キング サイト上に載せ、毎日更新してチベット支援の最善の方法にアクセスするよう要請します。


 10 分のビデオ self-immolations は、抗議の焼身自殺と思われるので避けたい方は見ないでください。しかし、チベット内からビデオを持ちだすのは、現在の中国情勢から非常に困難だと思います。急ぐようなので部分訳だけ載せます。(ブログ主)

ビジル(夜の 祈り)

  (付記 2008年 善光寺の僧侶たちによるの武力弾圧により亡くなったチベット僧侶たちを弔うキャンドルツアー)