忘れていた自分の気持ち My feelings that I had forgotten | 心の泉  Fountain of the Heart

心の泉  Fountain of the Heart





いずれにしても環境的な要因が大きいと思いますが、いつしか自分の気持ちってなんだっけ?私はどうしたいんだっけ?  がわからなくなっていました。





まわりから、大丈夫?と聞かれても全力の笑顔で全然大丈夫! と答えるのが上手くなり特に怒りや悲しみを周囲へ伝えるのが下手くそでした。





怒り(いかり、: anger)とは、人間の原初的な感情のひとつで、様々な要因・理由で起きるもの。例えば目的を達成できない時、自分の思い通りにならない時、身体を傷つけられた時、侮辱された時などに起きるものである[1]憤り(いきどおり)とも言う。出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』URL:




































I have always been very bad at verbalising my feelings.

Maybe it was because I was scared of the adults around me, or because I experienced many times the feeling of my heart shrinking.

In any case, I think environmental factors were a big factor, but at some point I started to wonder what my feelings were? What do I want to do?  I didn't know where I wanted to live or what I wanted to do in the future.

Where do I want to live, what do I want to do in the future and, by extension, how do I want to spend this day?

I'm not living, but I'm being kept alive.

When people around me asked me if I was OK, I just smiled as much as I could. I am now able to answer with a smile and say, "No, I'm fine"! I used to be very bad at communicating anger and sadness to the people around me.

I used to have a strong image of anger as a negative emotion and understood it as a bad feeling.

According to Wikipedia.
Anger (English: anger) is one of the primordial human emotions, which is caused by various factors and reasons. It occurs, for example, when we cannot achieve our goals, when we do not get what we want, when we are physically hurt or insulted [1]. Also called resentment (ikidoki). Source: wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia URL:.




I have also heard that it is a self-preservation instinct.

I have been in a state of suppressing my emotions like anger, sadness and pain for a long time. I try to solve them all by myself, but I don't have the skills to solve them.

This is the most painful. This is the negative cycle.

More and more my mind and actions are disconnected and I feel ugly in my face.

There were days like that.

Listen to the source of your anger and acknowledge yourself.

It is a long road.

I think it is wrong to direct anger at others, but I now understand that it is important to first realise and realise why you have become angry without going through the motions.

The problem beyond the anger may not be the person in front of you.

It could be a trauma that happened in the past or a past that you can't forget that is causing you bad feelings.

The feelings you're feeling now are connected to that situation in the past.

If you can think to yourself, "I can't forget this experience," you may feel much better.

I can't forget that experience and it's manifesting itself in anger in this moment. ....

This is a moment when you can feel love for your heart.