唯一無二 one and only | 心の泉  Fountain of the Heart

心の泉  Fountain of the Heart





























My mother was very hard on me when I was little and I don't remember much about it.

Sometimes I have flashbacks of being locked in a dark storage room (aka storage shed) and not being let out.

I always felt in my early years that my mother did not love me, and I wondered if I was really her daughter. There was no communication of will between mother and daughter to the extent that I wondered.

From a young age, it was always painful for me to explain or persuade my parents that I wanted to do something, or that I wanted this or that.

I realised that I had become very good at sensing what adults were thinking and feeling from their colour of face, tone of voice and facial expressions, and naturally became a child who could work backwards from those answers and embody the required behaviour and speech.

'You are a firm big sister.'

I became a very understanding, almost hands-off, clever child, and that is the kind of person I became.

I naturally developed the ability to feel a person's sentiments painfully, even though I did not have to answer for them.

Feelings are put into every word.

Behind the eyes, the voice of the heart speaks.

Behaviour is a manifestation of the depths of the psyche.

I was convinced that the way to survive was to sense everything and be clever, even though I didn't understand the hard principles of it all.

No one spoiled me or told me how I should live.

Every day I crawled under the duvet and cried aloud.

Now I suddenly remember vividly...