ラジオ英会話2024年9月6日放送分から | stl52のブログ







Rosa: Hey everyone! Welcome to Friday's lesson. It's time to review. This is Akino Rosa.


David: And I'm David Evans. That's right. It's time for the review. Let's do it!



Lesson 105 REVIEW





David: Okay. Let's review this week's dialogues.


Rosa: Listen to the questions and pick which one of the three options is the correct answer.


David: Let's start with Monday's dialog.





David: Okay, guys. Here's the question.


Question: Who will Seiichiro probably talk to?


Choices are:

A. A man from Germany.


B. A person who is in the elevator.


C. A man who works for the shop.

Here we go.



Seiichiro: Wow, Ms. Stravinsky, look at all these pianos! I want to play them all.


Ms. Stravinsky: I don't think you can without asking.


Seiichiro: There are so many from other countries like Germany.


Ms. Stravinsky: Ah, yes, those are very expensive.


Seiichiro: I'd like to play on a few. Can we ask the staff?


Ms. Stravinsky: Sure. The man in the brown jacket standing in front of the elevator works here.


Seiichiro: Thanks. You know, it's my dream to buy a grand piano.


Ms. Stravinsky: Someday, Seiichiro, someday.



Rosa: Did you get that? Okay, let's go over the question one more time.


The answer is C. A man who works for the shop.





David: Okay. Now let's move on to Tuesday's dialogue. Here's the question.


Question: Where did Doug and Shiho first meet?


Choices are:


A. In high school.


B. In New York.


C. In university.

Listen up!



Maya: Doug, how did you and Shiho meet?


Doug: Oh, it's a long story. We first met at an international high school in Tokyo.


Maya: You went to the same high school?


Doug: Yeah, but then Shiho wanted to study in New York.


Maya: Oh, so she studied abroad.


Doug: Right, she was at Columbia University for a while, and I visited her once.


Maya: You stayed in Japan?


Doug: That's right. I found a job locally. I kept working at my company in Tokyo while she was in America. We had a long-distance relationship.



David: How did you do? All right, let's check the question one more time.


The answer is A. In high school.





Rosa: Next up is Wednesday's dialogue. Here's the question.


Question: What will Aoi and Renji do?


Choices are:

A. Solve the puzzle and then have a lesson.


B. Have a lesson before solving the puzzle.


C. Learn how to solve the puzzle together.

Listen carefully.



Renji: Aoi, have you seen one of these puzzles before?


Aoi: Of course. It's a Big West Cube.


Renji: Can you solve it?


Aoi: Sure. I can do it with my eyes closed.


Renji: No way! It's so hard. I haven't figured it out yet.


Aoi: Here, give it to me. The first few steps are easy…


Renji: Whoa, whoa, slow down, you're going too fast.


Aoi: …And voilà! Here you go, Renji. Solved.


Renji: That was fast! You have to teach me how to do it.


Aoi: I'll show you after today's math lesson.



Rosa: Did you understand? Let's check the question one more time.


The answer is B. Have a lesson before solving the puzzle.





David: All right. And last, let's check out Thursday's dialogue. Let's start with the question.


Question: Which of the following is true?


Choices are:

A. Many staff will go to London with Roxy.


B. Roxy will meet Grandpa soon.


C. Roxy bought a second house.

Here we go!



Dad: Honey, where's Roxy?


Mom: She's in her bedroom, packing her suitcase for her big trip tomorrow.


Dad: Great, she's finally doing it.


Mom: Yeah, she has a lot of stuff to bring with her.


Dad: I called Grandpa today. He's going to meet Roxy at the airport in London.


Mom: I'm sure both he and Grandma are excited.


Dad: They are. Grandpa spent the whole day cleaning up the house.


Mom: That's sweet of him. It is Roxy's second home.


Dad: I can't believe she's leaving tomorrow.



David: Okay. How did you do? Let's check out the question one more time.


The answer is B. Roxy will meet Grandpa soon.





Rosa: Okay, here's the first situation. Imagine this.


Situation 1: 友人宅のドライブウェイに赤い車を見つけました。あなたの買いたかった車です。中を見せてくれるよう頼んでください。








[ヒント] ドライブウェイ driveway




A: Welcome. Come on in!


B: Wow, whose is the red car in the driveway? That's the one I've been wanting to get for a long time. If it's yours, can I see the inside?



Wow, whose is the red car in the driveway? That's the one I've been wanting to get for a long time.



the red car in the driveway では、the red car を in the driveway が説明。「説明ルール」の位置どりです。

次の文ではthe one を 関係代名詞節が説明。現在完了進行形(have been + 動詞-ing形)が使われています。過去から現在に向けて「ずっと~している」を表す形。



If it's yours, can I see the inside?



Can I ? は気軽に許可を求める形でした。



David: All right! Let's move on to the next situation. Imagine this.


Situation 2: 終業時間となりました。新入社員が帰ろうとしていますが、彼女の席を見ると個人情報が書かれた書類が机に出されたままになっています。思わず呼び止めたあなた。注意してください。







[ヒント]個人情報 personal information / さらされた、露出した、出された exposed



A: What's up?


B: Don't leave with documents containing personal information exposed on your desk. It’s very risky. Make sure they are in a locked drawer before you leave.



Don't leave with documents containing personal information exposed on your desk.



Don't leaveと述べた後、付帯する状況をwith以下で述べています。documentsとexposed(さらされた・出された)の間にイコールの関係があります。



It's very risky. Make sure they are in a locked drawer before you leave.



make sureは「必ず~する」。




Onishi: Hey, Rosa. Is your new car red?


Rosa: Well, it's not red, but it is a very nice color. And I like it a lot.


David: Does it have that new car smell?


Rosa: Thankfully not.


David: Oh, what?


大西: いやいや、新車の購入はうらやましいですね。




大西: ねえ、ろーざ。君の新しい車は赤?


ろーざ まあ、赤じゃないけれど、とても素敵な色よ。とっても気に入っているの。


デビッド: それって新車臭はある?


ろーざ: おかげさまでありません。


デビッド: ええ?何だってえ?


大西: いやいや、新車の購入はうらやましいですね。


