ラジオ英会話2024年7月19日放送分から | stl52のブログ










Rosa: Hey everyone, this is Akino Rosa. You know what day it is?


David: ジャジャジャーン! It's review time! I'm David Evans.



Lesson 75 REVIEW





David: Okay, let's review this week's dialogues.


Rosa: Listen to the questions and pick which one of the three options is the correct answer.





David: Let's start with Monday's dialog.


Rosa: Here's the question.



Question: What is the advice Ms. Stravinsky gives to her student?


Choices are:

A. Listen to the sonata more.


B. Start with easy pieces.


C. Continue practicing.

Here we go.



Seiichiro: Ms. Stravinsky, this Beethoven sonata is much harder than I thought.


Ms. Stravinsky: Yes, many students think the Moonlight Sonata is easy, but it isn't at all.


Seiichiro: I want to play it as well as Sotoda Michiko.


Ms. Stravinsky: Ah yes, the famous pianist.


Seiichiro: How can I play like her?


Ms. Stravinsky: Practicing is the only way to get better. I'm afraid there is no royal road to learning.


Seiichiro: What does that mean?


Ms. Stravinsky: It means there are no special shortcuts.


Seiichiro: I see.



The answer is C. Continue practicing.





David: All right, let's take a look at Tuesday's dialogue. Here's the question.


Question: What did the man send to Carolyn?


Choices are:


A. Printed photos.


B. An old film camera.


C. A cool poster of Tokyo.

Listen up!



Tyler: Hi, Carolyn. What time is it there?


Carolyn: It's about twelve-thirty in the afternoon.


Tyler: I'm getting ready for bed here.


Carolyn: Sorry about the time difference, but I really wanted to talk to you.


Tyler: You got my photos from the trip?


Carolyn: Yes, they're interesting. I rarely see printed photos anymore. You used an old film camera, right?


Tyler: Yes, I bought it in Tokyo, actually. It's great.


Carolyn: That you wrote a real letter and sent these photos is amazing!


Tyler: Cool, right?



The answer is A. Printed photos.





Rosa: Okay, guys, next up is Wednesday's dialogue. Here's the question.


Question: What does Renji want to do?


Choices are:

A. Get a new mirror.


B. Stay young.


C. Become a history professor.

Listen carefully.



Aoi: Renji, I like your new glasses.


Renji: Thank you! I feel like I'm looking at somebody else when I look in the mirror.


Aoi: You look like a young professor.


Renji: Good. My dream is to become a history professor. I don't know if I'll succeed, though.


Aoi: Whether you succeed or not is less important than doing your best.


Renji: Well, now I can see the whiteboard clearly at school.


Aoi: That's important! Now, let's start today's lesson.


Renji: From page 45?


Aoi: Right.



The answer is C. Become a history professor.





David: All right, now let's move on to Thursday's dialogue. Let's start with the question.


Question: Which of the following is true?


Choices are:

A. There is no space for sunbathing.


B. The two people don't have time for breakfast.


C. Anton is looking at a planet.

Here we go!



Megan: Anton, good morning.


Anton: Is it morning? It's hard to tell on this spaceship.


Megan: It's hard without a sunrise here in space, I know.


Anton: The time I wake up at needs to be consistent. Wait! Look out there. What is that planet straight ahead of us?


Megan: Planet?


Anton: It looks like Earth.


Megan: What you're saying doesn't make sense. We are going away from Earth.


Anton: It's Earth all right. No doubt about it. This is very strange.



The answer is C. Anton is looking at a planet.





Rosa: Okay guys, here's the first situation. Imagine this.


Situation 1: 体重を心配する友人にアドバイスしてください。







[ヒント] 問題がない fine / 痩せる lose weight



A: I'm afraid I'm a bit overweight. Any advice?


B: I think you're fine, but if you're worried, it may be a good idea to be more careful about how much you eat. Eating less and doing more exercise are the most reliable ways to lose weight, I think.



I think you're fine, but if you're worried, it may be a good idea to be more careful about how much you eat.



I think~ はリポート文。think の内容を you're fine が説明しています。

it may be a good idea to(~するのはいいアイデアかもしれません)は、婉曲的な提案をするいい方法です、

aboutの後ろの how much you eat は「どれくらいあなたが食べるか」。wh節です、



Eating less and doing more exercise are the most reliable ways to lose weight, I think.



less は「より少なく」。動詞ing形を主語として使っています。




David: All right! Let's move on to the next situation. Imagine this.


Situation 2:








[ヒント]集中する focus



A: I'm so tired. I want to get some sleep.


B: Whether you're tired or not doesn't matter. The deadline is tomorrow morning. Let's focus and get it done. All the readers are waiting for our textbook.



Whether you're tired or not doesn't matter. The deadline is tomorrow morning.






Let's focus and get it done. All the readers are waiting for our textbook.



get it done目的語説明型。it = done(なされた)という状況をgetするということ。よく使われるフレーズです。




Onishi: Hey guys, I am eating less and doing more exercise, but I can't lose weight.


David: Well, you know what they say, after diet and exercise, stres and lack of sleep are the biggest factors.


Rosa: And I think you're fine, but if you're still worried, you might want to think about why it bothers you so much in the first place.


大西: なるほど、気になるんだったら、気になるあなたのその気持ちを考えてみてください、というですね、素晴らしいアイディアでした。だけど僕は、もっとかっこよくなりたいんだよね。


you might want to ~した方がいい、~するといいでしょう、~してはいかがかと思います





大西: ねえ、二人とも。僕だって食べる量を減らして運動を増やしているのに、痩せられないんだよね。


デビッド: まあ、よく言うじゃない。ダイエットと運動のあとの最大の要因はストレスと睡眠不足だって。


ろーざ: それに私、先生は問題ないと思うけどな。それでも心配なら、そもそもどうしてどんなに気になるのかを考えたら?


大西: なるほど、気になるんだったら、気になるあなたのその気持ちを考えてみてください、というですね、素晴らしいアイディアでした。だけど僕は、もっとかっこよくなりたいんだよね。