ラジビジネス英語2024年5月24日 | stl52のブログ







Interview 1 

Lekh Raj Juneja 





Listening point 

What do you need to learn a language? 





Okay, let's listen to today's interview! 



Shibata: Okay. My final question, based on your experience learning English and Japanese as foreign languages. Could you offer some advice to our listeners? 


Juneja: You know, language is so important. I learned why it's so important when I came to Japan. You know, you cannot do anything without language. You have to have desire, will to learn the language. Desire and will. I have sent many employees overseas. You know, some come back with so good. You know, they learn and they have zeal. They work there and come back to speak and some just do not. Because they decided not to speak. 

So important thing that when you learn language, even if I'm not good, I make mistakes, it's okay, I'm not native, you know. So the problem with, you know, Japan culture is unless you are perfect, you don't speak, you know. It's the English, it's not only just English of people, uh, American people. There are so many people speak different type of English, you know. 

So, I always tell my staff, "Speak something!", "Say something!", you know, and "Don't worry, you are not native", "Don't afraid, be bold!". "Be bold to speak". 


Shibata: That's exactly what I want to convey to the listeners of this program. 


Juneja: And I speak Japanese. I give lectures. I have management board meeting. Even if I do mistake, they say, "oh, Doctor Juneja, it's okay, he's not Japanese". And then, "Excuse me, I'm not native". So I'm not scared, I'm not afraid. But when you need to be careful, when you say something,you know, you need to say, "be quiet", not "shut up", something like that. So, you need to be a little careful when you speak the words so that you don't hurt people. But speak,say something, be bold. That's in everything you know, and not only language. 


Shibata: I hope our listeners are encouraged by your comments. Well, thank you very much for joining us today. It was a pleasure talking to you. I look forward to your next endeavor. 


Juneja: Okay, thank you. Thank you very much for inviting me to your studio. and I appreciate your invitation back again. 


Shibata: Thank you very much.  


Juneja: Okay, thank you. 




will 意志 

Determination, desire, and wishes.You may have heard the phrase "Where there is a will, there is a way".This means that if you have the desire and determination to do something, you can find a way. Doctor Juneja said that people need a desire or will to learn a foreign language, meaning that they have to really want it and be committed to their goals.  


zeal 熱意、情熱 

Strong passion, energy, eagerness, devotion, or enthusiasm for something. Zeal is a noun, and the adjective form is zealous.For example, "The lawyer zealously defended her client.That zeal won the case".  


bold 大胆な 

In this case, bold means having courage and confidence.Taking a risk if you believe it's right. Fearless or free. An example would be "She made the bold decision to move across the country to become an actress. In the end, her courage was rewarded and she became famous". 



Listening pointの答え 

What do you need to learn a language? 


You need a desire or will. 







open doors to ~の扉を開く 

Learning a new language opens doors to different cultures and perspectives. 






face challenges 難題に直面する 

Patience is key when facing challenges in foreign language aquisition. 






without fear of ~を恐れずに、~を心配せずに 

It’s crucial to speak without fear of making mistakes. 






celebrate a small victory 小さな勝利を祝う 

Celebrating small victories, such as mastering a new phrase, boosts motivation in language learning. 













文化に対する感受性 cultural sensitivity 


Cultural sensitivity is an essential part of mastering a foreign language. 



cultural sensitivityは文化に対して敏感なことを指します。 






Be bold. That's in everything, and not only language. 


