ラジオビジネス英語2024年4月4日 | stl52のブログ





Lesson 4 面談を申し入れる




Let's learn how to write e-mails in English together.







Point to check



Subject: Request for an in person meeting.


Dear Frank,


I'm Kaneda Chinatsu from ABC Corp. It was a pleasure getting to know you at the seminar yesterday. I was delighted to see your interest in our company's business. And I'd greatly appreciate it if you could spare some time for me to explain our services in detail. Would you be available on any of the following dates?


Monday, the 15th of April 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Wednesday, the 17th of April 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.


If neither of the above works for you, please provide a couple of time slots that are convenient.


Looking forward to hearing from you.







Subject: Request for an in person meeting.

まず件名でin person meetingと申し込んでいる面談が、対面であることを明確にしています。


I'm Kaneda Chinatsu from ABC Corp. It was a pleasure getting to know you at the seminar yesterday.





It was a pleasure getting to know you at the seminar yesterday. I was delighted to see your interest in our company's business. And I'd greatly appreciate it if you could spare some time for me to explain our services in detail.



I would appreciate it ifは、「~していただけるとありがたい」というとても丁寧な依頼のフレーズです。初めての面談を申し込むわけですから、 丁寧に行きたいですね。greatly に 「ぜひ」という気持ちがこもっています。


Would you be available on any of the following dates?


Monday, the 15th of April 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Wednesday, the 17th of April 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.


be available は「都合がつく」というときの必須表現です。Would you be availableyouが主語になっています。人が主語になるという点を意識してください。




If neither of the above works for you, please provide a couple of time slots that are convenient.


time slot〔テレビ・ラジオ番組の放送などの〕時間帯、割り当て時間(英辞郎)



be convenientを使うときは日時が主語となります。






Unfortunately I'm not available at the suggested times.


先ほどのチナツのメールにも出てきましたが、be availableの主語は日時ではなく人となるんでしたね。日時を主語とした言い方はいくつかありますか、suitを使うと、次のように表現することができます。


Unfortunately, the suggested times don't suit mt schedule.


残念ながらご提案いただいた時間は私のスケジュールとありませんという言い方ですね。my scheduleの代わりにmeを使ってThe suggested times don't suit me.ということもできます。


Subject: Request for a meeting.


Dear Chinatsu


It was a pleasure speaking with you yesterday. I'd be glad to meet with you to discuss the details.


Unfortunately, I'm not available at the suggested times.


How about Thu 18 or Fri 19?


I can make it anytime after 11 a.m. on both days.


I hope this arrangement works for you.


Regard Frank


提案された日時は都合が悪いということで、how aboutと別の日を簡潔に示しています。次の文のI can make itは「都合がいい」という時のフレーズです。ここまでは取引関係のない相手のアポイントを取るメールを見てきました。








Subject: Request for a meeting.


Hi Chinatsu,


It's been a long time. I trust you're doing well.


I'm pleased to inform you that the shopping mall project for Ho Chimin city has been approved. We'd like to meet with you in the coming weeks to discuss it. How is your availability?


We'd be thrilled if you could join us for the next Venture.


Kind regards,





Shibata: Jenny, what do you think about greeting someone as Hi, instead of Dear, in an email?


Jenny: I think using Dear can sometimes feel too formal or distant.


Shibata: I see. Too formal or distant. I ask some of my colleagues before and they gave me exactly the same answer.


too formal or distant 硬すぎる、距離を感じるということで、「よそよそしい」と感じでしょうか?もちろん相手との関係によりますが、普段一緒に仕事をしている相手に対してはHiと呼びかけてみるといいですね。続いて、本文の出だしのIt's been a long time.から始まる一言も会話調ですね。


How is your availability?は普段やり取りしている相手に都合を聞く時の簡潔な言い回しです。

最後の文のWe'd be thrilled if you could join us for the next Venture.の一言に次回も参加して欲しいという強い気持ちが表れています。

be thrilledbe excitedと同様にわくわくする気持ちを表すフレーズです。





What other expressions are there?


Jenny: Well, let me see... You can phrase it with the date and time as the subject. Like, “The following times work for me”. Or, use suit to say, “The following time suit me”.





I'm available during the following slots.


人が主語となるbe availableを使った言い方です。枠はslotを使ってみてください。この他にどんな表現があるでしょうか?


Shibata: What other expressions are there?


Jenny: Well, let me see. You can phrase it with the date and time as the subject. Like, "The following times work for me". Or, use "suit" to say, "The following time suit me".


Shibata: Right. So. it's "work for someone", or "suit someone".





Hi Brian,


Thank you for sharing the exciting news. I'm available during the following slots.


Tuesday, the 16th, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Thursday, the 18th, 2 p.m. on wards.


Friday, the 19th, The whole day.


Looking forward to our fruitful discussion.





Shibata: Jenny, how did you find this reply email?


Jenny: Chnatsu used adjectives effectively to express her feeling like "exciting news" or "fruitful discussion".


Shibata: That's right. Using the right adjectives is the key to conveying your feelings.


短いメールですが、exciting newsfruitful discussionのように的確な形容詞を使って自分の気持ちを表していますね。今日のテーマは面談を申し入れるでした。