ラジオ英会話2024年3月1日放送分から | stl52のブログ






Rosa: Hey everyone. This is Akino Rosa. It's Friday, you know that means.


David: That's right, it's time for the review. I'm David Evans.



Lesson 220 REVIEW








Question: Which of the following is true?


Choices are:

A. Jessica and Professor Peacock met last week.


B. Professor Peacock has been to the Great Pyramid before.


C. Jessica needs to go to the head office.

Here we go.



Jessica: Professor Peacock, that was a fascinating lecture.


Peacock: Oh, hi, Jessica. Thank you. I haven't seen you recently.


Jessica: Yes, it has been a while. You've been busy, I know.


Peacock: Not really. Anyway, how did you like the videos in my lecture?


Jessica: The one of the Great Pyramid was amazing!


Peacock: Thank you. I never tire of visiting it.


Jessica: I just can't get my head around the size of it.


Peacock: Yes. That ancient people built it is mind-boggling.


Jessica: It really is.



The answer is B. Professor Peacock has been to the Great Pyramid before.





Question: What did Derek not want Doris to tell Bill?


Choices are:

A. That he had coffee with Doris.


B. That he wants to go back to the band.


C. That he called Bill.

Listen up.



Doris: Derek, I forgot to tell you. I bumped into Bill and we had coffee together.


Derek: Oh, really? How is he doing?


Doris: Fine. We talked a bit about your wanting to return to the band.


Derek: What? You told him that?


Doris: Yes, it's the truth, isn't it?


Derek: Doris, that was uncalled for. You shouldn't have said that to him.


Doris: Sorry, but I was just being honest.


Derek: What did Bill say about that idea?


Doris: Well…



The answer is B. That he wants to go back to the band.





Question: What does Kelly think about Bill?


Choices are:

A. His music is wonderful.


B. His band is old-fashioned.


C. He always looks hungry.

Listen carefully.



Kelly: Today we have a very special guest. It's my pleasure to welcome Bill Bungalow of the Desperate Rats.


Bill: Thank you for inviting me, Kelly.


Kelly: I've wanted to meet you for a long time. I really admire your music.


Bill: Thank you. I appreciate you saying that.


Kelly: Bill, the band started back in the 80s. How have you kept it going for so long?


Bill: Well, someone once said, "Stay hungry, stay foolish." That's the secret, I think.


Kelly: That's a great motto!



The answer is A. His music is wonderful.





Question: What will the two people do?


Choices are:

A. They'll reserve seats for the movie.


B. They'll go to a movie theater.


C. They'll read Peacock's book.

Here we go!



Helen: Gary, did you get our tickets already?


Gary: Yes, of course. I reserved them online. I got good seats for us.


Helen: Thanks! I'm so excited about this new movie about Atlantis.


Gary: I'm pretty thrilled too, actually. I mean, the script was written by Brendan Peacock.


Helen: The archaeology professor? I know he's written a lot of books…but, a script? Wow!


Gary: I wonder if there really was a civilization called Atlantis.


Helen: Who knows? Maybe there was. Anyway, it's going to be a lot of fun.


Gary: I can't wait.



The answer is B. They'll go to a movie theater.





Situation 1:







[ヒント] ~に100%全力投球する give 100% to



A: Why do you love your boyfriend so much?


B: Oh, I have many reasons. For one thing, I admire the way he works. He's not necessarily successful, but he always gives 100% to his work. For another, he always makes me feel heard. I was so lucky to find him.



Oh, I have many reasons. For one thing, I admire the way he works. He's not necessarily successful, but he always gives 100% to his work.


for one thing (ひとつには)、理由説明の常套句。for another(もうひとつは)と続けることができます。


not necessarilyは「必ずしも~ない」、部分否定です。



For another, he always makes me feel heard. I was so lucky to find him.


He always makes me feel heard.はすでに学習済み。

コミュニケーションを絶やさないことは、 人間関係にとっても重要なことのようですね。



Situation 2:









[ヒント]の大ファン a big fan of …



A: You look so happy!


B: As you know, I'm a big fan of Red from HIROTO48. I finally got a ticket to their concert tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to it. It's going to be a lot of fun. I can't wait!



As you know, I'm a big fan of Red from HIROTO48. I finally got a ticket to their concert tomorrow.


as は「=(イコール)」がイメージでしたね。

a big fan of はヒントでお出ししたように「…の大ファン」というわけです。



I'm really looking forward to it. It's going to be a lot of fun. I can't wait!






Rosa: Hey, Sensei.


大西: はい?


Rosa: So, what in your life makes you feel heard?


David: Yeah, who really listens to you, and accepts you for who you are?


Rosa: And understands you?


Onishi: Probably, my medaka!


ろーざ: はあ…。ということで。



ろーざ: ねえ、先生。


大西: はい?


ろーざ: それで、先生はどんなことで話を聞いてもらっていると感じるの?


デビッド: そうだよ。ちゃんと話を聞いてくれて、ありのままの先生を受け入れてくれるのは誰?


ろーざ: それに理解してくれるのは?


大西: おそらく、僕のメダカだな!


ろーざ: はあ…。ということで。


accepts you for who you are ありのままのあなたを受け入れる


accept ~ for what it is をありのまま[そのまま・素直に]受け入れる(英辞郎)



メダカは英語で(Japanese) rice-fish(英辞郎)というみたいですね。