ラジオ英会話2023年12月8日放送分から | stl52のブログ






Rosa: Hey everyone. This is Akino Rosa. Well, it's Friday. You know what that means?


David: That's right. It's time for the review! I'm David Evince.



Lesson 165 REVIEW





Question: What did Alexis do?


Choices are:

A. She saw the Zizilla movie.

B. She threw away a box.

C. She threw a figure.



Caspar: Alexis, have you seen the box for my Zizilla figure?


Alexis: You mean the old empty box that was on the floor?


Caspar: Yeah, that one.


Alexis: I threw it away last night. Today was the garbage day for cardboard.


Caspar: I needed that box, Alexis. It goes with the figure. The figure is worth less without it.


Alexis: Oh, I didn't know. I thought it was garbage. I really messed up.


Caspar: To non-collectors it's garbage, I guess. Not to me, though.


Alexis: I should have asked you first.


Caspar: Don't worry about it. It's too late to do anything now.



The answer is B. She threw away a box.




Question: What does Akira want to do?


Choices are:

A. Make a success of his life.

B. Repair the ship.

C. Go to a theme park.



Selene: Akira, do you see it? It's Earth.


Akira: I've never seen anything so beautiful in my life. We made it!


Selene: Yes. The mission was a success.


Akira: Thanks to your great piloting skills, Selene.


Selene: We almost didn't make it. It was scary when that object hit us.


Akira: But luckily we repaired the ship.


Selene: Anyway, all that is behind us now. What are you going to do first after we touch down, Akira?


Akira: I'm going to Hirotoland!


Selene: Hirotoland! I love that theme park too.



The answer is C. Go to a theme park.




Question: Why won't Helen watch a movie version of the book?


Choices are:

A. Because she is too busy.

B. Because she thinks novels are usually better than the movie version.

C. Because she is looking forward to a new movie.



Gary: Hey, Helen, how's the Tolstoy novel coming along?


Helen: War and Peace? I'm too busy studying for final exams to read that long book.


Gary: How many pages do you have left?


Helen: About 800? I'm not sure exactly.


Gary: Why don't you just watch a movie version of it?


Helen: A movie can be a far cry from the actual novel.


Gary: Well, you can read it during winter break.


Helen: Yes, I'm looking forward to getting back into the story.


The answer is B. Because she thinks novels are usually better than the movie version.




Question: Which of the following is true?


Choices are:

A. Roxy has fans.

B. Roxy likes her job.

C. Dad stayed at the hotel.



Roxy: Dad, I'm home!


Dad: Welcome back, Roxy. How was work today?


Roxy: We were super busy, but it was fun.


Dad: Really? How do you like working in a hotel?


Roxy: It's more interesting than I thought.


Dad: How so?


Roxy: I like the mood. All the guests are excited to be there.


Dad: It's only natural that they are excited. It's a really nice hotel.


Roxy: Exactly. It makes me feel good too.


Dad: Sounds like a nice place to work.



The answer is B. Roxy likes her job.




Situation 1:








[ヒント] 難しさにおいて in terms of difficulty



A: I was so disappointed with myself.


B: I can imagine how you feel. But translating English sentences is a far cry from speaking English in terms of difficulty. Seriously, you need to listen to Radio Eikaiwa. I’m sure your speaking will improve a lot.



I can imagine how you feel. But translating English sentences is a far cry from speaking English in terms of difficulty.


最初の文のhow以下はwh節。「あなたがどのように感じている(のか)」。be a far cry fromは「~とは大きく異なる」でしたね。



Seriously, you need to listen to Radio Eikaiwa. I’m sure your speaking will improve a lot.


文頭のseriouslyは「真面目に言うと」。以降の内容を真面目な内容であると指定するため、文頭に置かれています。「指定ルール: 指定は前に置く」の位置。I'm sureの文はam sureの内容を後続の節が説明する「リポート文」の形。



Situation 2:




大失敗してしまったよ! 間違って彼女との写真を上司に送ってしまったんだ!彼はいい人だから、問題はないはず。でも恥ずかしいことだよ!




[ヒント] 恥ずかしい embarrassing



A: Hi. What's up?


B: I really messed up! I sent a photo with my girlfriend to my boss by mistake! He's a good guy, so there should be no problem. But it's embarrassing!




I really messed up! I sent a photo with my girlfriend to my boss by mistake!


I really messed up!はレッスン161のキーセンテンスで学んだそのままの形。できましたか。by mistakeは「間違って」。byは「方法」を表す前置詞。「mistakeという方法で」つまり「間違って」ということ。



He's a good guy, so there should be no problem. But it's embarrassing!


should は「~であるはず」。There is no problem.(問題はありません)に should のニュアンスをつけ加えてくださいね。embarrassingは「恥ずかしい」。感情を表す動詞の動詞ing形ですから、物事について述べる形容詞。embarrassedと過去分詞なら「恥ずかしい」と人の気持ちを述べる形容詞となります。




Onishi: Hey guys. Have you sent a photo to the wrong person?


Rosa: Well, I've never sent a photo to the wrong person. But I have sent a message to the wrong person. It was a very casual message, but the person I sent it to was work-related.


Onishi: Oooh.


Rosa: Very embarrassing, but she's a good person. So it was no problem.


David: Well, once I got invited to this party, I didn't really want to go, but I accidentally said "yes". It was …oops!


Onishi: Hey David! Are you talking about my party?


デビッド: 黙秘しまーす。



大西: ねえ、二人とも。間違って写真を送っちゃったことある?


ろーざ: そうね、写真を間違って送ったことはないけど、間違ってメッセージを送ってしまったことはあるわね。とてもざっくばらんなメッセージだったんだけど、送った先は仕事関係の人だったの。


大西: うわ!


ろーざ: とても恥ずかしかったわ。でも彼女はいい人だったから問題なかったけどね。


デビッド: そうだな、前にあるパーティーに招待されたんだけど、あんまり行きたくなかったんだよね。でもうっかり「行く」と言ってしまったんだ。それが…おっと!


大西: ちょっと、デビッド!うちのパーティーのこと言ってる?


デビッド: 黙秘しまーす。