twenty one pilots の新作 | ロキノンには騙されないぞ



twenty one pilots





Kerrang! 含む2メディア以上が満点









The final track on Twenty One Pilots‘ most-recent album, 2021’s ‘Scaled and Icy’, stood apart from the others, and in interviews, frontman Tyler Joseph suggested it offered a hint as to where the band were heading next. This sort of breadcrumb trail is catnip to the duo’s long-time followers; their diehard fans, who call themselves the Skeleton Clique, have won awards for their dedication to unspooling the tightly-wound narrative threads that Joseph and bandmate Josh Dun weave through their albums.

That song, ‘Redecorate’, will also have pleased fans caught off-guard by that record’s unusually sunny disposition, with the Pilots having taken a post-pandemic turn away from the claustrophobic feel and conceptual nature of their previous albums. ‘Redecorate’ was ruminative, atmospheric and, as we now know, would lead into this seventh album ‘Clancy’, which concludes a narrative arc that began on 2018’s ‘Trench’. We follow the titular character as he attempts to escape a fictional dystopia called Dema. He had been sidelined on ‘Scaled and Icy’, the title of which is an anagram of “Clancy is dead”.
