Black Dresses の新作 | ロキノンには騙されないぞ



Black Dresses











Black Dresses, the noise-pop collaboration between Devi McCallion and Ada Rook, haven’t put out a new album in two years, since 2022’s Forget Your Own Face. Individually, McCallion and Rook have kept busy with side projects and one-offs of their own, but they’ve teamed back up for a new album called LAUGHINGFISH, which dropped over the weekend.
In a tweet, it’s described as their “final album.” In a separate tweet, Ada Rook wrote: “this is the last one. thank you everyone for all the support you’ve shown this music over the years. it means more to me than i can say. take care of yourselves out there.” Black Dresses previously broke up but continued putting out albums anyway.

Canadian noise pop duo











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