mary in the junkyard の新作 (ep) | ロキノンには騙されないぞ



mary in the junkyard
This Old House




NME、The Skinny が80点相当





Hype will only get you so far. The buzz of online hysteria quickly fades to a whisper and soon silence too unless you can cut it in the real world. Two members of Mary In The Junkyard were once in the indie-pop band Second Thoughts, who found a captive, meme-hungry audience during those long, desperate days of lockdown. “What we’re doing here is trying to be the complete opposite of that,” singer and guitarist Clari Freeman-Taylor told NME of MITJ’s direction last year, “because we fucking hated it.” She’s right: the London trio could have been ripe to ruin if they hadn’t put the work in on the road with their fevered live shows.

