Jiddu Krishnamurti
Commentaries on Living, Series 1, Chapter 49

生きることに関する注釈、シリーズ 1、第 49 章


 10:34 「わたしが来たのは地上に平和をもたらすためだ、と思ってはならない。平和ではなく、剣をもたらすために来たのだ。
 10:35 わたしは敵対させるために来たからである。人をその父に、/娘を母に、/嫁をしゅうとめに。
 10:36 こうして、自分の家族の者が敵となる。
 10:37 わたしよりも父や母を愛する者は、わたしにふさわしくない。わたしよりも息子や娘を愛する者も、わたしにふさわしくない。
 10:38 また、自分の十字架を担ってわたしに従わない者は、わたしにふさわしくない。
 10:39 自分の命を得ようとする者は、それを失い、わたしのために命を失う者は、かえってそれを得るのである。」






 10:34 "Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the world. No, I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
  10:35 I came to set sons against their fathers, daughters against their mothers, daughters-in-law against their mothers-in-law;
  10:36 your worst enemies will be the members of your own family.
  10:37 "Those who love their father or mother more than me are not fit to be my disciples; those who love their son or daughter more than me are not fit to be my disciples.
  10:38 Those who do not take up their cross and follow in my steps are not fit to be my disciples.
  10:39 Those who try to gain their own life will lose it; but those who lose their life for my sake will gain it.





"すべての反対は神のものであり、それゆえに人間はこの重荷に屈しなければならない。そうすることによって、人間は神の葛藤で満たされた器になる。" ~カール・ユング-CW7



"紛争をかき立てることは、言葉の真の意味でのルシファー的な美徳である。紛争は、情動(affects )と情動(emotions)の火である火を発生させ、他のすべての火と同様に、燃焼の火と光を生み出す火の2つの側面を持っています。一方、情動(emotion )は、その暖かさがすべてのものを存在させ、その熱がすべての余分なものを灰に焼き尽くす錬金術の火である。一方、情動(emotion )とは、鉄と火打石が出会い、火花を散らす瞬間であり、情動(emotion )こそが意識の主な源泉であるからです。情動(emotion )なしには、暗闇から光への変化も、惰性から運動への変化もありません。~C.G.ユング、母なる元型の心理学的側面 集団的無意識の元型パラグラフ179



当然のことながら、これらの経験(ヌミノース)は、宗教的な信念を持たない人々にのみ現れる。明確な信念があるところには、その中から象徴を選ぶことができる明確な概念もあるからだ。このようにして、対立は避けられ、むしろその反対は、独断的なイメージ(例えばキリスト)の下に隠されているので、現れません。明確な宗教的信念を持つ人の心理学の中に超越的機能の痕跡が見当たらないのはそのためです。超越的機能」という言葉が意味するのは、ある状態から別の状態への移行です。人が宗教的概念に捕らわれたとき、人は宗教的概念から離れるのではなく、自分の宗教的確信に留まり、さらに、それが彼のすべきことである。何らかの対立が現れたとしても、それは直ちに明確な宗教的観念によって抑圧され、あるいは解決されるのである。だからこそ、超越的な機能が観察されるのは、もはや元々の宗教的信念を持たない、あるいは持ったことがない、その結果、自分の無意識と直接向き合っていることに気づく人々に限られるのです。これはキリストの場合であった。彼は、彼の時代の伝統的な宗教と彼の人々の宗教に反対する宗教革新者であった。したがって、彼はエクストラ・エクレクシアム(教会の外)であり、ヌルラ・サルス(救いがない)の状態にあった。それが彼が超越的な機能を経験した理由であり、キリスト教の聖人は、彼のための態度の根本的かつ全体的な変化が関与しないので、それを経験することはできませんでした。~CGユング、JL1 ¶ 0



「子供」とは、自立に向けて進化するものを意味する。したがって、放棄は必要な条件であり、単なる付随的な症状ではありません。この対立は、意識的な心が対極にあるものの間に挟まれたままでは克服できないものであり、そのためには、自分自身を起源から解放する必要性を指摘する象徴が必要なのである。子供」のシンボルが意識的な心を魅了し、掴むので、その救済効果は意識に伝わり、葛藤からのその分離をもたらします - それ自体で意識的な心ができなかった状況。

シンボルは、意識の初期状態を先取りしています。これが実際には存在していない限り、「子供」は宗教的な表現と儀式による更新を必要とする神話的な投影のままである。例えば、イエスの子は、大多数の男性がこの言葉に心理的なリアリティを与えることができない限り、宗教的に必要なものである。"汝らが小さな子供のようにならない限り ......"
~ C.G.ユングとC.Kerėnyi、神の子の神話とエレウシスの謎


"All opposites are of God, thereby man must bend to this burden; and in so doing ... He becomes a vessel filled with divine conflict." ~Carl Jung-CW7

“The stirring up of conflict is a Luciferian virtue in the true sense of the word. Conflict engenders fire, the fire of affects and emotions, and like every other fire it has two aspects, that of combustion and that of creating light. On the one hand, emotion is the alchemical fire whose warmth brings everything into existence and whose heat burns all superfluities to ashes. But on the other hand, emotion is the moment when steel meets flint and a spark is struck forth, for emotion is the chief source of consciousness. There is no change from darkness to light or from inertia to movement without emotion.” ~C.G. Jung, Psychological Aspects of the Mother Archetype Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious Paragraph 179

Naturally, these experiences appear only in people without religious convictions. For where there is a definite belief there are also definite concepts from among which a symbol can be chosen. Thus conflict is avoided, or rather the opposite does not appear, being hidden beneath a dogmatic image (Christ, for example). That is why you find no trace of the transcendent function in the psychology of a man with definite religious convictions. What the term “transcendent function” designates is really the transition from one condition to another. When a man is caught by a religious concept, he does not leave it; he stays with his religious conviction, and, furthermore, that is what he should do. If any conflict appears, it is immediately repressed or resolved by a definite religious idea. That is why the transcendent function can be observed only in people who no longer have their original religious conviction, or never had any, and who, in consequence, find themselves directly faced with their unconscious. This was the case with Christ. He was a religious innovator who opposed the traditional religion of his time and his people. Thus he was extra ecclesiam and in a state of nulla salus. That is why he experienced the transcendent function, whereas a Christian saint could never experience it, since for him no fundamental and total change of attitude would be involved. ~CG Jung, JL1 ¶ 0

'Child' means something evolving towards independence. This it cannot do without detaching itself from it's origins: abandonment is therefore a necessary condition, not just a concomitant symptom. The conflict is not to be overcome by the conscious mind remaining caught between the opposites, and for this very reason it needs a symbol to point out the necessity of freeing itself from it's origins. Because the symbol of the 'child' fascinates and grips the conscious mind, it's redemptive effect passes over into consciousness and brings about that separation from the conflict - situation which the conscious mind by itself was unable to do.

The symbol anticipates a nascent state of consciousness. So long as this is not actually in being, the 'child' remains a mythological projection which requires religious representation and renewal by ritual. The Jesus Child, for instance, is a religious necessity only so long as the majority of men are incapable of giving psychological reality to the saying: "Unless ye become as little children ......"
~ C.G Jung and C Kerėnyi, The Myth of the Divine Child and the Mysteries of Eleusis






[because nobody gets anywhere who has no conflict: we need the conflict and the willingness to accept it. For conflict is the origin of our psychical energy – there can be no energy without it. We must have conflict, otherwise we don’t live.]

“Nietzsche’s sermon is ambiguous here; we don’t know whether he is preaching a belligerent attitude which shows itself in politics of states, or whether he preaches the individual conflict. If it is the latter, I must subscribe to it, because nobody gets anywhere who has no conflict: we need the conflict and the willingness to accept it. For conflict is the origin of our psychical energy – there can be no energy without it. 
We must have conflict, otherwise we don’t live.

We might assume here that Nietzsche hides in this paragraph the intuition of individuation. For conflict is absolutely indispensable for individuation. You cannon individuate as long as you are identical with your aims and activities because they are always only one aspect, and if you identify with only one aspect of yourself you are merely an autonomous function, an autonomous aspect of yourself. But if you accept the conflict between two or several aspects of personality, you have a chance to individuate, because you then need a center between the conflicting tendencies: then individuation makes sense. IF you are identical with only one aspect of yourself, you are naturally up against the unconscious, and then it looks as if your enemy were outside of yourself: at least you don't understand why you should be opposed from within because you only see that one tendency with which you are identical, and do not see the opposing tendencies. So you project your aspects into other people who then become your bête noire. They seem to be the cause of your defeat or your neurosis; one lies to accuse father and mother or a wrong education or enemies in order to excuse oneself for one's own defeat. You see, if Nietzsche really means the individual here, this is really good advice; but if he is haranguing a politically excited crowd, then it is cheap stuff--no good, bad filling of newspaper columns."
~CG Jung, Nietzsche's Zarathustra: Notes of the Seminar given in 1934-1939, Volume 1, page 562.


― CG Jung, Man and His Symbols

“The sad truth is that man's real life consists of a complex of inexorable opposites—day and night, birth and death, happiness and misery, good and evil. We are not even sure that one will prevail against the other, that good will overcome evil, or joy defeat pain. Life is a battleground. It always has been and always will be; and if it were not so, existence would come to an end.”
― C.G. Jung, Man and His Symbols