宮床つむぎ ⑥ 浄土の庭 the Garden of Pure Land | 寺子屋 つむぎ

寺子屋 つむぎ

     今日も お寺や、神社や、公園に!
        秋には 里芋で 幻の 「おくづかけ」

           Variety is the spice of our life.






The shrubs such as azaleas that naturally grew within the ground of the Kakushouji Temple, along with tall trees like fir and oak, are selected by the Niwashi’s sensibility and skill.  The Garden of Pure Land is crafted to blend with the natural landscape of the Satoyama. Weakened trees are removed, but without harsh pruning, aiming for an environment where sunlight filters through the foliage.  The Niwashi nurtures the garden while cherishing the moss covering the ground.  Engaging in dialogue with the forest’s plant, birds and animals, envisioning the garden’s future decades or centuries ahead.


People of all ages, enjoying making wishes to the healing deities of the Nanatsu-Mori, are lured by the ambiance of the garden and involuntarily pause.  The refreshing wind, the gentle sound of flowing water, and even the cawing of crows feel divine, attracting people to gather in the Garden of Pure Land once again today.