宮床つむぎ ⑤ 笹の役割  bamboo | 寺子屋 つむぎ

寺子屋 つむぎ

     今日も お寺や、神社や、公園に!
        秋には 里芋で 幻の 「おくづかけ」

           Variety is the spice of our life.




As deforestation leads to sparse forests and Improved sunlight, bamboo grass proliferates. Everyone regards it as a nuisance, yet Japan receives abundant rainfall, and with steep mountains and fragile geological formations, landslides occur frequently. In truth, bamboo grass thrives on these mountain slopes, anchoring soil and sediment. Over many years, as trees grow and the forest floor darkens, bamboo grass gradually fades away.

Everything existing in nature seems to have some role to play.