アメリカ大統領就任式の5つの伝統(CNN学生ニュース) | 韓国語 英語トリリンガル♪楽習ブログ

韓国語 英語トリリンガル♪楽習ブログ

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アメリカ合衆国では去年暮れにバラック・オバマ/Barack Obama大統領が再選を果たしました。そして今日、1月21日2度目の就任式が国会議事堂で実施されます。大統領就任式は1月20日に、その日が日曜日の場合は翌日の月曜日に、実施されると決められています。今年は後者にあたるので今日になりました。キング牧師の祝日と重なってしまいました。

CNN STUDENT NEWSというアメリカの学生向けニュースサイトで就任式についての面白い映像を流していたのでこちらにご紹介します。ジョージ・ワシントン/George Washington 初代大統領のときから続く就任式の5つの伝統について紹介しています。スクリプトと和訳を掲載しますので、ぜひ一度ご覧ください。歴代大統領が登場します。


The next one is still a few days away. There are some things we know will happen on Monday, though, it`s because we can see the future. No, it`s because we know about the past when some of the traditions surrounding inaugurations started. Today, we are going to look at five of those traditions.

One, President Obama will be sworn back into office at the U.S. Capitol. But he`s got to get there. So tradition number one: the inaugural procession. It goes all the way back to George Washington. Most presidents rode to their inaugurations in a carriage or a car. Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson made the trip on foot.

Tradition number two. The Oath of Office, it`s what the inauguration is really all about. Not too much room for improvisation with this. The presidential oath is written out in the U.S. Constitution. But there is one part you`ll hear Monday.

BILL CLINTON: So help me God.
ビル・クリントン: だから神様、私に力を与えてください

That wasn`t part of the original script. George Washington ad-libbed it at the end of the oath and nearly every president since has said it as well.

Friends, countrymen, lend me your ears for tradition number three, the inaugural address. No rules here about how long or short the speech has to be, no guidelines for what the president should say. In fact, there is nothing that says he has to give an inaugural speech at all. But every single president has.

Once the ceremonies are over, it`s time for the president to head home, so fall in line for tradition number four -- the inaugural parade. The president, vice-president and their spouses lead the way back down Pennsylvania Avenue to the White House. Once they get there, they check out everyone who`s following them from a special reviewing stand.

We can`t close out this party without a party. And that`s our last tradition, the inaugural balls. Yes, that is plural, the tradition started with just one party to honor the president. In 1997, the president attended 14. This year, there are two official inaugural balls, and nearly 50 other parties happening around the same time.

Some of the sites and sounds of a century`s worth of inaugurations.

MALE: No, this is not carnival day in pumpkin center. It is the day of days in Washington D.C.
MALE: The presidential ...
FEMALE: Presidential ...
MALE: Here comes the inaugural parade.
男: 就任パレードが始まります


MALE: Are you prepared to take the Oath of Office as president of the United States?
男: 合衆国の大統領として就任宣誓をする準備はできてますか?
GERALD FORD: I am, sir.
ジェラルド・フォード: はい。
MALE: Swear on the Bible and raise your right hand. 
男: 聖書に誓って右手を上げよ
MALE: Raise your right hand.
男: 右手を上げよ
MALE: You will raise your right hand and repeat after me.
男: 右手を上げて私について言いなさい。
MALE: Repeat after me. I, William Jefferson Clinton, do solemnly swear.
男: 私について言いなさい。私、ウィリアム・ジェファーソン・クリントンは厳粛に誓います。
JIMMY CARTER: I, Jimmy Carter.
ジミー・カーター: 私、ジミー・カーターは…
BARACK OBAMA: I, Barack Hussein Obama.
バラック・オバマ: 私、バラック・フセイン・オバマは…
GEORGE W. BUSH: I, George Walker Bush, do solemnly swear.
ジョージ W. ブッシュ: 私、ジョージ・ウォーカー・ブッシュは…
JOHN F. KENNEDY: That I will faithfully execute the office.
ジョン F. ケネディ: 私は忠実に大統領職務を遂行します
RICHARD M. NIXON: That I will faithfully execute the office.
リチャード M. ニクソン:私は忠実に大統領職務を遂行します
JOHN ROBERTS, CHIEF JUSTICE: Execute the office of President for the United States faithfully. Faithfully, the president office - of president of the United States.

OBAMA: ... of president of the United States faithfully.

GEORGE H.W. BUSH: Well, to the best of my ability.

CLINTON: ... best of my ability.

MALE: Eisenhower began his second term as leader not only of America, but all free people.

KENNEDY: Preserve.

NIXON: Protect.

MALE: ... and defend.

FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT: ... preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

LYNDON B. JOHNSON: Constitution of the United States.

MALE: Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson and the grief- stricken widow with him takes the presidential oath aboard the jet, which brings him together with the body of the late president back to Washington. 

MALE: The flag flies at half staff, as President Truman asks the full Roosevelt cabinet to remain in office.

MALE: So help you God.

NIXON: So help me God.

OBAMA: So help me God.

CLINTON: So help me God.

FORD: So help me God.

NIXON: So help me God.

GEORGE W. BUSH: So help me God.


ROOSEVELT: So help me God.

REAGAN: So help me God.

MALE: The entire country behind (inaudible) patriotism.