☆[フィリピン 英語留学] 語学学校 :体験談のご紹介64 フィリピン・セブ留学ならSMEAG☆ | SMEAG 公式アメーバブログ

SMEAG 公式アメーバブログ


☆[フィリピン 英語留学] 語学学校 :体験談のご紹介64 フィリピン・セブ留学ならSMEAG☆

Good day!

I went to Oslob last Christmas Holiday with my batchmates. We stayed there for about 2 days and 1 night.
First, we went to Kawasan Falls to see how beautiful it is. We had a great experience in there. 
The falls was really wonderful. We even experienced like we had a massage by the water flowing down on us.
It took us about two to three hours to be in Badian. Though it was a tiring trip, we still enjoyed when we arrive in there.
After staying in Kawasan Falls for few hours, we went to the hotel near the beach.
The accommodation was great and the price was reasonable. We stayed in the hotel for a night.
The next day, we went to Oslob to experience watching Whale Sharks while we were swimming with them.
I couldn`t believe how big the whale sharks are. There were almost 10 whale sharks at that time and I was really shocked knowing that there are many of them.
We were swimming with the whale sharks for 45 minutes. We had our lunch near the Briefing area.
We ate Grilled pork and it was really delicious. They have fresh fish and shrimp which are ready to be cooked, but we didn`t order because we ran out of time. 
After eating lunch, we came back in SMEAG Capital Campus. We took an airconditioned bus and it took us almost 4 hours to arrive in South Bus Terminal.
We directly went to SMEAG and took some rest for all of us were very tired.
We really had an amazing experience though it was only 2 days and a night.
I wanted to go back again someday if I have time because I want to go to Sumilon Island in Oslob. I heard it is a beautiful white sand island.

Thank You.

オスロブへ一泊二日で旅行にいってきました。まずはkawasan Fallsその後ジンベエザメ。