ALANNAH MYLES 『Still Got This Thing For You』♪ | まさの好きな音楽と車関係etc.  ブログ

まさの好きな音楽と車関係etc.  ブログ

You Tubeの動画(自動再生モード使用)



「レノア 超消臭」 が、パナソニックのドラム式洗濯乾燥機では自動投入が出来ない事が判明。 


自動投入ではご使用不可の銘柄なんだって。 そういうのはトリセツに書いてあって欲しいけどね。

「レノア 超消臭」 はずっと好きで使っていただけに残念。



使い切ったら、残念だけど柔軟剤を変更する事になるかな。 (^_^;)


カナダ オンタリオ州・トロント出身のシンガーソングライター。


クリストファー・ワードらとバンドを結成。 その後、ソロ活動に転じ、

アルバム 「Alannah Myles」 と4曲のシングル・ヒットを放ち、

1990年のジュノー賞では最優秀新人賞等、5部門を制覇。 全米を震撼させた大物女性ロッカー。 

Alannah Myles - Still Got This Thing For You <1990年>

※ 前作、「ブラック・ベルベット」 に続く第2弾シングル。 


Why is it so hard
To say what's on my mind
And Why am I so proud
Still got this thing for you

I know you understand
But you still need a sign
Real love should shout out loud
Still got this thing for you

Hey baby can I carry your flame?
I wanna take you somewhere untameed
Don't you know you're drivin' me insane
Still got this thing for you

When you walk that way

I can feel the heat
Just below the surface
I'd do anything for you ... uh huh... yeah

When you're out all alone
I hear things from the street
And I get kinda nervous
Still got this thing for you. Oh yea

Hey baby, can I carry your flame?
I wanna take you somewhere untamed
Don't you know you're drivin' me insane
Still got this thing for you

Let me see you smile, come on look me in the eye
Too many times I let the chances go by
Pull down the shade, turn out the light
Help me make up for all those nights tonight

(Will I know it's true, Still got this thing for you
Will I know it's true, Still got this thing for you)

Hey baby, can I carry your flame?
I wanna take you somewhere untamed
Don't you know you're drivin' me insane
If we can't connect.. oh, that would be a shame

Well.... Hey baby, can I carry your flame?
I wanna take you somewhere untamed
Don't you know you're drivin' me insane
Still got this thing for you

Still got this thing for you
(Still got this thing for you)
I do

I know
(Still got this thing for you), you know I do knock knock
(Still got this thing for you)

I get a thrill and I still got this thing for you
(Still got this thing for you still got this thing for you)
Oohoo (still got this thing for you still got this thing for you)
Still got this thing for you (still got this thing for you)
Hah (still got this thing for you)
You know I do, still got this thing for you