あらすじ(English) | Siyohです



今日、この本を書くにあたって一番お世話になっている、スコールグループのRobin、ITC研究を世界に発信しているアメリカのMarkに、英訳したあらすじを送りました。その他にもルクセンブルクのMaggy and Jules Harsch-Fischback、オーストラリアのVictorなんかに、久々に挨拶して送りたいところです。






Title: The unseen world is really useful


Chapter 1: Let's not distinguish the unseen world and the visible world


01 Everything starts from mind

I tried to commit suicide when I was 12 years old. And I naturally started to think how we will be after a death. I asked the question to a Catholic or Cristian priest. He told me like, everyone will become soils first. And said, only selected people will be revived on some day. 

Then I thought:

I don’t think I’ll be selected by God.
So I’ll cease to exist.
What will be the feeling to become soils?


After thinking such thought when I was in 12, tears naturally fell from my eyes. I couldn’t stand the idea that my personality will disappear from the world. This was the trigger which made me start studying about the afterlife. After 40 years and a few, I got a conclusion that the spirit world and this world cannot be divided at all. They are one. Also I learned plenty of lucky events can happen on a person who thinks it is a natural law that such events happen. It isn't enough to believe such events happen. This situation, to believe something, can be described as 'expecting' situation. Not 'expecting'. 'Convincing' is the state that can attract lucky events. However, usually people cannot be convinced something without any bases. This book tells you the bases.


02 Healed from a quite difficult disorder of nerve with a help of the unseen world

I got a dystonia a long time ago. This is a neurological movement disorder in which sustained muscle contractions cause twisting and repetitive movements or abnormal postures. In my case, it was a focal dystonia which curves my right index finger only when I try to play the guitar. First, I and others couldn't understand what happened on my finger. And I quitted playing the guitar and spent 15 years without playing it. Then I bent a spoon for the first time, and thought I may be able to use this power also to fix my disorder. It was the start of struggling with the dystonia. I got other multiple triggers to heal this disorder from the unseen world. 14 years past since then, and I'm now regularly playing the guitar in front of audiences.


03 The curtain which decides how the limit of one's mind is

Everyone has a limit, and doesn't believe anything beyond the limit even if there are a lot of proofs. Wright brothers, Edison and others got evaluations which are apparently wrong guesses. You can think there is a curtain in your mind which decides your capacity toward supernormal phenomena. People believe information which came below the curtain without any proofs. But the curtain will easily be closed again when you tell some unbelievable story with forcedly opening the curtain of others. And people will think your information was a dream. You should open the curtain of others little by little by telling from a little unbelievable story to quite unbelievable story, so that the people can accept your story. I set such mechanism in this book to deliver my unbelievable idea to readers.


04 SPR, an association which has been researching psychical phenomena more than 100 years

In Japan, an occult boom, or a spiritual movement in 1970th was a very big one. One important factor of this movement was a comic named 'Ushiro-no-Hyakutato'. This is a comic about psychical phenomena. Research results from SPR, ASPR and Japan Psychic Science Association are introduced in this comic. I believe SPR is the most critical association of psychical phenomena, and the best psychical research association. I introduce the historical Hydesville events and the subsequent unprecedented spiritual movement in US and Europe, and explain SPR was formed as the result of such movements.


05 Where does the information of 'Kokkuri-san' come from?

Kokkuri-san is a Japanese version of Ouija board. Once the method of Kokkuri-san was introduced in 'Ushiro-no-Hyakutaro'. So many young generations got troubles with Kokkuri-san since then. Such troubles as the result of Kokkuri-san and Ouija board are written in this section. Also I introduced several valuable Ouija board communication results which suggest the communicator is a person who once lived in this world.


06 The importance to think by ourselves

I tried to show how we should treat the information which is possibly come from the unseen world in this section. The credibility of the information from the unseen world cannot be judged unless it is observed from multiple aspects. In Japan, we easily call a being as a god when it shows supernormal power, and trust it. I make a warning that it isn't a good behavior. And try to explain such power and humanity aren't much related.


07 Miracles occur only when you agree to accept them

Chinmoku (Silence) is a 1966 novel of historical fiction by Japanese author Shusaku Endo. It is the story of a Jesuit missionary sent to 17th century Japan, who endures persecution in the time of Kakure Kirishitan ("Hidden Christians") that followed the defeat of the Shimabara Rebellion. It has been called "one of the twentieth century’s finest novels". God keeps silent even when Christians are in torture in this novel. I thought God has quite different mind from human's one when I read this novel. I was 13 or 14 at that time. But now I have a completely different idea.

This situation can easily happen in the real world. Miracles don't occur in most cases when people are praying for them. The truth is, this is the condition to take such miracles that you consent to accept such miracles can happen on you. You need 'a consent' to get any miracles. A healing may lose its effect when a recipient doesn't have such consent.


08 Examples of supernormal phenomena when a consent exists

Explain supernormal phenomena occur when one has a consent to accept them, and they cease when one loses the consent in spite that other conditions are same, by showing examples of placebo effects, hypnosis, healing and so on. And look closely the study of making a burn by using a hypnosis. It is said a burn sometimes appears where a pencil is touched when the recipient is hypnotized and trusts it is very hot.



Chapter 2: Paranormal phenomena is quietly, but steadily occurring


09 Does a channeling deliver words from unseen beings?

Introduce very important messages from BASHAR, who is said to be a spaceperson first. Then try to examine the credibility of a channeling so that we can evaluate the importance of the messages. Hodgson in SPR was the most notorious skeptics of the afterlife. I show how he had understood the afterlife exists through more than 10 years research of Mrs. Piper, who is one of the greatest historical mediums.


10 From the outside of a glass window with a frost which does not pass voices well

Frederic Myers, a founder of the SPR, convinced the existence of the afterlife after a long research, and died with thinking what type of experiments he can do from the otherworld. I introduce his activities after his bodily death including such experiments, especially the cross-correspondences.


11 Information from the unseen world is delivered into 'inner consciousness' first and translated

Introduce how a medium Geraldine Cummins started to channel Myers' personality, and finally wrote two books from him. Also I introduce a research about Cummins ability of a medium. Lastly introduce the mechanism of channelling by Myers and the fundamental difficulty of it.


12 Miracles occur when you are 100 percent enjoying what you want to do

Try to explain the mechanism of a subconsciousness and unconsciousness with introducing my personal strange experiences like a telepathy and amazing coincidences. A subconsciousness contains information only which a person actually experienced. Besides that, an unconsciousness can contain knowledges and feelings which the person has never experienced, and it has some unknown power. A desire in a conscious mind may become materialized when it is delivered into an unconsciousness through subconsciousness. However no one can use this mechanism unless the person understands it from the heart. You should learn many strange aspects of the world including the afterworld first to use such mechanism.

13 Qigong is a necessary item in my life

The idea of qigong is useful to understand the world. I introduce Mr. Hikaru Takatsuka here. Once he suddenly became a healer, and has been healing numerous people including so many famous people, for example the imperial family in Japan. I wrote what happened when I watched a video telling half his life with a friend who can sense qigong. Later I visited a hospital which uses qigong produced by their machine to cure patients. Also introducing an experience of Ces't la vie Aura and Sho-shu-ten. A person healed by the method of Ces't la vie Aura is said to be able to use the method naturally. I became quite sensitive to qigong after I experienced the healing. Sho-shu-ten is a kind of Chinese alchemy. Now it is definitely needed to maintain my health.


14 Our invisible body has been used in military

Introduce reliable OBE by Robert Monroe, Alex Tanaus and others so that readers can understand we have another body in our physical body. The remote viewing, a technic which can retrieve information of far distant area without going there, can be a kind of OBE. I wrote how US military had been researching the phenomenon in detail. Also introduced my OBE-like experience after listening to the Gateway series of Hemi-sync.


15 There are many people who see spirits

Introduce several experiences of people, whom I actually met, having an ability of seeing spirits. It is a daily fact to see spirits for them. Considering their experiences and my OBE-like experience, I concluded spiritual seeing, listening and others must be the result of a translation in a brain of what a person gets by some other sense. In the last of this section, I introduced a detailed report of Jyourei experience. Jyourei means to talk with spirits who are showing bad effects on a person and let them be purified. This is for making readers get better understanding that a person's feeling remains after his/her death.


16 Thought apparently has a physical power

I found an interesting experiment named 'good rice and bad rice' in a book. Prepare two glasses and put water and rice in each glass. You should say only good words to one glass and bad words to other glass everyday. Then you can see rice in 'bad glass' will become really destroyed while the rice in 'good glass' will still be clean. I did this experiment twice by myself and got the expected result. Also I have a machine which can be worked by a thought. Here I explain a little about its operation principal.



Chapter 3: ITC (Instrumental TransCommunication)


17 People who recorded spirit voices in a tape

Introduce general history of EVP (Electronic voice phenomenon) from 1901 which is preceded to ITC. Also introduce how the Vatican has been treating EVP.


18 Examples of ITC (German and Luxembourg)

EVP was spread in German and Luxembourg in earlier days, and it had grown up to communications through TV, PC, telephone and others. Here I introduce brief results of Manfred Boden, Hans Otto Koenig, Klaus Schreiber, Jules and Maggie Harsh-Fischbach, Friedrich Malkhoff and Adolf Homes. Also mention about a cross-correspondence between stations in the beyond and these two countries.


19 Examples of ITC (US and Italy)

George Meek in US had developed a unique ITC method and gave an impact to the world. He is really a good researcher of the afterlife. His wife sent a mail to him after her death, via a PC in Luxembourg. I also wrote about an interesting experiment by Marcello Bacci in Italy. The voice from the beyond continued after all vacuum tubes are removed from a radio which was used to get the voice. Furthermore the voice still remained even after the power of the radio was turned off.


20 Whole figure of the afterworld by ITC and Myers

I tried to describe the whole figure of the afterworld which is concluded by ITC researches, Myers materials and other sources. I explain the otherworld briefly from the second plane to the seventh plane, then introduce our unseen bodies which are associated to these planes. Also try to explain the fundamental differences between personality of higher beings (including Christ) in the sixth plain and that of us, and explain the difficulty to communicate with them. Lastly I introduce a little about the parallel world.


21 The real life which can be learned from reincarnation and karma

Introduce several reliable research results about reincarnation. Dr Helen Wambach undertook a major study of past life regressions in order to find out if there was any truth to reincarnation. Her conclusion was: “I don't believe in reincarnation—I know it!” A higher being involved in ITC research once told us reincarnation is a “Spiritual Law.” I tried to find what is the spiritual law, and explain how karma is. Karma can be explained as a power of some energy which want to get its natural balance when a person distorted the energy by doing some outlandish actions. I tried to explain this idea by comparing a group soul to a company.


22 The third plane where almost all people are supposed to go

The third spirit plane is the place where almost all deceased people in the earth will go. I described detailed figure of this plane with referring ITC researches.

Deceased people know they are in a place like a hospital when they successfully go to the third plane after the bodily death. There are spirits to heal newly coming people by convincing them that they aren't disabled nor having a decease anymore. Or so many spirits may spend the afterlife with incomplete body and/or mind. It is difficult to change ones natural behavior. For example, so many spirits are still breezing since this is a fundamental habit from their earth life. I introduce an ITC communication which the earth people asked why spirits should keep breezing. Throughout these examples, I emphasize our mind flexibility doesn't change much even after we die.



Chapter 4: Scole Group, who collaborated with scientists


23 The greatest group in the modern days of psychic researches

The scole group is a group who kept reproducing objective physical psychic phenomena in front of scientists, including SPR. I believe they are one of the greatest group in human history. I wrote an article about them before. It is a sad thing that this is the only contents which can be read in Japanese. This article described only a little about them. In this section, I introduce the group based on “The Scole Experiment” which tells general activities of them, “The Scole Report” by three SPR researchers and “Witnessing the Impossible” written by Robin Foy who conducted the scole group. This section introduces how this group was formed.


24 Reliable photo experiences and the natural selection of the member

There is a counter part of Scole group in the afterworld named 'Spirit Group'. They have organized experiments and gradually became to be able to produce stable physical phenomena. Then they started to accept to have experiments by using strict steps which are proposed by visitors. Film experiments attracted people in Polaroid company. Staffs from this company visited the Scole cellar, where their séance, or experiments are hold, several times and conducted some strict experiments. Besides that, the Scole group went to other place and successfully produced the physical phenomena. Also an experiment in their cellar with 20 guest people was succeeded.


25 Two films which make Scole group's results trustworthy

Mysterious contents are developed in a film on one session conducted by SPR. It has a stanza among with following sentences.



Ce n'est que le premier pas qui coûte.

ουπω εφανερωθη τι εσομεθα


Manu in the spirit team gave them hints. He said all contents in this film are related to a man from his side of life. The man used to do this kind of experiments. Myers was the first name which SPR researchers thought of. SPR team started to check it, but they couldn't find out how these contents are related to him. One month later, Manu also said these words: “Infinite progression, infinite harmony and infinite love.” Then the investigators considered that Manu could only have been referring to the encomium to Myers published by the SPR shortly after his death. The same phrase Manu said was found in this encomium. Also on page 8 of it appear the same words in Greek that were seen on the Diotima film. The stanza on the film traced to a verse in one of Myers' poems 'The Renewal of Youth'. Finally SPR found the french sentence is a direct quotation from a passage in Myers' monumental posthumous work, 'Human Personality and its Survival of Bodily Death'.

I believe this film and other film give us most credible proofs that human personality can survive beyond a death.


26 TransDimensional massage from Thomas Edison

An audio communication device is made by scientists in the earth under the guidance of the spirit team. This device is different from devices used in other ITC researchers. In the case of ITC, the communication is made with the third plane. Higher being and spirits in the fourth plane should come down into this plane to make a communication. But the device of Scole Group is the one to listen to voices from the world which had never communicated with the earth people. Scole Group call their method as TDC (TransDimensional Communication). I introduce experiments with this device including a very strict one conducted by SPR.


27 Interdimensional doorway which can change human conscious level

Video experiments started and the sprit team told the aim of this experiment. This experiment is to create an interdimensional doorway through which many different types of beings are able to enter the cellar, passing between dimensions. Soon the Scole group started to talk with not only dead but also space people and beings in other dimensions. Lastly they started to visit the cellar.


28 Trouble with an interfere from the future

The interdimensional doorway created by Scole group and spirit team attracted future experimenters. A personality from the future started interfering with the doorway when the door was expanded to 2109. A higher being who had been watching the experiments told the Scole group that they should not try to communicate with the sprit team any more. This was the only solution to avoid the interference.


29 Spiritual philosophy

In the final period of their days of experiments, Manu, who always spoke first as a spiritual guide, revealed his roots. His father was a space person related to Orion. In this section, I gathered several valuable words by him.



Chapter 5: Secrets of living in this world


30 God, world, spirits and suicide

I start showing my idea of how the world and human consciousness from this section. The world is full of EOC (Element of Consciousness) and they are forming a network. The ego of whole EOC network must be God. An activated sub-network is separated from the God EOC network. The separated sub-network (= consciousness having an ego) can understand itself only by interfering with God EOC network. The waves produced as the result of the interference of two EOC networks must be light and other electric waves. And vortex-like motions appear with this interference. It becomes to the fundamental particle in each plane when it rotates in stable speed. I explain what ghost and doppelganger are, based on this idea, and try to explain if they have an ego. I also explain what will happen for people who killed themselves.


31 Mechanism of consciousness

I believe a consciousness is in our soul. But it is different when it is felt through a physical body, or an astral body, or a mental-causal body. A physical consciousness can be separated into conscious mind and subconsciousness, and other consciousnesses are in the realm of unconsciousness. I separate Astral consciousness into Surface consciousness and Deep consciousness, and explain how this Astral surface consciousness is formed by using reincarnation idea. Then explain how Astral surface consciousness affects physical consciousness and the body by using illnesses and deceases as examples.


32 Imagination is creation

Study more about how Astral surface consciousness is related to the real life, and tell the influence of Astral deep consciousness. I finally separate Astral consciousness in three, and Mental-causal consciousness in two, then try to reveal the characteristic of each consciousness plane, and explain what will happen when we can access each plane in unconsciousness. Subsequently I conclude this world is a shared-real-world created by imaginations of all beings. Lastly I say almost all part of our lives are dependent on luck by quoting words of famous people. And suggest to live with using subconsciousness and unconsciousness power well so that we can draw lucks.


33 Importance addition

Actually everyone is using the power of unconsciousness plane with or without knowing unconsciousness can have paranormal power. A person may materialize a bad situation by imaging it clearly when they don't want to have such situation. The last message of this book is, “Convince our mind has a physical and unknown power”.