Rikyu-Doka and Hanami | 渋谷 茶道教室「松濤庵」

渋谷 茶道教室「松濤庵」

渋谷 茶道教室、松濤庵のブログ。季節に合わせた本格的なお道具を使用して稽古いたします。男性、お年を召した方、全くの未経験者も歓迎いたします。

Rikyu-Doka is one hundred of instructive poets of Sen no Rikyu.   It is also called Rikyu-Hyakushu.  Actually, it is said that it was not written by Sen no Rikyu, but by his disciples in Edo Era, who dictated and collected as one hundered of instructive poems for easy understanding of Rikyu's instructions.  Rikyu Doka was copied on Hogo-fusuma, sliding screens of Totsutosu-sai tea room at Konnichi-an; Uraseke tea house  by 11th generation of grand tea master Gengensai.  On those sliding screens, he also wrote about the name of various tea procedures, handlings of tea utensils.  When I visited Konnichi-an, I had several chances to view Hogo-fusuma.  Whenever I view them, I was impressed and inspired by his writings, as they are so tidly and orderly written with beautiful Japanese calligraphy.  Presently, Totsutosu-sai is under the repair, and cannot see the real ones.  But, I am looking forward to viewing them again in future.


Rikyu-Doka includes the  following instructive poem:

When you serve a tea for a guest on his way home from Cherry blossom viewing, don't place a picture of flowers and birds and also no flowers arragements.






Cherry blossoms in a vase and a hanging-scroll of flowers and birds, decorated at the alcove, is less attractive for the people who just viewed really beautiful cherry blossoms.  For that reason, it is not common to decorate cherry blossom flowers in the cherry blossoms season.  With the similar reason, it is not recommendable to use the tea utensils such as tea bowels, tea containers with the pattern of cherry blossoms in the real cherry blossom season (only before blooming it is acceptable.)   But, we cannot miss the tea utensils and Kimono with the patterns of cherry blossoms, because we want to show our joy and happiness that they bloomed also in this spring.   I am happily wearing pink colored Kimono and sach belt with patterns of cherry blossoms.  



When I visited Konnichi-an, I could view beautiful cherry blossoms with full bloom at Honpoji-Temple, next to Konnichi-an.