選挙における投票とは | 阿波の梟のブログ






しかし、総選挙(general election)において、立候補者の人格や経験、政策を判断する際に公民(citizen)は大きな間違いを犯すことがよくあります。何十万、何百万の投票数の中で、自分の一票が候補者の当落に影響すると考えるのはほぼ幻想に過ぎません。元々、公民一人ひとりの一票の重みは非常に軽いものです。それでも、政治体制(political regime)は独裁制(despotism)や寡頭制(oligarchy)を復活させてはならず、有害です。ウィンストン・チャーチルが言うように「民主主義は、最悪のものより少し良いだけの政治制度」と考えるのが楽です。







If elected representatives are to truly represent the population, then the allocation of seats should be based on the entire population, including non-voters such as children. Many countries, including Japan and the United States, base seat allocation on population to ensure balance. However, some argue that disregarding administrative boundaries like states or municipalities can disrupt regional unity. They believe that even if some disparity exists, electoral districts should align with administrative units. Allowing electoral districts independent of administrative boundaries can significantly reduce disparities, but it also increases the risk of gerrymandering or the suspicion thereof.

Gerrymandering, named for the salamander-like shape of manipulated districts, refers to drawing electoral boundaries to favor a particular party or candidate. In a democracy, the people as sovereign choose their representatives. The entitlement to suffrage is granted because the sovereign people hold supreme power. However, the correctness of the electorate is only assured when they possess civic-mindedness as citizens. The term "vote" originates from "vow," meaning a pledge or wish to the divine, emphasizing that voting should be done with a pure heart.

In general elections, it is challenging for citizens to accurately judge candidates' character, experience, and policies. With hundreds of thousands or millions of votes, the impact of one's vote on the outcome is almost negligible. Each citizen's vote is so insignificant that it can feel almost meaningless. Nevertheless, the political regime must not revert to despotism or oligarchy, which are harmful. As Winston Churchill stated, "Democracy is the worst form of government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."

However, taking Churchill's view lightly can lead to ochlocracy, where the masses' influence turns democracy into the worst political system. Alexis de Tocqueville questioned the legitimacy of majority rule in democracy, calling it an "equality theory applied to intelligence." He argued that if intelligence were equally distributed among people, the majority would possess more intelligence, but this is a naive view. If general elections become playgrounds for the ignorant and childish, many of the elected will be unworthy.

In Chinese characters, "voting" (投票) suggests "casting a mark in jest," and the disparity of one vote is often negligible. (The English "vote" derives from "vow," a pledge or wish.) The right to vote in referendums or general elections is as light as a dried leaf, mathematically close to zero in weight. Collecting such insignificant votes to decide matters feels dangerous. If voting is a right, it is so trivial that abstaining seems most rational. However, if it is a duty, fulfilling that duty is necessary.

Each citizen's duty, whether military service or tax payment, is minimal but collectively essential for the state. Voting should be considered a duty, not a right. Disputes over the right to vote disparity should shift if seen as a duty. Those who lack the spirit to fulfill this duty are irresponsible as citizens. If the ultimate responsibility for poor governance or policy mistakes lies with the people, then civic interest and participation in politics also become civic duties.

This argument is grounded in political philosophy, political thought, electoral law, human rights theory, psychology, psychiatry, anthropology, and history.