合法的な「力の装置」 | 阿波の梟のブログ



カール・マルクスが国家や軍隊、警察といった組織を「暴力装置(Violence Machine)」と呼んだ背景には、国家権力が暴力によって市民を支配することに対する批判がありました。マルクスにとって、これらの組織は支配階級が労働者階級を抑圧するための道具に過ぎず、その正当性を認めることはできませんでした。


ここで、マックス・ウェーバーの見解が重要です。ウェーバーは著書『職業としての政治』で、国家とは「正当(合法的)な力の独占力」を持つものであると定義しました。彼が言う「Gewalt Apparat」は「力の装置」を意味し、必ずしもネガティブな意味では使用されていません。ウェーバーは国家が合法的な手段で力を行使することを強調しました。

ウェーバーの見解によれば、国家の力は「正統性」を持ち、「デュー・プロセス・オブ・ロー(due process of law)」に基づいて行使されるべきです。これは、法律に基づいた適正な手続きが必要であることを示しています。例えば、ミランダ警告(Miranda warning)は、逮捕された者に対して彼らの権利を知らせるための手続きであり、これにより警察の行動が合法的であることを保証しています。




Karl Marx's description of organized and institutionalized entities like the military and police as "violence machines" stems from his criticism of state power and its oppressive control over citizens. To Marx, these organizations were tools of the ruling class to suppress the working class, and thus their legitimacy was fundamentally questionable.

However, Yoshito Sengoku's statement referring to the Self-Defense Forces (SDF) as "violence apparatus" sparked considerable controversy. Sengoku's comment, from a Marxist perspective, seems inappropriate in the context of modern rule-of-law states.

This is where Max Weber's perspective becomes significant. In his book "Politics as a Vocation," Weber defined the state as the entity that holds the "monopoly of legitimate physical force." His term "Gewalt Apparat" means "apparatus of force" and was not used negatively. Weber emphasized that the state's use of force must be legitimate and based on lawful means.

According to Weber, the state's power must have "legitimacy" and be exercised through the "due process of law." This means that the use of force must follow legal procedures. For example, the Miranda warning ensures that the rights of those arrested are communicated to them, thereby legitimizing the police's actions.

Hannah Arendt's perspective is also noteworthy. She distinguished between power, which is based on the consent of others, and violence, which is imposed against the will of others. This distinction underlines that violence is different from legitimate force.

Finally, the concept of "sublimation" in psychiatry is important. Channeling aggressive impulses into productive activities, such as sports or the arts, is beneficial. For instance, hard-boiled novels, mysteries, and romanticism can be seen as the sublimation of aggressive drives.

Considering these discussions, it is clear that the exercise of power by the state and organizations must always be legitimized, distinguishing between violence and lawful force. Additionally, individuals must be aware of their freedom and responsibilities to avoid becoming perpetrators against others. The realization of true humanity lies in acknowledging and shouldering the burdens of freedom and responsibility. The challenges we face today necessitate re-evaluating the role of the state and the individual from these perspectives.