幼児教育や家庭教育の重要性 | 阿波の梟のブログ





かつて、合理的なアメリカでは、早くから子供を自立させるために個室で育てることが推奨されていました。しかし、ハーロウ(Harry Harlow)の赤毛猿の実験から、「授乳よりも接触による安心感が母子関係の成立に重要である」と結論付けられました。つまり、母親のぬくもりや微笑みが重要なのです。


アンリ・ベルグソン(Henri Bergson)は「母の微笑みの中に神秘が存す」と述べ、エレン・ケイ(Ellen Key)は「幾百年にわたり、我々はなお太陽の熱に依存し得るが如く、人類は母の暖かみによって存続する」と述べています。母の母乳から、母の肌のぬくもりから、人間の精神も肉体も育つのです。マニュアルに頼りがちな現代人にとって、人間の魂の成長には合理的な手法だけでは解決できないものが多いのです。



かつてNHKテレビで放映されていた『大草原の小さな家』は、アメリカの開拓時代の物語で、ローラ・インガルス(Laura Ingalls)の著述をドラマ化したものでした。両親と子供が身体を寄せ合って様々な敵や困難に立ち向かう姿が描かれていました。父親は父親らしく存在感が大きく、母親は母親らしく優しく包み込むように家族を守ろうとします。しかし、現代のアメリカや日本でも家族の絆や連帯感は希薄化し、既に失ったものへのノスタルジアとして新鮮に感じられるのです。





心理学(Psychology)の観点からは、幼児期における愛着形成(Attachment Formation)が強調されます。ハーロウの実験が示すように、接触や安心感が母子関係の基礎となります。愛着理論(Attachment Theory)では、子供が信頼できる大人との安定した関係を築くことが、情緒的な安定と社会的な発達に不可欠であるとされています。


行動科学(Behavioral Science)は、人間の行動を観察し、その背後にある心理的メカニズムを解明します。例えば、定時授乳のしつけに関しては、強化スケジュール(Reinforcement Schedule)の概念が適用されることがあります。しかし、単純な強化スケジュールでは、情緒的な発達を無視する危険性があることを理解する必要があります。




The importance of early childhood education and home education is universally understood. However, the reasons for its importance and the problems within it are often not well understood, and there is a lack of proper understanding and evidence.

Numerous books on child-rearing have been published, but many of them are biased towards medicine or psychology, and some are based on beliefs, whims, or bizarre statistical manipulations that are logically flawed. Very few are practically excellent.

In the past, in rational America, raising children independently from an early age by having them sleep in their own rooms was advocated as a way to foster independence.

Harlow's experiments with rhesus monkeys showed that "the sense of security from contact is more important than nursing in establishing the mother-child relationship." In other words, the warmth and smiles of the mother are crucial.

Furthermore, research in America indicated that children raised with bottle feeding had a higher rate of emotional disorders compared to those raised with breastfeeding. However, similar studies in Japan did not show these results. The reason was that in America, to make child-rearing rational and easy, babies were placed in cribs and fed with bottles held in place. In contrast, in Japan, even when bottle feeding, mothers would talk to their babies as if they were breastfeeding. Ultimately, the difference in the mother's attitude during feeding caused emotional disorders.

Henri Bergson stated, "There is mystery in the mother's smile," and Ellen Key said, "Just as we depend on the sun's heat for hundreds of years, humanity survives through the warmth of the mother." From the mother's breast milk and the warmth of the mother's skin, the spirit and body of a person grow. In today's world, where people tend to rely on manuals, many aspects of human soul development cannot be solved by rationality alone.

Additionally, there is a method of strict timed feeding where, once a schedule is set, the baby is left alone even if they cry until the time comes. After about three days of enduring without nighttime feeding, the baby becomes accustomed to timed feeding. However, this does not mean that the child grows up to be patient. Feeding provides not only physical nutrition but also emotional nutrition. Infants are not only seeking physical nutrition but also love, trust, and other extremely delicate and important developmental needs. A simple rationalistic approach overlooks the growth of the human soul.

Becoming a parent carries significant responsibility and burden, but we should be aware of Spinoza's idea that "difficulties make something precious."

In the past, NHK aired 'Little House on the Prairie,' a story from America's pioneering days based on Laura Ingalls' writings. The family, consisting of parents and children, faced various enemies and difficulties together. The father had a strong presence, and the mother gently embraced and protected the family. However, in modern America and Japan, family bonds and solidarity have weakened, and this drama evoked nostalgia for what has already been lost.

While families are not created for the purpose of education, everyone is born and raised within a family. There exists an invisible curriculum of education within the family that is unintentional but crucial. The nature of the family is easily influenced by social and temporal changes, and essential elements of family education have been easily dismantled. The first clear and pure drop in the great river of human education is the family.

Educational Perspective

From an educational (Pedagogy) perspective, early childhood education is a crucial period for forming a person's character. The education and experiences received during early childhood have a significant impact on subsequent learning attitudes and social development. In home education, it is important to provide an environment where children can grow up with a sense of security. This means that parents should provide consistent love and appropriate guidance to their children.

Psychological Perspective

From a psychological (Psychology) perspective, the formation of attachment (Attachment Formation) during early childhood is emphasized. As Harlow's experiments show, contact and a sense of security are fundamental to the mother-child relationship. Attachment theory (Attachment Theory) posits that establishing a stable relationship with a trustworthy adult is crucial for emotional stability and social development.

Behavioral Science Perspective

Behavioral science (Behavioral Science) observes human behavior and seeks to understand the psychological mechanisms behind it. For example, in the context of strict timed feeding, the concept of reinforcement schedules (Reinforcement Schedule) can be applied. However, it is necessary to understand that simple reinforcement schedules risk ignoring the emotional development of the child.

Neurophysiological Perspective

From a neurophysiological (Neurophysiology) perspective, the experiences during early childhood significantly affect brain development. For instance, interactions with the mother and loving engagement promote the secretion of oxytocin (Oxytocin), which helps suppress stress responses. This promotes brain development in children and leads to emotional stability.

Considering these perspectives, early childhood education and home education should not merely be about transmitting knowledge but should aim to foster the overall development of a child's personality. Parents need to pay attention to their children's physical health as well as their mental health, providing love and a sense of security. This enables children to develop a healthy self-recognition and social skills, growing into mature adults who can contribute to society.