熱中症(熱射病、熱疲労など含む) | 阿波の梟のブログ






  1. 軽度の症状(熱疲労、熱けいれん):

    • 頭痛
    • めまい
    • 筋肉のけいれん(特に運動後)
    • 多量の発汗
    • 脱力感
    • わずかな吐き気
  2. 中等度の症状(熱疲労):

    • 激しい頭痛
    • 激しい吐き気や嘔吐
    • 意識障害(混乱、無気力)
    • 多量の発汗
    • 脈拍の速さと弱さ
  3. 重度の症状(熱射病):

    • 高体温(39度以上)
    • 汗をかかない(皮膚が乾燥して熱い)
    • 重度の意識障害(昏睡状態、せん妄)
    • 呼吸困難
    • けいれん
    • 臓器不全の徴候



  1. 高温多湿な環境:

    • 気温が高く、湿度が高い日
    • 風通しが悪い場所
  2. 激しい運動や活動:

    • 屋外でのスポーツや重労働
  3. 水分補給不足:

    • 十分な水分を摂取していない
  4. 服装:

    • 通気性の悪い衣服や防護服の着用



  1. 水分補給:

    • 十分な水分をこまめに摂取する
    • スポーツドリンクなど電解質を含む飲料を利用する
  2. 適切な服装:

    • 通気性の良い、軽い衣服を選ぶ
  3. 涼しい場所での休息:

    • 直射日光を避け、涼しい場所で休む
  4. 活動の調整:

    • 高温の時間帯を避けて活動する



  1. 体温の上昇:

    • 体温が急激に上昇し、体内のタンパク質や酵素が変性する
  2. 循環器系の負担:

    • 血圧の低下や心拍数の増加
  3. 神経系の影響:

    • 意識障害やけいれん
  4. 臓器のダメージ:

    • 肝臓、腎臓、脳などの臓器が損傷する



  1. 軽度の熱中症:

    • 涼しい場所での休息
    • 水分と電解質の補給
    • 冷たいタオルや氷での冷却
  2. 中等度の熱中症:

    • 涼しい場所での休息
    • 体温を下げるための積極的な冷却(氷浴や冷水シャワー)
    • 水分と電解質の補給
    • 必要なら医療機関への受診
  3. 重度の熱中症(熱射病):

    • 緊急医療が必要
    • 氷浴、冷水シャワー、冷却マットなどを使用して体温を急速に下げる
    • 点滴による水分と電解質の補給
    • 集中治療室での管理




Heat stroke (including heat exhaustion and heat cramps) is a condition where the body's temperature regulation fails in high-temperature environments. Here are the symptoms, conditions, preventive measures, medical changes, and treatment methods in detail.


Heat stroke can present a variety of symptoms ranging from mild to severe. The main symptoms are as follows:

  1. Mild Symptoms (Heat Exhaustion, Heat Cramps):

    • Headache
    • Dizziness
    • Muscle cramps (especially after exercise)
    • Excessive sweating
    • Weakness
    • Slight nausea
  2. Moderate Symptoms (Heat Exhaustion):

    • Severe headache
    • Severe nausea or vomiting
    • Mental confusion (disorientation, lethargy)
    • Excessive sweating
    • Rapid but weak pulse
  3. Severe Symptoms (Heat Stroke):

    • High body temperature (above 39°C)
    • Dry skin (no sweating, skin is hot)
    • Severe mental confusion (coma, delirium)
    • Breathing difficulties
    • Seizures
    • Signs of organ failure


Conditions that make heat stroke more likely include the following:

  1. Hot and Humid Environments:

    • High temperatures and high humidity
    • Poor ventilation
  2. Strenuous Exercise or Activity:

    • Outdoor sports or heavy labor
  3. Insufficient Hydration:

    • Not consuming enough fluids
  4. Clothing:

    • Wearing clothing with poor breathability or protective clothing

Preventive Measures

Effective preventive measures against heat stroke include:

  1. Hydration:

    • Consuming adequate fluids frequently
    • Using beverages containing electrolytes such as sports drinks
  2. Appropriate Clothing:

    • Choosing light, breathable clothing
  3. Resting in Cool Places:

    • Avoiding direct sunlight and resting in cool places
  4. Adjusting Activities:

    • Avoiding activities during the hottest times of the day

Medical Changes

Medical changes due to heat stroke include:

  1. Rise in Body Temperature:

    • Rapid increase in body temperature causing proteins and enzymes in the body to denature
  2. Cardiovascular Strain:

    • Drop in blood pressure and increase in heart rate
  3. Impact on Nervous System:

    • Mental confusion and seizures
  4. Organ Damage:

    • Damage to the liver, kidneys, brain, and other organs


Immediate response is necessary for treating heat stroke.

  1. Mild Heat Stroke:

    • Resting in a cool place
    • Replenishing fluids and electrolytes
    • Cooling with cold towels or ice
  2. Moderate Heat Stroke:

    • Resting in a cool place
    • Active cooling to lower body temperature (ice baths or cold showers)
    • Replenishing fluids and electrolytes
    • Seeking medical attention if necessary
  3. Severe Heat Stroke (Heat Stroke):

    • Emergency medical care is needed
    • Rapid cooling using ice baths, cold showers, or cooling mats
    • Intravenous fluid and electrolyte replenishment
    • Management in an intensive care unit


Heat stroke is a preventable condition, and taking appropriate measures can reduce the risk. Early recognition and appropriate response are key to preventing severe outcomes. Special caution is necessary for the elderly, children, and people with chronic illnesses.