欲求と不平不満の階層構造 | 阿波の梟のブログ




人間の欲求や不平不満(dissatisfaction)は、階層構造(hierarchical structure)として理解することができます。これにより、どの水準の欲求が満たされていないか、どのレベルの不平不満が生じているかを明確にすることが可能です。



  1. 生理的欲求(Physiological needs):食事、睡眠、安全など基本的な身体的欲求。
  2. 安全欲求(Safety needs):身体的、経済的、安全保障の欲求。
  3. 社会的欲求(Social needs):愛情、所属感、友人関係の欲求。
  4. 尊重欲求(Esteem needs):自己尊重、他者からの承認の欲求。
  5. 自己実現欲求(Self-actualization needs):自己成長、創造性、自己実現の欲求。




  1. 生理的な不平不満:食事が足りない、睡眠不足など。
  2. 安全に関する不平不満:危険を感じる、経済的な不安など。


  1. 社会的な不平不満:孤立感、友人関係の問題など。
  2. 尊重に関する不平不満:評価されない、尊重されないこと。
  3. 自己実現に関する不平不満:自己の可能性を発揮できない、成長の機会がないこと。




  1. 低次の不平不満の例
    • 生理的:飢え、寒さ。
    • 安全:暴力、経済的困窮。
  2. 高次の不平不満の例
    • 社会的:孤独、友情の欠如。
    • 尊重:無視される、侮辱される。
    • 自己実現:創造性の欠如、達成感の欠如。


アメリカの心理学者、ダラードとミラー(Dollard and Miller)は「欲求不満-攻撃仮説(Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis)」を提唱しました。これは、欲求が挫折すると怒りや攻撃性が誘発されることを示しています。


  1. 身体的攻撃(Physical attack):押す、叩く。
  2. 所有権の侵害(Invasion of property):物を勝手に使われる。
  3. 社会的欲求の妨害(Social need interference):仲間外れ、悪口。
  4. 道徳的侵害(Moral infringement):いじめ、約束を守らない。



  1. 自己認識(Self-awareness):自分の欲求がどの段階にあるのかを理解し、不満の原因を特定する。
  2. 感謝の実践(Practice gratitude):低次の欲求が満たされていることに感謝し、高次の欲求に対する不満を前向きに捉える。
  3. コミュニケーション(Communication):不満を建設的に表現し、他者との対話を通じて解決策を見出す。
  4. 自己成長(Self-growth):自己実現に向けた目標を設定し、段階的に達成していく。


Hierarchical Structure of Desires and Dissatisfaction

Human desires and dissatisfaction can be understood as a hierarchical structure. This allows us to clearly identify which levels of desires are unmet and which levels of dissatisfaction arise as a result.

Levels of Desires

Desires are generally classified into the following stages:

  1. Physiological needs: Basic bodily needs such as food, sleep, and safety.
  2. Safety needs: Needs for physical, economic, and personal security.
  3. Social needs: Needs for love, belonging, and friendships.
  4. Esteem needs: Needs for self-respect and recognition from others.
  5. Self-actualization needs: Needs for personal growth, creativity, and self-realization.

Hierarchy of Dissatisfaction

Dissatisfaction similarly has a hierarchical structure and arises when desires are unmet.

Lower Levels of Dissatisfaction

  1. Physiological dissatisfaction: Hunger, lack of sleep, etc.
  2. Safety dissatisfaction: Feeling unsafe, financial insecurity, etc.

Higher Levels of Dissatisfaction

  1. Social dissatisfaction: Feelings of isolation, issues with friendships, etc.
  2. Esteem dissatisfaction: Not being valued or respected.
  3. Self-actualization dissatisfaction: Inability to realize one’s potential or lack of opportunities for growth.

Relationship Between Dissatisfaction and Happiness

Modern individuals often experience higher levels of dissatisfaction. While these can drive progress and self-realization, it is also important to appreciate the fulfillment of lower-level desires. For example, the dissatisfaction of a wealthy family differs greatly from that of someone whose basic safety is not guaranteed.

Examples of Dissatisfaction

  1. Lower Levels of Dissatisfaction
    • Physiological: Hunger, cold.
    • Safety: Violence, financial hardship.
  2. Higher Levels of Dissatisfaction
    • Social: Loneliness, lack of friendship.
    • Esteem: Being ignored, insulted.
    • Self-actualization: Lack of creativity, lack of a sense of accomplishment.

Frustration and Aggression

American psychologists Dollard and Miller proposed the "Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis," which suggests that frustration of desires leads to anger and aggression.

Causes of Children's Fights

  1. Physical attack: Pushing, hitting.
  2. Invasion of property: Using others' belongings without permission.
  3. Interference with social needs: Being excluded, called names.
  4. Moral infringement: Bullying, breaking promises.

These causes change with the maturity of the children. As they mature, their concerns shift from physical issues to social and moral issues.

Practical Methodology

  1. Self-awareness: Understand which level of desire is unmet and identify the cause of dissatisfaction.
  2. Practice gratitude: Appreciate the fulfillment of lower-level desires and view higher-level dissatisfaction positively.
  3. Communication: Express dissatisfaction constructively and find solutions through dialogue with others.
  4. Self-growth: Set goals for self-actualization and achieve them gradually.

By understanding the hierarchical structure of desires and dissatisfaction and deepening self-awareness, we can lead a more satisfied and happy life.