熱射病(ねっしゃびょう)と熱中症(ねっちゅうしょう) | 阿波の梟のブログ









  1. 軽度(熱けいれん):

    • 筋肉のけいれん(特に運動後)
    • 多量の発汗
  2. 中等度(熱疲労):

    • 頭痛
    • めまい
    • 激しい汗
    • 脱力感
    • 吐き気、嘔吐
  3. 重度(熱射病):

    • 高体温(39度以上)
    • 皮膚が乾燥して熱い(汗をかかない)
    • 意識障害(混乱、昏睡)
    • 呼吸困難
    • けいれん
    • 臓器不全の徴候



  1. 水分補給:

    • 十分な水分をこまめに摂取すること
    • 電解質を含む飲料(水分補給飲料やスポーツドリンク)を利用する
  2. 適切な服装:

    • 通気性の良い、軽い衣服を選ぶこと
  3. 涼しい場所での休息:

    • 直射日光を避け、涼しい場所で休むこと
  4. 活動の調整:

    • 高温の時間帯を避けて活動すること


  1. 早期発見と迅速な対応:

    • 熱射病の兆候(高体温、意識障害、皮膚の乾燥など)を見逃さないこと
    • 迅速に医療機関に連絡する
  2. 応急処置:

    • すぐに涼しい場所に移動し、衣服を緩める
    • 氷水や冷たいタオルを用いて体を冷やす
    • 冷たいシャワーや氷浴を利用する
    • 意識がある場合は水分補給を行う
  3. 医療機関での治療:

    • 医療機関に到着次第、迅速に体温を下げるための治療が行われる(氷浴、冷却マット、点滴など)
    • 集中治療が必要な場合もあるため、専門医の管理下で治療を行う



Difference Between Heat Stroke and Heat Exhaustion

Heat stroke and heat exhaustion are often confused, but heat stroke is actually a form of heat exhaustion. Below, the differences between heat stroke and heat exhaustion, their symptoms, and preventive measures are explained.


Heat Exhaustion refers to a range of heat-related illnesses, from mild to severe. These include heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and the most severe form, heat stroke.

Heat Stroke is the most severe form of heat exhaustion and requires immediate medical treatment. Heat stroke occurs when body temperature rises significantly and the body’s temperature regulation mechanisms fail.


Symptoms of Heat Exhaustion (General)

  1. Mild (Heat Cramps):

    • Muscle cramps (especially after exercise)
    • Profuse sweating
  2. Moderate (Heat Exhaustion):

    • Headache
    • Dizziness
    • Profuse sweating
    • Weakness
    • Nausea, vomiting
  3. Severe (Heat Stroke):

    • High body temperature (above 39°C)
    • Hot, dry skin (no sweating)
    • Mental confusion (disorientation, coma)
    • Breathing difficulties
    • Seizures
    • Signs of organ failure

Preventive Measures

General Preventive Measures for Heat Exhaustion

  1. Hydration:

    • Frequently consume adequate fluids
    • Use drinks containing electrolytes (hydration drinks, sports drinks)
  2. Appropriate Clothing:

    • Choose light, breathable clothing
  3. Resting in Cool Places:

    • Avoid direct sunlight and rest in cool places
  4. Adjusting Activities:

    • Avoid activities during the hottest times of the day

Preventive Measures for Heat Stroke

  1. Early Detection and Rapid Response:

    • Do not overlook signs of heat stroke (high body temperature, mental confusion, dry skin, etc.)
    • Quickly contact medical facilities
  2. First Aid:

    • Immediately move to a cool place and loosen clothing
    • Cool the body with ice water or cold towels
    • Use cold showers or ice baths
    • Hydrate if the person is conscious
  3. Treatment at Medical Facilities:

    • Upon arrival at a medical facility, rapid cooling treatments are administered (ice baths, cooling mats, IV fluids, etc.)
    • Intensive care may be required, managed by specialized medical personnel


Heat stroke is the most severe form of heat exhaustion and requires immediate response and appropriate treatment. Thoroughly implementing preventive measures for heat exhaustion can significantly reduce the risk of heat stroke. Special caution is necessary for the elderly, children, and people with chronic illnesses.