「蛍の舞う季節に思う」 | 阿波の梟のブログ









Thinking of the Season When Fireflies Dance

The rainy season is over, and it’s the time when fireflies dance by the waterside. Once, there was a phrase "the merit of fireflies and snow." This refers to those who studied hard by the light of fireflies or the reflection of snow. In the days without electricity, the light of fireflies must have seemed much brighter than it actually was.

In reality, the light of fireflies is faint and certainly not bright enough to aid in reading. Nevertheless, those who found hope in that faint light and pursued their studies continue to inspire us even today. To our eyes, accustomed to the artificial lights of the night, their gentle glow appears as a soothing light that rests both our eyes and our hearts. This provides a moment of comfort in our stressful modern lives.

Reading by the light of fireflies teaches us the importance of learning. In today's world, flooded with information, it is essential to take time to think deeply.

The human heart is nurtured and grows through reading. The teachings of the classics and the wisdom of our predecessors speak to us across time. Remembering their efforts and aspirations, and continuing to strive toward our goals, is the key to building a fulfilling life.

The light of fireflies is a light that reaches our hearts. Spending quiet time bathed in their gentle glow, calming our hearts, is a precious moment in our busy modern lives. With the teachings of the classics in our hearts, having aspirations and making efforts, we believe, will become the light that illuminates our future.