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「学問に王道なし」(孔子) 「知識は力なり」(フランシス・ベーコン) 「我思う、ゆえに我あり」(デカルト)


In the Edo period, Sato Issai wrote a work called "Genshi-shiroku" over the span of more than forty years. This book is still read by many leaders today. In "Genshi-banroku" Article 60, he states:

"If you learn when young, you will accomplish something in your prime. If you learn in your prime, you will not decline in old age. If you learn in old age, you will not decay even after death."

This means that if one learns in youth, they will achieve much in their prime years. If they learn in their prime, they will remain strong in old age. And if they continue to learn in old age, they will not be forgotten even after death.

I did not learn much in my youth or prime years, and consequently, I have not accomplished much. At the very least, I hope to learn in my old age and strive not to decay.

The Cultivation of Saigo Takamori

Saigo Takamori, during his repeated exiles, is said to have read "Genshi-shiroku" diligently while practicing Zen meditation in prison. He selected 101 articles from it and made a handwritten copy. Saigo aimed to develop a character that could resonate with the will of heaven (providence) and extracted the following passage:

"What is sensed by heaven is unexpected wisdom. What moves with heaven is innate ability."

This means that those who can intuit the will of heaven possess wisdom without conscious thought. Those who move with the will of heaven have abilities they were born with. Even if Saigo were to wither away on a solitary island, he strove to polish his character to approach the vessel of heaven.

The Poem and Its Significance

A Chinese poem written by Saigo, reflecting his hardships in captivity, reads:

"After enduring many hardships, the will becomes firm.
A true man would rather die a hero than live a coward.
Do people know the family law of our household?
We do not buy fertile fields for our descendants."

This poem suggests that a person's will only becomes firm after enduring many hardships. A true man does not fear breaking like a jade to uphold his will but is ashamed of surviving like a tile by compromising his principles. Our family has a long-standing family law, whether people know it or not. It is that we do not buy fertile fields for our descendants.

From this poem, we understand that to build a distinguished character, one must abandon selfish desires and endure adversity through cultivation.

Cultivation and the Study

To lead a spiritual life and cultivate character, it might be necessary to live in seclusion, much like Saigo’s isolated imprisonment. The term "sai" (study, retreat) appears frequently in classical texts such as the "Rites of Zhou." It refers to the practice of abstaining from certain foods and activities to purify the body and mind, preparing oneself for communion with the divine. "Sai" was indispensable for rituals.

A study, therefore, should not be just a place to read books, but a place to cleanse oneself of impurities, become sincere, enhance concentration, and connect with the mystical power and wisdom of past sages.

By maintaining high principles and integrity in a quiet study, and understanding the natural order (providence), one can achieve a state of not decaying even after death.

Incorporating Famous Quotes

"There is no royal road to learning." (Confucius)
"Knowledge is power." (Francis Bacon)
"I think, therefore I am." (Descartes)

As these famous quotes suggest, continuous learning is essential for self-improvement. Like Sato Issai and Saigo Takamori, it is important to keep learning at any stage of life. Through this, we can refine our character and achieve true immortality.