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  • Emery, N. J., & Clayton, N. S. (2004). The Mentality of Crows: Convergent Evolution of Intelligence in Corvids and Apes. Science, 306(5703), 1903-1907.
  • von Bayern, A. M., & Emery, N. J. (2009). Jackdaws Respond to Human Attentional States and Communicative Cues in Different Contexts. Current Biology, 19(7), 602-606.

Intelligence and Cognitive Abilities of Crows

Crows are known to be among the most intelligent birds. In Japan, crows are commonly seen in daily life, and their high intelligence has been widely recognized. The intelligence of crows is generally considered to be comparable to that of a human child aged 6 to 8 years.

Problem-Solving Abilities

One of the most notable abilities of crows is their problem-solving skills. When faced with difficult situations, crows can devise and execute strategies to overcome obstacles. This is of significant interest from the perspective of animal behavior studies, indicating cognitive abilities similar to those of primates and some mammals.

For example, studies conducted in New Zealand have shown that crows use tools to retrieve food. Crows have been observed using sticks or leaves to pull food towards them, demonstrating planned behavior. Such tool use is considered strong evidence of their high cognitive abilities【Emery & Clayton, 2004】.

Self-Recognition Ability

Self-recognition refers to the ability to recognize and understand one's own existence and state. This ability is typically only observed in a few animals, such as primates and dolphins, besides humans. However, recent research has suggested that crows also possess self-recognition abilities.

Specifically, crows have demonstrated the ability to recognize their own image in mirrors. This is tested using the mirror test, a method in which humans around the age of 2 and chimpanzees can recognize themselves. The fact that crows have passed the mirror test is an important indication of their high intelligence【von Bayern & Emery, 2009】.


Crows also have excellent memory, capable of remembering specific events for at least a year. This is a crucial aspect of their survival strategy, allowing them to learn from past experiences and apply this knowledge to future behavior. For instance, crows can recognize human faces and avoid or attack individuals based on previous encounters.

Social Behavior and Information Sharing

Crows are social animals with the ability to share information among themselves. This is a significant observation in ornithology, as it shows that crows efficiently find food and avoid danger by sharing information within their group.

For example, the phenomenon of large numbers of crows gathering at a previously raided garbage dump can be seen as a result of information sharing. Such behavior indicates that crows possess high social intelligence【Emery & Clayton, 2004】.


Crows are recognized as highly intelligent birds. Their problem-solving abilities, self-recognition skills, excellent memory, and capacity for social behavior and information sharing make them fascinating subjects from the perspectives of ornithology, animal behavior studies, and cognitive psychology. Understanding these traits can deepen our understanding of crow behavior and facilitate more harmonious coexistence with these intelligent birds.


  • Emery, N. J., & Clayton, N. S. (2004). The Mentality of Crows: Convergent Evolution of Intelligence in Corvids and Apes. Science, 306(5703), 1903-1907.
  • von Bayern, A. M., & Emery, N. J. (2009). Jackdaws Respond to Human Attentional States and Communicative Cues in Different Contexts. Current Biology, 19(7), 602-606.