殺人事件の頻発とその背景 | 阿波の梟のブログ








L. バーコビィッツは「攻撃手がかり論(Aggressive Cue Theory)」を提唱しました。怒りなどの攻撃を引き起こす動機を持っている者の近くに、武器が存在する場合には攻撃行動が助長されることを実験で確かめました。






現在、世界各国は軍備費を増大させています。しかし、軍事力の増強が必ずしも平和をもたらすわけではありません。アメリカのノーム・チョムスキー(Noam Chomsky)は「戦争は人類最大の愚行である」と述べています。軍備に頼らず、国際協力や対話を通じて平和を追求することが重要です。


  1. 非暴力コミュニケーション
    マーシャル・ローゼンバーグ(Marshall Rosenberg)の提唱する非暴力コミュニケーション(Nonviolent Communication)は、対立を解決し、共感的な対話を促進する方法です。感情やニーズに焦点を当ててコミュニケーションを行うことで、攻撃的な反応を防ぐことができます。

  2. ガンディーの非暴力抵抗運動
    マハトマ・ガンディー(Mahatma Gandhi)の非暴力抵抗運動(Nonviolent Resistance)は、暴力を用いずに社会変革を追求する方法です。彼の言葉「目には目をでは、世界中の人々が盲目になってしまう」("An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind")は、暴力の無意味さを訴えています。

  3. 教育と啓発活動

  4. 銃規制の強化

  5. 社会的支援の充実


The Frequent Occurrence of Homicides in the United States and Its Background

Homicides frequently occur in the United States. Does this mean that Americans are an aggressive people? When we look at the statistics of homicides by country, the United States is at the top, while Japan is at the bottom. The number of murderers per capita in the United States is eight times that of Japan. One might speculate that this is because Americans are often involved in wars and tend to have a meat-based diet, whereas Japanese people are smaller in stature and tend to be more herbivorous.

Indeed, there are ethnic differences, but the issue lies not only in individual personalities but also in the surrounding environment. Being human, anyone can lose their temper and feel a surge of anger, sometimes to the point of wanting to kill someone. If a gun or a Japanese sword is nearby at such a moment, the tools to commit a violent act are readily available. At that moment, the individual may lose control and end up using the gun or sword to harm the other person. This is akin to the old saying, "quarrel and blades."

When there are no suitable weapons around, even if someone loses their temper, the "intense anger" doesn't last long, and reason can eventually calm it down. In other words, whether or not a murder occurs can be influenced by the availability of a weapon.

Aggressive Cue Theory and Its Proof

L. Berkowitz proposed the "Aggressive Cue Theory." He confirmed through experiments that the presence of weapons near someone who is motivated to engage in aggression can enhance aggressive behavior.

This was demonstrated in an experiment involving electric shocks. When participants took turns giving each other electric shocks, the shocks tended to become more retaliatory. When a gun was placed nearby, the shocks became stronger compared to when there was no gun. Even if the person didn't realize it, seeing the gun subconsciously increased their aggressiveness. The gun culture in the United States should be reformed as soon as possible.

Managing Weapons and Preventative Measures

As the saying goes, "quarrel and blades," it is crucial not to place knives or weapons near people who are quick to anger. Most murderers purchase weapons before committing their crimes. If they had not been carrying weapons, many of the worst situations could have been avoided. When someone loses their temper, if there is no weapon nearby, they are less likely to commit a crime. Unless the aggression is pathological, it usually subsides quickly.

In Japan, the homicide clearance rate exceeds 90%, and the severity of punishments means that murder is not a feasible crime. Statistically, impulsive murders often occur within close human relationships, such as family or acquaintances, so it is important to be mindful of this in daily life. The mechanisms leading individuals with conflicts or disputes to commit crimes include low levels of socialization, impulsive personalities, and the existence of subcultures that condone aggression.

Increasing Military Expenditure and Global Peace

Currently, many countries are increasing their military expenditures. However, the enhancement of military power does not necessarily lead to peace. American linguist Noam Chomsky has stated, "War is the greatest folly of mankind." It is important to pursue peace through international cooperation and dialogue rather than relying on military strength.

Specific Examples and Practical Applications

  1. Nonviolent Communication
    Proposed by Marshall Rosenberg, Nonviolent Communication (NVC) is a method that promotes empathetic dialogue and conflict resolution. By focusing on feelings and needs, it helps prevent aggressive responses.

  2. Gandhi's Nonviolent Resistance
    Mahatma Gandhi's nonviolent resistance is a method of seeking social change without using violence. His famous quote, "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind," highlights the futility of violence.

  3. Education and Awareness Campaigns
    Eliminating violence requires education and awareness campaigns. Implementing violence prevention programs in schools and communities and teaching the importance of dialogue and cooperation to children are essential.

  4. Strengthening Gun Control
    Strengthening gun control in the United States can reduce gun violence. For example, Australia dramatically reduced its gun homicide rate by implementing strict gun control measures following the 1996 Port Arthur massacre.

  5. Enhancing Social Support
    Enhancing social support can address the root causes of violent behavior. Mental health support, economic assistance, and domestic violence prevention programs are necessary.

By implementing these practical examples, we can aim to reduce homicides and achieve a peaceful society. Proper management of weapons, education, and enhanced social support are the keys to building a better society.