第一印象の影響 | 阿波の梟のブログ




人間である限り、「人付き合い」や「人間関係」は人生を大きく左右します。その中でも特に重要なのが「第一印象(First Impression)」です。第一印象は、その後の印象に大きな影響を及ぼすためです。心理学者ソロモン・アッシュ(Solomon Asch)は、この現象を「初頭効果(Primacy Effect)」と呼びました。



実験内容: 被験者に「AさんとBさんの印象を教えてください」と尋ねました。

  • Aさんの特徴: 知的 → 勤勉 → 衝動的 → 批判的 → 頑固 → 嫉妬深い
  • Bさんの特徴: 嫉妬深い → 頑固 → 批判的 → 衝動的 → 勤勉 → 知的


この実験は、情報の受け取る順序が印象を大きく左右する「順序効果(Order Effect)」を証明しました。最初の性格情報がその人の印象を大きく左右するのです。


アメリカの心理学者アルバート・メラビアン(Albert Mehrabian)は、1971年に「メラビアンの法則(Mehrabian's Rule)」を提唱しました。この法則によると、人を判断するときの情報の55%は視覚情報(Visual)、38%は聴覚情報(Vocal)、7%が言語情報(Verbal)によるものです。これを「3Vの法則(3V's Rule)」と呼びます。




  1. 笑顔で迎える

  2. 装いや身なり

  3. 話すスピードや話し方

  4. 共感的理解

  5. 感謝と関心の伝達


The Importance and Impact of First Impressions in Human Relationships

As long as we are human, "social interactions" and "human relationships" greatly influence our lives. Among these, the most important is the "first impression." This is because the first impression significantly affects subsequent perceptions. Psychologist Solomon Asch referred to this phenomenon as the "Primacy Effect."

Experiment on the Primacy Effect

Asch conducted an experiment to prove the existence of the primacy effect.

Experiment: Participants were asked, "What is your impression of Person A and Person B?"

  • Person A's traits: Intelligent → Industrious → Impulsive → Critical → Stubborn → Jealous
  • Person B's traits: Jealous → Stubborn → Critical → Impulsive → Industrious → Intelligent

The traits of Person A and Person B are identical, but the order of presentation differs. Person A's traits are listed from "positive to negative," while Person B's traits are listed from "negative to positive." As a result, participants evaluated Person A as a good person with abilities and only a few flaws, whereas they evaluated Person B as having flaws and lacking ability.

This experiment demonstrates the "Order Effect," where the order in which information is received greatly influences impressions. The initial information about a person's character significantly influences their overall impression.

The Mehrabian Rule and the Importance of Visual Information

American psychologist Albert Mehrabian proposed the "Mehrabian's Rule" in 1971. According to this rule, 55% of the information used to judge a person comes from visual information (Visual), 38% from auditory information (Vocal), and 7% from verbal information (Verbal). This is known as the "3 V's Rule."

Ichiro Takeuchi's book "People Are Judged 90% by Their Appearance" popularized this rule, emphasizing the importance of visual information. About 87% of the sensory information comes from sight, making visual information extremely important.

It is generally said that first impressions, such as "a refreshing person" or "a kind person," are judged within the first 15 seconds. The image is stored in the brain like a photograph within the first 15 seconds of meeting someone.

Practical Examples to Improve First Impressions

  1. Greet with a Smile
    It is important to greet new people with a natural smile that gives a sense of security and friendliness. Keep your gaze at a natural height, avoid putting too much strength in your eyes, and slightly raise the corners of your mouth to create a pleasant smile.

  2. Appearance and Dress
    To appeal to the human instinct that favors good quality DNA, maintain a clean and lively appearance. Bright eyes, good posture, and graceful body movements are crucial. A dirty or unkempt appearance can make others unwilling to meet you again.

  3. Speaking Speed and Manner
    Speaking speed, tone of voice, and content are also important. Not only your expression but also showing interest in the other person is crucial. Be mindful of keywords in the other person's conversation to understand their desires and values.

  4. Empathetic Understanding
    By empathetically understanding and accepting the opinions and thoughts of others, you can deepen your life experiences. Merely rejecting or denying others can narrow your perspective. Stand in the other person's shoes and empathetically accept their viewpoints.

  5. Expressing Gratitude and Interest
    It is important to convey genuine gratitude and interest to others. Everyone has the desire to be "appreciated," "acknowledged," "noticed," and "loved." Demonstrating active interest in the other person is crucial.

By practicing these examples, you can create a positive first impression and build good relationships. Cherish your encounters with people and focus on daily communication to live a better life.