未来を描く心の中の予想図 | 阿波の梟のブログ



未来を描く心の中の予想図が、次第に現実となっていく。この言葉は、DREAMS COME TRUEの『未来予想図Ⅱ』の一節から引用したものである。このように、夢や目標が叶うと信じる人は多いだろう。

夢や目標が「必ず叶う」と強く信じることで、それが現実化する可能性が高まる。社会心理学には「予言の自己成就」(self-fulfilling prophecy)と呼ばれる現象がある。これは、預言されたことに基づいて行動することによって、その預言が現実となる現象である。




SMARTの法則(SMART criteria)という目標設定の方法論がある。これは認知心理学を応用し、人間を情報処理システムとして考え、問題解決のフレームワークを提供するものである。SMARTは次の5つの英語の頭文字から成り立つ:

  • Specific「具体的であること」
  • Measurable「計測可能であること」
  • Achievable「達成可能であること」
  • Relevant「現実的であること」
  • Time-bound「期限が明確であること」



筆者としては、かつて持っていた目標や夢が薄れつつある。しかし、最も大切な目標として、悔いなく安らかに生きることを挙げたい。これは哲学者ソクラテスが言った「よく生きること、すなわち善く生きること」(To live well, that is to live rightly)と共鳴するものである。


In our hearts, the visions of the future we continually paint gradually become reality. This sentiment is drawn from a line in DREAMS COME TRUE's song "Mirai Yosouzu II." Many people wish for their dreams and goals to come true, just like in this song.

Believing strongly that dreams and goals will "surely come true" increases the likelihood of them becoming reality. In social psychology, there is a phenomenon known as the "self-fulfilling prophecy." This occurs when a prediction causes individuals to act in ways that lead to the fulfillment of that prediction.

A prophecy is realized when those who prophesy or those who receive the prophecy act in accordance with it, leading to its fulfillment. This differs from scientifically proven predictions, such as weather forecasts. For example, the concept of "Laplace's demon" in classical mechanics suggested that with enough scientific knowledge, the future could be determined. However, as the "butterfly effect" demonstrates, small differences in initial conditions can make future predictions extremely difficult.

In contrast, non-scientific predictions such as horoscopes, blood type personality classifications, and mystical prophecies in revelatory religions often seem more accurate. This is because those who believe in these predictions act in ways that make them come true, whether consciously or unconsciously. This is similar to how "Paul the Octopus" accurately predicted soccer match outcomes.

Effectively using the "self-fulfilling prophecy" can lead to achieving goals and realizing self-fulfillment. For example, clearly defining your goals and writing them down on paper can significantly change your life. In cognitive psychology, this is known as a "cognitive bias." Writing down your life goals and visions for the future can help concretize them and encourage actions toward their achievement. It has been shown that even those who commit crimes and show no remorse can develop a tendency toward repentance by writing "reflection papers."

Once you set your goals and dreams, believe in yourself. And believe that they will "surely come true."

There is a methodology called the SMART criteria for setting goals. This applies cognitive psychology by viewing humans as information processing systems and provides a framework for problem-solving and goal achievement. SMART stands for:

  • Specific: Goals should be clear and specific.
  • Measurable: Goals should be measurable and quantifiable.
  • Achievable: Goals should be attainable.
  • Relevant: Goals should be realistic and result-oriented.
  • Time-bound: Goals should have a clear deadline.

Using this framework makes goal-setting more specific and realistic, and clarifies the path to achievement.

To achieve goals, it is crucial to believe in yourself first. Then, believe that they will "surely come true." There are various methods to realize your goals, and these involve both successes and failures. Ultimately, reaching your goal is what matters.

As for myself, my goals and dreams have gradually diminished. If I were to state one, it would be to live without regrets and pass away peacefully. This resonates with the philosopher Socrates' statement, "To live well, that is to live rightly."

Setting goals and striving toward them enriches your life and can influence others as well. Continuing to hold onto your dreams and goals is the first step toward self-fulfillment.