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Considering Intellectuals

As an ordinary person myself, I want to contemplate the concept of an "intellectual" that I admire.

First, Edward W. Said's "Representations of the Intellectual" comes to mind. This book is a collection of lectures by Said, a Palestinian-American, delivered on BBC Radio.

In his book, Said defines intellectuals as follows: "An intellectual is an exile, a marginal figure, an amateur, and a speaker of truth to power." This definition is quite symbolic and somewhat difficult to grasp.

The Role and Characteristics of Intellectuals

The term "intellectual exile" seems to mean keeping a distance from the centralized authority of any ideology, religion, political organization, or academic system, and not settling within a specialized field but placing oneself on the periphery, continuously thinking and being concerned about society. This suggests that intellectuals should view events from a broader perspective and should not be confined to any single organization or ideology.

Being an "amateur," according to Said, means not being driven by profit or reward but by a passionate spirit and insatiable curiosity, striving to gain a broader perspective, overcoming boundaries and obstacles to create various connections, and pursuing ideas and values free from the constraints of a professional occupation.

Criticism of Intellectuals and Their Social Impact

American sociologist Charles Wright Mills, in "The Sociological Imagination," criticizes university intellectuals. He warns that university people, by becoming too specialized, are losing their ability to participate in public debate, suggesting that journalists are more intellectual in this regard.

Jean-Paul Sartre placed a significant role for intellectuals in social participation. He joined the Communist Party (later leaving it) and spoke out on political events, emphasizing the importance of intellectuals' involvement in societal changes.

Among the intellectuals recognized by Said is Noam Chomsky, whose political influence is greater than his impact on linguistics. Chomsky is cautious of the role of intellectuals becoming autonomous.

The Responsibility and Ethics of Intellectuals

Julien Benda, a Jewish-French philosopher, in "The Treason of the Intellectuals," states: "Intellectuals, who should be the spokesmen for universal values such as truth and justice, are losing sight of the essence by getting caught up in political debates." Intellectuals always have the responsibility to pursue universal values.

Modern Intellectuals and Society

Today, the number of professionals, qualified individuals, and experts is increasing, and fields are becoming increasingly specialized. However, all intellectual disciplines share a common form, and their attitudes and methods are uniform. Regardless of the subject of academic research, it involves observing external facts, describing them, synthesizing materials, classifying, explaining, and critiquing them while adding new personal insights. As long as it is science or knowledge, one should not immerse oneself in the subject matter, whether it is religion or morality.

Intellectuals are not necessarily superior in human qualities. They may be frail and nervous, but without such people, civilization would not progress. Although their thinking and discourse are conceptual and logical, they often lack balance with other important virtues and are significantly lacking in self-cultivation.

Intellectual endeavors and academic pursuits are entirely unrelated to personal character development, and often the pursuit of knowledge worsens one's character. As Galileo noted, they may become "devils with wisdom." Given their significant influence, intellectuals can be dangerous figures. When deeply considered, they can be seen as individuals committing grave sins and enemies of democracy.

Quotes and Examples

At the beginning of Goethe's "Faust," the lament of the intellectual Faust is expressed:

"I've studied now Philosophy
And Jurisprudence, Medicine,
And even, alas! Theology,
From end to end, with labor keen;
And here, poor fool! with all my lore
I stand no wiser than before."

This statement reflects the futility and limitations of pursuing knowledge.


The role of intellectuals is diverse, contributing significantly to social change and the pursuit of truth. However, their significant influence comes with great responsibility. Intellectuals must continually strive to view things from multiple perspectives and pursue universal values. Their presence is indispensable for societal progress and development, but their role and influence must always be carefully considered.