「空海の四不殺に学ぶ」 | 阿波の梟のブログ





1. 「嗜慾を以って身を殺す無かれ。」シラーもまた、「人間は、欲で自分を殺してしまう」と述べました。現代社会では、過度な飲酒や喫煙、食べ過ぎが健康を害し、自らの命を縮めることが多々あります。2. 「貨財を以って孫を殺す無かれ。」西郷隆盛が家訓とした「子孫に美田を残さず。」は、この教訓と同じ意味を持ちます。過剰な遺産を残すことで、子孫が努力せずに堕落する可能性があります。

3. 「政事を以って民を殺す無かれ。」政治の影響で、古今東西多くの民が犠牲になってきました。現在でも世界中で紛争や戦争が絶えません。政治・経済の混乱や世界の紛争が多くの人々の生活を脅かし、無辜の民が命を落としているています。4. 「学術を以って天下を殺す無かれ。」学問や教育が間違った方向に進むと、天下を混乱させる恐れがあります。歴史を振り返ると、誤ったイデオロギーや思想が社会全体を混乱に陥れた例は数多くあります。


"Now is the Time to Learn from Kūkai's Four Non-Killings"

At the sacred site of Mount Kōya, one of the teachings left behind by Kūkai is the "Four Non-Killings." Let us explore the significance of these four teachings in the modern era.

  1. "Do not kill yourself through indulgence." Schiller also stated, "Man kills himself with desire." In modern society, excessive drinking, smoking, and overeating often harm our health and shorten our lives.

  2. "Do not kill your descendants with wealth." Saigō Takamori's family motto, "Do not leave fertile fields to your descendants," carries the same meaning as this teaching. Leaving an excessive inheritance can lead to descendants becoming lazy and decadent without effort.

  3. "Do not kill the people with politics." Throughout history, many people have been sacrificed due to political influence. Even today, conflicts and wars continue around the world. Political and economic turmoil and global conflicts threaten the lives of many people, and innocent civilians lose their lives.

  4. "Do not kill the world with scholarship." If scholarship and education go in the wrong direction, they can lead to confusion in the world. Looking back at history, there are numerous examples of incorrect ideologies and thoughts causing societal chaos.

In summary, we should aim for the happiness and peace of society as a whole, without misusing the powers of desire, wealth, politics, and scholarship. Each of us should always be aware of the impact we have on others and strive to build a better future.