現代への警鐘 | 阿波の梟のブログ





  1. 「嗜慾を以って身を殺す無かれ。」
  2. 「貨財を以って孫を殺す無かれ。」
  3. 「政事を以って民を殺す無かれ。」
  4. 「学術を以って天下を殺す無かれ。」


1. 「嗜慾を以って身を殺す無かれ。」(Do not kill yourself with desires)

シラーもまた、「人間は、欲で自分を殺してしまう」と述べました。例えば、生活習慣病(lifestyle diseases)もその一例です。現代社会では、過度な飲酒や喫煙、食べ過ぎが健康を害し、自らの命を縮めることが多々あります。具体例として、過労死(karoshi)もまた、過度な労働欲によって自分の命を奪う現象です。

2. 「貨財を以って孫を殺す無かれ。」(Do not kill your descendants with wealth)

西郷隆盛が家訓とした「子孫に美田を残さず。」(Do not leave fertile fields to descendants)は、この教訓と同じ意味を持ちます。過剰な遺産(inheritance)を残すことで、子孫が努力せずに堕落する可能性があります。近年では、著名な企業家たちが自らの財産を慈善活動に寄付し、子孫に過度な財産を残さないことを選択しています。

3. 「政事を以って民を殺す無かれ。」(Do not kill the people with politics)


4. 「学術を以って天下を殺す無かれ。」(Do not kill the world with scholarship)





The Teachings of Kukai and Cui Ziyu: A Warning for the Present Day

At the sacred site of Mount Koya, one of the writings left behind by Kukai is the "Inscription for Ziyu by His Side." Cui Ziyu, also known as Cui Yan (77-142), was a sage of the Later Han Dynasty, a scholar, and a statesman during the era when Cao Cao and Liu Bei were active. Among his works is a set of teachings known as the "Four Do-Nots."

  1. "Do not kill yourself with desires."
  2. "Do not kill your descendants with wealth."
  3. "Do not kill the people with politics."
  4. "Do not kill the world with scholarship."

These teachings, though articulated around 1800 years ago, still hold significant relevance today.

1. "Do not kill yourself with desires."

Friedrich Schiller also noted that "man kills himself with desires." Lifestyle diseases are a prime example of this. In modern society, excessive drinking, smoking, and overeating often lead to severe health issues, shortening one’s lifespan. Examples include "karoshi" (death by overwork) in Japan, a phenomenon where excessive work driven by desire leads to one’s premature death.

2. "Do not kill your descendants with wealth."

This teaching is akin to Saigo Takamori's family precept: "Do not leave fertile fields to your descendants." Excessive inheritance can lead to the degradation of one’s descendants, who may become indolent and dependent. In recent years, prominent entrepreneurs have chosen to donate their wealth to charity rather than leaving excessive wealth to their heirs.

3. "Do not kill the people with politics."

Throughout history, countless lives have been lost due to political strife. Even today, conflicts and wars continue to claim innocent lives around the globe. Political and economic turmoil threatens the well-being of many. Examples include the Syrian civil war and the conflict in Ukraine, where political disputes have led to significant loss of innocent lives.

4. "Do not kill the world with scholarship."

When education and scholarship veer in the wrong direction, they have the potential to disrupt society at large. History shows many instances where erroneous ideologies and philosophies have caused widespread suffering. Examples include the extreme forms of Nazism and communism, which have caused immense human suffering.


The teachings of Cui Ziyu, encapsulated in the "Four Do-Nots," continue to serve as a crucial warning for contemporary society. We must use desire, wealth, politics, and scholarship wisely, aiming for the greater good and peace of society. Just as the popular Meiji era song "Daimyo of various provinces kill with bows and arrows, the daughter of the thread shop kills with her eyes" suggests, each individual's influence on others should be carefully considered, embodying the principle of "Thou shalt not kill."

With these lessons in mind, we must confront modern challenges and work towards building a better future.