日本人の風呂好き | 阿波の梟のブログ










When we talk about the Japanese love for baths, images of ancient Roman baths often come to mind, but the origins of this custom in Japan are surprisingly modern. Common people only began to soak in hot water during the Edo period. Before that, the primary form of bathing was akin to today’s saunas.

The word "furo" (風呂) is derived from "fu" (風), meaning steam, and "ro" (呂), meaning a deep room. Steam baths similar to modern saunas were introduced to Japan by the Scythians of Central Asia in the mid-6th century, along with Buddhism. These baths were used for cleansing both the body and the spirit, a practice known as "misogi" (禊).

Back then, steam baths were located deep within temples and were free for anyone to use. This led to the custom of referring to bathing as "receiving" or "taking" a bath. After steaming, people would take cold baths or scrub their bodies, much like today’s spa treatments.

To prevent burns while in the steam bath, people wore a linen garment called "yukatabira" (湯帷子). Over time, the "bira" was dropped, and it became "yukata" (浴衣). Linen was ideal for yukata because it was strong and quick-drying. Initially, yukata were considered undergarments meant to be worn away from public view, but they have since become a beloved symbol of Japanese summer.

Sitting for long periods in the steam bath would make the steam rising from below the slatted floor quite hot. People began to bring folded linen cloths to sit on, which became known as "furoshiki" (風呂敷). Originally used for sitting, they eventually became used for wrapping clothes and other items. Today, furoshiki are used by judges to wrap important documents, far removed from their original purpose of being sat upon.

Modern yukata are made from cotton, simple in design and structure, and widely cherished. They are inexpensive, easy to wear, and come in stylish designs, making them popular souvenirs for tourists. The sound of wooden sandals (geta) is also favored, turning yukata into resort wear in summer retreats. Naturally, they are indispensable in hot spring inns.

Thus, Japanese bath culture has evolved over time, becoming deeply ingrained in our lives. Alongside its history, it continues to warm our hearts and bodies, providing us with rich and relaxing experiences.